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  1. Haha
    Premi got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    I think Michelle also needs to correct the title as it contains a grammatical error
  2. Thanks
    Premi reacted to GurjantGnostic in Sexual Misconduct Crisis in Canadian Armed Forces   
    One dude in the military did shoot himself more than once, but it was twice, and almost impossible to do because if you shoot yourself, you drop the gun, and have to crawl over to it, pick it back up, and shoot again. No way that is happening five times. 
    The conscious dissonance of the mind trying to accept Kalyug is strong enough. The confusion of looking around and seeing everything be shit, everyone act like shit.
    Then you go places like universities and the military expecting these groups to be the ones set apart from the delidri masses and...boom...there you are deeper in kalyug than ever, in fact working for kalyug, surrounded by more hate and ignorance than ever. You thought you were signing up to be a hero, and fight shoulder to shoulder with real men and women for a good cause. Then you realize you sold your life to evil people, to be surrounded by evil people who are worse than any bogiman they told you was the enemy. Your faith in your government, and humanity itself crumbles and many people choose to off themselves rather than put back together the broken pieces of themselves let alone their shattered worldview. 
    I have looked everywhere. The Paanth is the only place of hope. The only thing worth joining, the only thing worth sorting out. Everything else is corrupt in nature or too far gone. 
  3. Like
    Premi got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    I think Michelle also needs to correct the title as it contains a grammatical error
  4. Like
    Premi got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    Which country are you in please, Michelle ?
    Are the interviews by screen message, audio, Zoom, online questionnaire ?
  5. Like
    Premi reacted to mahanpaapi in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    sure, you can pm for interview.
  6. Confused
    Premi reacted to Kaur10 in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    I am happy to answer your questions
  7. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    It's called 'Due Diligence'. 
    Try using it. 
    At least find out what institute it is for, and what the objectives are.
    I think some of you didn't get enough attention growing up.  
    And where did you pop out of nowhere all of a sudden?
  8. Haha
    Premi reacted to GurjantGnostic in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    And don't procrastinate lol.  
  9. Like
    Premi reacted to GurjantGnostic in RASE Report: Religiously Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of Sikh Girls (download link)   
    Amen bro. Happens in this country all the time, for a long time. See what you can get away with? No go ahead and get with it. 
  10. Thanks
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in RASE Report: Religiously Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of Sikh Girls (download link)   
    I'm pretty sure these types of 'slaps on the wrist' sentences just sent a message to the warped predators to do it even more.  
    History clearly shows this to be the case. 
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Premi got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    Dear @Michelle please share more with us about the purpose of the Interview, including proof of any official documentation from your Institution. 
  13. Like
    Premi got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    Dear @Michelle please share more with us about the purpose of the Interview, including proof of any official documentation from your Institution. 
  14. Like
    Premi reacted to Guransh SIngh in Raagmalla is not bani   
    Those who don't believe in raagmala have no right to be called mahapurkh as simple as that.
  15. Like
    Premi reacted to ipledgeblue in Raagmalla is not bani   
    The worst thing is they don't stop at raagmala, most of these so-called gursikhs also ignore the end of Benti Chaupai and also skip Arril, then make pathetic excuses for skipping these.  Look how these troublemakers have confused the innocent sangat!!! I think SGPC and some jathebandis promote this grave Bhasauria corruption of benti chaupai bani!

    See below link for chaupai sahib mental gymnastics:

    What is the correct length of Chaupai Sahib? | Frequently Asked Questions about Akhand Kirtani Jatha (akjfaq.com)
  16. Like
    Premi reacted to Guransh SIngh in Raagmalla is not bani   
    Who knew that such grave times will come. Many people say that the panth is facing many dangers from outside but those are nothing, changing bani according to one's own mindset is the biggest problem currently.
  17. Like
    Premi reacted to GurjantGnostic in Would any Sikh's out there be open to being interviewed   
    At least @Michelle knows to call Sikhi, Sikhi. 
  18. Like
    Premi reacted to sevak in Training after 40 - experiences and tips   
    I will provide you some evidence later. But HIIT is not safe. Especially Over 40. I even dont recommend to over 30. Be careful 
  19. Like
    Premi reacted to GurjantGnostic in Training after 40 - experiences and tips   
    Too much or too extreme anything and it's no good. Intervals are fine, it's the level of exertion and lack of rest that make this hiit bad for somebody. 
  20. Thanks
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in RASE Report: Religiously Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of Sikh Girls (download link)   
    I just read the RASE report and I think that not only should every Sikh in the UK read it, those in other western diaspora communities (i.e. Canada and the US) should read it too, so they can be aware of such things taking place in their own countries of residence and also be informed about the persistent inaction by English authorities in dealing with this matter over decades. 
    (Update:) Download from below. The original website has been removed. 

  21. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in RASE Report: Religiously Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of Sikh Girls (download link)   
    Anyone read the report then? 
    I thought it was seriously eye opening myself. 
  22. Like
  23. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in RASE Report: Religiously Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of Sikh Girls (download link)   
    Anyone see a pattern? ^^^^
    Girl, 12, went to police station to report sexual assault - but officers sent her away with OTHER abusers who went on to rape her 15 times
    The incident happened in October 2007 when the victim, now 27, was subjected to more than 20 assaults by eight men in one night, including 15 rapes  Just one attacker,  Shakil Chowdhury, now 54, was caught and jailed for six years Greater Manchester Police failed to produce 'forensic strategy', returned evidence to Chowdhury and destroyed 24 items of evidence, investigation found Victim was also subjected to grooming by teacher Paul Waites, now 48, despite telling social workers who claimed she was 'very attention seeking' Victim case to be examined in probe into child sexual exploitation in Oldham  
    A woman has detailed her experience after she put her trust into the hands of police after a sex attack, but was handed to predators who inflicted more abuse at the age of just 12. 
    The young girl was sent away by a desk clerk who told her to accept a lift home with two men who were at the police station over motoring issues. 
    It was just the beginning for the young girl, who suffered more than 20 assaults by eight men in one night, including 15 rapes.
    Now 27, the woman continues to fight for answers, writes the Sunday Mirror. 
    Just one attacker was caught but 15 years on, and the victim has not received justice, after the Independent Office for Police Conduct found a string of failings, yet failed to launch disciplinary action against any officers. 
    The case is now part of an independent probe into child sexual exploitation - but only after the victim insisted that it be included. 
    Talking to the Sunday Mirror, the victim said:  'It's derailed my life. It's always there, even when I try to move on.
    'No child should have to go through what I did. I'm speaking out to protect others. The trauma never goes away. I've still got PTSD. I don't want this to happen to anyone else.' 
    The incident happened on October 27, 2006, when she attended Oldham Police Station in Manchester to report being molested. 
    A man had sexually assaulted her while she drank cider in a churchyard. 
    But, she said the clerk dismissed her as a timewaster, and urged her to leave with two men who offered her a lift.   
    'The clerk said, 'They've offered you a lift, go with them'. The men were being asked to produce licences for driving offences.
    'I don't know how they haven't been identified. There must have been logs.'
    She says the men then took her to a car and sexually assaulted her.
    She was then driven to the home of a man in his 40s who she says also sexually assaulted her before giving her money to get a bus home. 
    She was picked up on the next street by Shakil Chowdhury, now 54, who was posing as a taxi driver and promised to help her. 
    But he and another man in the passenger seat drove to Chowdhury's house, where three more men appeared. 
    She says she was raped 15 times by the five men, before being bundled into a car and abandoned the next month. 
    The girl's parents were at home when she returned, having called police the previous evening. 
    But, officers took four hours to respond.
    She was then examined, and her injuries were deemed consistent with being raped, and underwent days of video interviews with police. 
    She also told police about the attack in the churchyard, but it was not treated as a crime. A senior detective later said this was 'entirely proportionate.'

    Shakil Chowdhury (pictured) was jailed for six years after admitting to six rapes 
    A report into the decision to return evidence to the perpetrator also revealed that 24 items of evidence had been destroyed in 2008.  
    'The decision to release certain items of property seems to exclude the possibility that the items may be of forensic relevance to the other unidentified suspects,' the report read. 
    'The bedding and towel had not been submitted for forensic examination, however, they were returned. 
    'Clearly, items had been disposed of, and had they been retained from the original inquiry, then it may or may not have led to us identifying people or eliminating them.'
    When Operation Solent failed to lead to fresh charges, the victim asked GMP to review the original case. 
    She says she was 'failed by the system' - and not for the first time. 
    Prior to the incident in October 2007, she was groomed and abused by a teacher who befriended her online. 
    Paul Waites, now 48, lured her to a Sainsbury's car park after the pair spoke online, and then raped and assaulted her over the course of the summer of 2006.

    Paul Waites (pictured) was jailed for a further 11 years after the victim reported him to police, to find he had been jailed in 2009 for assaults on other children. Last year, he received a life sentence for raping another victim in Leeds in 2005.
    It was only in 2013 that she felt able to report Waites to police, only to find he had been jailed in 2009 for assaults on other children. 
    He admitted raping and abusing the victim in 2015, and was jailed for a further 11 years.  Last year, he received a life sentence for raping another victim in Leeds in 2005. 
    The woman now searching for answers has since made an official request to access her files, including a report written by a sexual health worker when she was 12, after she claimed a social work she she was 'trying to shock her' when she disclosed the online grooming and abuse to her. 
    It read: 'She is now on her third sexual partner. She has made an informed choice to remain SA [sexually active]. She has a mature attitude and looks older than her age.'
    Despite her age, notes added there was 'no indication of abuse', and an outreach worker added: 'I feel [victim] is very attention seeking and tries to get a response from me.'
    In 2018, Greater Manchester Police upheld two of the girl's complaints, ruling that her case should not have been closed after Chowdhury's conviction, and that officers should not have taken four hours to respond when she was reported missing in October 2007. 
    When Greater Manchester Police failed to sanction any officers, she contacted police watchdog, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), which ruled a further four complaints should have been upheld including a complaint referring to how the victim was treated at Oldham Police station in October 2007. 
    But the IOPC ruled it could take no further action as the clerk could not be identified. 
    The IOPC also said that aspects of evidence retrieval were flawed and that potentially relevant evidence was destroyed, and that greater care should have been taken with notebooks, which have subsequently been lost.     
    One officer was advised to receive further training.  
    The victim could now have grounds to sue the police under the Data Protection Act.  
    Her case will now be examined in the independent probe into child sexual exploitation in Oldham, which will examine claims that agencies were aware of ongoing abuse but 'failed to respond appropriately to safeguard children and subsequently covered up these failings'.
    Between 2006 and 2020, Oldham social services had referrals warning 700 children faced a potential risk of sex abuse. 
    The victim said: 'No one tried to stop me from meeting him. I thought he was my boyfriend. It made me feel like it was normal.
    Gerard Jones, managing director for children and young people at Oldham council, said: 'There were times when vulnerable people did not receive help they should expect and deserve.
    'Things have improved significantly in recent years. We were, and are, determined not to shy away from issues, but to gain fresh, honest and independent insight, and learn lessons.' 
    Greater Manchester Police said £2.3m has been invested in a new child sexual exploitation investigations unit. 
    'Victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation will be listened to, taken seriously, treated with empathy and supported,' a spokesperson said. 
    'Whilst we cannot comment on the specifics of this case and what was clearly a terrible ordeal for the victim, extensive investigations and reviews were carried out. No case for misconduct was found and all further lines of inquiry investigated. No further suspects were identified.'
    An IOPC spokesman added: 'While we agreed with the force that no officer had a case to answer for misconduct or gross misconduct, we were not satisfied that appropriate findings were made in relation to some of the allegations. 
    'In upholding some of the appeal, we considered a detective constable should receive management action over record keeping and evidence preservation to learn and reflect on their actions.'
    'I wanted to find out why this had happened. I knew I'd been failed, but I was totally shocked by just how badly I'd been let down.' 
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    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in RASE Report: Religiously Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of Sikh Girls (download link)   
    That's what's weird dude. I think the government is shutting these things down as quick as they can. I even had a downloaded copy that's gone missing from my PC. Make of it what you will......
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