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Everything posted by Xylitol

  1. amritvela. effort efffort effort effort effort effort effort effort effort sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat amritvela and good stabilizing food.
  2. it's funny how if any right wing Brit makes fun of pakistanis for this practice, they can just point at the royal family
  3. mere worship isn't enough, a person must read, reflect, and put teachings into practice. btw, dress and diet are a part of our dharm too, but only a starting point. people get caught up in these and stop progress. from the context we can see that worship of the granth isn't regarded as a negative. look at those who are closest to satguru, those with the highest avastha. Baba Nand Singh ji and other mahapurkhs treated Guru Granth Sahib ji with utmost respect and devotion. They did worship it. But included putting the teachings into practice as a part of that worship.
  4. guru granth sahib ji is partakh guru, so we dont' just metha tekh to the gian but the actual form as well.
  5. seems to me activists of '84 are only overemphasized to youth, not to aum sangat. personally, i think the various mechanisms sikhs are using to get our state are legit. but the main thing that's missing is that we need more bhagti. the ability to work together too, but that comes from nimrata, which comes from bhagti. we'll get our state. nishaan sahib will fly over lal killa.
  6. you can take hukumnama with concentrated mind to answer your questions.
  7. Nasa warns of impending solar storm an EMF would permanently fry electrical circuits. See Gyani Thakur Singh's katha.
  8. doom mongers should generally be ignored, unless they have an amazing track record of being right and are prone to examinng facts rather than conspiracy theories. Look up Gerald Celente, his track record speaks for itself. If you want an idea of what the future holds for the united states, look at what happened to Argentina after it fell from 1st to 3rd world status due to an economic collapse. ferfal.blogspot.com. Now, add in international war and the threat of terror strikes, and you see what will happen to the states. Mahapurkhs also warn of impending collapse and the need to get ready.
  9. i did a search for something, typed in sikhawareness.com into the search box along with another term, the sites that came up included sikhphilosophy and tapoban, but no sikhawareness!!!!!!
  10. lol, i couldn't do tupp like that! no, i was just talking about kushki from regular sikh living, albeit with an abhyaasi bent.
  11. if it's the womb, then he spent a long time in that womb. it's typical missionary rubbish.
  12. but when simran is increased then khuskhi increases, sometimes a lot.
  13. listen to gyani thakur singh ji's katha about the upcoming third world war. i don't think governments will wait for oil to peak before they start going nuts. look at the usa in iraq, it's already started. btw, i think most survivalists ideas of living in isolated mountain retreats is nutty. most people would die from loneliness. better to live in rural areas, or small cities with a rural support base and to have a good network.
  14. just use a dry cloth, wipe off the dust and wipe it onto your forehead imagining that each pair of shoes belongs to guru nanak. keep meditating the whole time and afterwards ask for maafi for mistakes. washing dishes is also good. anything is good really. but i like washing dishes a lot.
  15. how often do you have to wash kesh using this oil to prevent any bad smell?
  16. What's a good oil to use to prevent khushki that doesn't smell too much?
  17. kamai is earned through seeva simran and santsangat. it is kept through keeping rahit. it is lost through indulgence in vikaars. to reach the end point requires a great deal of kamai. in each life, at some point, we pick up where we left off. the storehouse of karma is burned up by kamai, but some karams have to be experienced no matter what. in each janam, a chunk of good karm is used up and manifests in good things we have, like house, family, good opportunities, and a chunk of bad karm. next janam, we may have it as easy, maybe easier, or maybe waaaaaaaaaaay worse dependiing on our karams. once those good karam 'chunks' are gone, they're gone. our life, and the last thought at the moment of death, determine our next life. in the end, guru ji choooses to grant us mukti (and beyond). all gains are to be looked at as his grace. our ultimate aim is to become enlightened (one with god, a bhramgiani) but remain in Guru ji's charan. basically, not be selfish, be His. mukti is a small thing in front of this.
  18. criticism of desis is often just as harsh on this forum as criticism of whites, sometimes even more so. freedom of speech is really valued around here. i hope that you give this forum a bit of a longer trial run than you have so far.
  19. does dream yoga expend spiritual energy? is it different from astral travel or lucid dreaming?
  20. when i mentioned subsaharan africa i meant how many areas have such an aids epidemic that children are raising children and parents are wiped out. people are struggling to eat. i wasn't referring to people living traditional tribal ways of life, that actually sounds quite peaceful.
  21. when a person does bhagti and remains celibate they gain a great deal of energy and need less sleep. particularly if they do amritvela bhagti. i heard from a mahapurkhs sevadar that the physical body needs 6 hours of complete rest a day, although the mind can be awake during that time.
  22. i think personally, they are metaphoric (state of mind) as well as literal. imagine being reincarnated onto a world just like earth but ruled by communists who suppress dharm and freedom. Or being reincarnated into subsaharan africa. Or a world ruled by secular humanists!!! Hell.
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