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Everything posted by Koi

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHrYGY9X854 09th December 2014, Sant Baba Teja Singh Ji Maharaj (Rara Sahib), at Amrit Vela left their sareer. Waheguru...
  2. Was there a post a little while ago (possibly done by yourself) explaining these stages in more detail, and relating them to the 5 Khands? Many thanks
  3. So, by your logic, if you saw the sun and say "the sun has risen.", then I see the sun and say "the sun has risen. ", does that mean I've copied you? Also, no need for any achaar when you have mattar paneer!
  4. I would have to disagree. Whilst inner closeness etc is important, we simply DO NOT have the right to alter the traditions the Guru has set down for us. To flip the point slightly, would you condemn the Guru, Sant, Mahapurakh etc for the way they conducted their weddings i.e. groom in front? Would you say that they did not practice "equality".?
  5. I guess it's just a warped understanding of equality. Technically, the girl was standing closer to the Guru. How is that "equal" ?
  6. I think it's because as soon as someone does mention the word kshatriya or anything similar, some posters (who have their own agenda) are ready in waiting on the side lines to assimilate it in to Hinduism. Similarities does not mean copy. Just because I have eyes, doesn't mean I copied you
  7. Personal insults aside, please remember that Brahm Gian is not limited to any caste. Any contributions made to any Granth would not have been because of caste, but because of the contributor's bhagti/Gian (whether he be a brahmin or a tomato planter).
  8. If in any doubt, then just keep it with your religious items and Gutka etc.
  9. Since I'm not even 30 yet, I'm sure it was ! I suppose the "ab" in Punjab is a farsi (root Arabic) word. However, the Panj would come from root Sanskrit, so I'm not sure how Arabs would solely be responsible for naming Punjab.
  10. Agreed. Gandhi's interpretation of the Gita does not do it justice. However, as far as the Buddha and Buddhist philosophy is concerned, I'm not sure they advocate complete pacifism. Remember, the original masters of karate and kung fu were Buddhist (who spread the arts to the far east)
  11. Interesting...please explain. How so?
  12. What do you mean by this? Hindu Granths aside, which Sikh Granths have Sikhs not made a contribution (or very little contribution) to? "Your Community"? So, you do see Sikhs as separate and distinct from Hindus ? It's a shame that, as soon as you got the answers to your questions, you resorted to cheapshots like the above. Oh well...
  13. Insults aside, I hope this clears up the Kishan Bishan confusion. As far as idol destoyer goes, the Guru explained the following to Aurangzeb: Aurangzeb's army would break idols in mandirs (as you know). Some mandirs being very big would have thousands of worshippers daily. But now, with that idol broken, the worshippers began setting up idols in their homes. Guru Ji explains to Aurangzeb that you have not broken one idol, but created thousands. Now, the Gurusikh way is opposed to idol worship. So, it is that the Guru is preaching against the mentality of idol worship, to rise above it. This is what the Guru means when he says that He/the Khalsa is the real idol breaker.. Hope that clears it up for you.
  14. So, now KPS Gill, the butcher of Punjab, is now a "reliable source"? Very nice..... (!)
  15. The dera mukhi has committed crimes which would be considered deplorable by any standards. However, understanding the meanings of the Guru's Bani is important (lest you be offended! ). So I ask you again: A) what do you understand by Kishan Bishan, I'm the idol destroyer, and why do you find it offensive? Would be happy to continue this on a new thread if you deem it more appropriate.
  16. I agree context is important e.g. The Guru- Sikh relation between Krishan Ji Maharaj and Arjun. However, I don't think that this would apply to someone of today claiming Krishan Ji as their guru.
  17. No doubt the test is important, but the test in the entirety is not the initiation. It was because they surrendered completely to the Guru that they recieved inititation. Or, to put it another way, they passed the test and got the certificate. Another way to look at it is that, for example, you can read all the books and have all the knowledge. But it doesn't mean much if you aren't registered in a school, because you can't take the exams, pass or get the certificate. Physical/outer initiation is not the be all and end all, but it is still very important.
  18. In the context of Mahabharat, I can see the Guru - Sikh relation between Krishan Ji and Arjun. However, where would the importance of being directly initiated be placed, in the context of a person of this time claiming Krishan Ji as their guru (as no direct initiation has/can be taken place)?
  19. Interesting point. So, would you agree that it's more a case of the Guru giving a direct updesh (Gurmantar, rehit etc.) to the Sikh than just simply asking for general instruction/advice/guidance?
  20. A question for you (or anybody else who might know) You say that "your Guru said in the Gita". Do you consider Sri Krishan Ji Maharaj your Guru? My understanding was that adopting a Guru involved taking Charan Pahul or Khande Pahul , or whatever was required for the Guru - Sikh tradition. I can understand Sri Krishan Ji Maharaj being your Isht Dev, but how your Guru? A genuine question.
  21. Shahrukh khan tossing the Koran at feet of Durga? Where? When?
  22. Without answering any of the questions rationally, you've simply resorted to throwing insults back and forth. Now, let's try this again: Is Brahm Gian attainable ONLY through hindu scriptures? That is to say, do the hindu nation/scriptures have a monopoly/copyright on the universal divine truth?
  23. Let me put it this way: Is Brahm Gian attainable ONLY through hindu scriptures?
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