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Everything posted by gursj

  1. ssa there is no difference between a true sikh and a true hindu for that matter a true muslim. And these words can be used interchangeably but there are millions of differences between a gurmukh and manmukh. for that matter manmukh and muslim or manmukh and kafir. its sad however not many sikhs would qualify as gurmukhs and even fewer muslims would qualify as muslims. most of the time we are comparing manmukhs with kafir and the discussion has no end. so it depends who are we comparing and what we are.. gurus united hindus and muslims and we divided to call ourselves sikhs without understanding the meaning of it. ( even subdivided as jathas ) analyse yourselve who is right us or our gurus. Wjkk Wjkf
  2. ssa In some temples in india Guru gobind singh ji's pictures has been depicted as kalki avtaar.these are called laxmi narain temples or birla mandir. Guru ji has beed depicted as avtaar of vishnu. wjkk wjkf
  3. ssa though i tried to shed my responsibility by giving daswandh at the gurdwara but than somewhere i know that most of it will not go to the people who really need it. may be donating pingalwara society would have been better option. firstly its very hard to part with money for people and when you are not sure about the rightful use that money , it becomes more difficult. this is very depressing isnt there anything we can do to change this. wjkk wjkf
  4. Women are not weaker but stronger and smarter than men. Even the division of labour would have benefited women more than men initially.But through the last few centuries things began to change , when women lost their economic independence. But this again would only be a temporary phase as when a woman comes out to work , she would be preferred to a man with equal capabilities . so women will rightly get their due from the society. But again once the society becomes matriarchial , some women would again take the role of householder by choice as that is more convinient role. who knows what way science takes us but whatever happens society will never remain the same, it has changed a lot in last few decades and is still changing, who can predict the future in these unpreductable times. Who knows if people will keep living for 1000 years and not want any competition from next generation ...( just a thought)
  5. originally from lahore and lyallpur( karachi) , it is punjab but on the other side of the border so cant call it apna now .... hun ta asi delhiwalle ha ....
  6. good that you mention the number of siikhs but these figures only tell how many self proclaimed sikhs are their . can u tell me how many among them be classified as turban wearing or cutsurds, how many among them know the names of 10 guru , how many drink alchohol, how many smoke and how many are not corrupt ... what would that figure look like, and if you filter among them who know first 5 pauri of japji sahib than what would it look like and if you r looking for amrit dharis than better not write the numbers and how many among those amrit dhari are true sikhs of guru gobind singh . but still we must say the flame is still alive... guru gobind singh said "sawa lakh se ek ladaun" , so if sikhs cant win i think the number is less than 960 million /1.25 lakh , so you need just 7680 true sikhs of guru gobind singh. a workable figure
  7. 1. Jainism (100%) 2. Mahayana Buddhism (90%) 3. Hinduism (87%) 4. Neo-Pagan (79%) 5. Theravada Buddhism (74%) 6. Liberal Quakers (69%) 7. New Age (69%) 8. Sikhism (67%) 9. Unitarian Universalism (66%) 10. Bahá'í Faith (62%) 11. Taoism (60%) 12. Orthodox Judaism (60%) 13. Reform Judaism (54%) 14. Islam (52%) 15. Orthodox Quaker (47%) 16. Scientology (47%) 17. New Thought (45%) 18. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (43%) 19. Secular Humanism (36%) 20. Seventh Day Adventist (36%) 21. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (30%) 22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (26%) 23. Jehovah's Witness (24%) 24. Nontheist (24%) 25. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (22%) 26. Eastern Orthodox (20%) 27. Roman Catholic (20%) only passing marks in sikhism .... i didnt knew i am more a liberal quaker than a sikh now what is that....
  8. wjkk wjkf Perhaps we missed out two things , first where did the sikh fighters get their weapons from , either it was congress govt. or the frndly neighbours which had killed sikhs during partition. The fact that indian constitution doesnt recognise sikhism as different from hinduism is valid point for discontent. Perhaps what happened to sikhs was because of the corrupt and manipulative goverment of india than hindus in india. Guru nanak had once said that he could see the world burning , and that is true with respect to india even today. When stressing on need for a sikh state we should not forget the mission of guru nanak, which i am afraid we have forgotten. Sikh state is not in india or anywhere else in the world it is in Guru Nanaks mission.. Guru Gobind is called 10th nanak and whatever happened in sikh history and all acts of our guru are to promote and protect what 1st nanak guru nanak dev had said. We should not allow sikh faith to be overtaken by self proclaimed leaders and should never support people like Malik ( who doesnt even deserve to be callled a sikh for killing so many innocents in air crash). hope we remember who we are before we think what we want.. wjkk wjkf
  9. ssa sikhism gives lot of respect and freedon to its women ..its for them to realise what they will loose if marry a muslim...they have a choice and when they make a choice its for them to bear the consequences good or bad... its like educating people not to cut hair and keep turbans but people end trimming the beard. so what good does it do . we can educate our brothers and sisters about the reliegon but its hard for them to appreciate what they have got until they loose it .... today's sikh have very few examples to follow they have seen their parents live the life in duality of sikhism and castiesm. people demanding khalistan without knowing what khalsa is . i hope and pray that guru maharaj will guide us thru these times and help us overcome these self diminishing attitudes... wjkk wjkf
  10. ssa Sikhism had to unite people from all diff. castes, relgns, gender. But today we have a divided sikh society , and diff. withing the jathas are not helping us. not many sikhs are doing naam simran ,taking amrit , reciting gubrani or keeping the sikh identity .but even the few who do have differences due to which they dont see eye to eye . we speak of ego as one of the evils in the very same breath we speak of castes and jathas. For some sikhs GOI is biggest enemy and others are patriotic about india. For some creation of seperate state for sikhs is khalistan , but who will be the leader of that nation.Isnt it Sikhs duty is to serve the humanity and not be selfish. So many akaali dals in india what good have they done , we speak of the current sectarian politicians of india. but india's problem is more than that and sikhs have to fight for those who can not find for themselves and not just for themselves. "SURA SO PEHCHANIYE , JO LADE DEEN KE HET , PURJA PURJA KAT MARE , KABHO NA CHADE KHET" most of the people in india are living a miserable life, and the politicians , including akaalis are corrupt. where do we find leadership to lead the khalsa. We argue about babbar khalsa being a terrorist organisation or not, talk about nirankaris and about indira gandhi. But isnt it we should be looking beyond sikhs and our duty is towards all the humanity, when we do so all the insecurity that surrounds the faith will go. we have to find right goals for the saint soldier. As sikhs we are not doing our duties, we were entrusted by our guru. we are worried if eating food prepared in iron utensils is important or drinking sura or which form of martial art is superior. Isnt it this factionalism and differences in opinion are taking us away from spirit of Khalsa Brotherhood.Can we unite and fight the common enemy . what would it take to make people think above jathas , dont we all have something in common which unites us all ,thats our guru. i may sound repetative but i strongly believe that sikh has to fight and to sacrifice for a true cause and not have any selfish intrests whatsoever. we should be known as people who are representative of guru gobind singh ji and guru nanak dev ji , and we cant do that by changing the spirit of sikhism. Isnt it high time we unite and speak in one voice so that we can speak for those who cant speak for themselves. Wjkk Wjkf
  11. ssa Just like everything else , these emotions of love are gifts from guru.But we should never give lust the name of love.If its inter relgn or if its within the relgn , if you love someone for wrong reasons than you cant be happy in that relationship. our true love in which we cant be betrayed is the love for akaal purakh waheguru. real life is different from reel life , so dont get influenced by movies.Think thru the time. This feeling of love is very illusive so be careful, not only if its about someone with diff. relgn but also if they belong to sikhi.The things do get a bit more complicated if the person is of diff. relgn but its not just about relgn. wjkk wjkf
  12. SSA alchohol is bad according to gurmat but why , because when we consume alchohol we loose our senses . when u mouthwash you are not effecting your senses or nething like that.it doesnt effect your nervous system in any way. so to say alchohol is bad its not the case , its the effects of alchohol that are bad. we should try and understand the message of guru's and not make issues out of non issues. wjkk wjkf
  13. ssa i am sure you will get over this phase , i still see u have faith in guru.every person tries to show the good things in himself and tries to hide the bad things. but when one person can accept he is manmukh , the guru will always keep such a person close to his heart .when you do ardaas , speak to the guru and tell him what all things are holding you being a manmukh.Seems to be a small thing but just by accepting your weaknesses they will become your strenghts. Do the paath slowly , live through the words of gurbani when you read the paath.you will feel the guru direclty talking you, you will se parallels in your life and paath, when you do , repeat the lines . when you finish your paath , concentrate on your day to day problems and ask what waheguru , what does he want you to do ...than by opening a page of gutka take the hukum of guru ....you will get guidence..he will guide you thru , just keep the faith as you always have. Wjkk wjkf
  14. ssa we are taught things at school by a teacher , and than we are tested , even before taking tests a teacher would know how a student would fare . but than that doesnt mean that the student who has not studied hard should not fail. on the other hand who studies hard but faces some problems goes back to the teacher he deserves to pass. the god knows everything , he would also help us win 5 devils and stop us from commiting bad deeds but biggest obstacle is ego , till ego is present we will not call him for help. Wjkk wjkf
  15. SSA i m not slandering a saint . may be you have already done your research , you can share that with me. its not what cases are going against 3ho or anything. Its just why does he need to use numerology...if thats acceptable in sikhi ,than alright ...i am not saying anything more than what yogi bhajan himself agrees to. as far as i know numerology and sikhi dont go hand in hand but beyond would like you to throw some light.and i still dont slander him when i say he lacks faith it just comes as a natural conclusion out of that. wjkk wjkf
  16. SSA dont know much about yogi bhajan but on his website there are links to numerology , well he somewhere lacks total faith in sikhi why else would he be playing number tricks. i havent read more about him after that, he must be doing some good work but still he doesnt have complete faith on guru and takes shelter in these fancy medieval tricks .... wjkk wjkf
  17. SSA i thnk god can hear our thoughts well other day i was thinking of eating water melon than i forgot it , the same weekend there was water melon in langar well nothing serious but i said to myself well i had forgotton but the waheguru didnt . though a small incident but things like these keep happening. many more experiences where even without doing a ardaas things happen as if the god likes giving surprises. wjkk wjkf
  18. ssa analysing some stocks and giving professional advice cant be said to be gamble, or else every risk taking venture which rewards profit would be gamble. its one thing to go and pick up stocks on gut feeling and another if its based on company's fundamentals so have to draw a line somewhere.. so to say drinking tea would amount to addiction to caffeine isnt it , also eating food also intoxicates or if we start comparing eating grapes to drinking wine ...have to stop somewhere wjkk wjkf
  19. SSA that is very inspiring ... for long i believed those who do lot of paath are pakandhis perhaps that were the kind of people i ever saw . ..after realising that not evryone is like that i am trying to change ..its hard for someone who stopped going to gurdwara for 6 years , i am still thankfull to the frnd who took me to gurdwara forcefully one day and it changed my life...now i always seem to get answers to my questions in the hukumnamah.....after i started doing paath myself i realised what sikhi was all about and the people who cheat others even after doing paath are cheating themselves not anyone else... its kind of vicious circle and its very difficult to take the first step, really difficult ....and this happens only when Waheguru wants it to happen.. i do japji sahib right now , will learn other paaths as well soon ..god willing wish to take amrit soon . wjkk wjkf
  20. SSA Just wondering if there is a paath for ulte lawa phere ......if we are not sure about our commitments than why make any.. may be the wise people over here will have an answer.. wjkk wjkf
  21. SSA well whatever book your dad was reading should be doing good sales, thats only thing that i can understand other than that the author himself seems to be a confused personality. nothing of that sort comes from guru granth sahib and if we can dream of going to sachkhand than comparing jesus with ourselves , there isnt really a comparison. when you see life of jesus and other prophets they would be better sikhs than us. they are above relgn , they dont need to do naam simran ritual because their whole life is reflection of god and they always remember god's name. i cant see a point in making such comparisons ... wjkk wjkf
  22. yes could be hazoor sahib but what i dont understand is that whats the purpose of saying "gagan me thaal" and "chand deepak " when you are actualy doing a aarti with a lamp. and its not just lighting the lamp but using it to do the aarti now dont know when this tradition started and why is it that it is not like that at other takaths. wjkk wjkf
  23. SSA many intresting arguments made in the above posts ...well all i want to say is that if we do something because of peer presure or what other people think about us than that aint be something that makes us happy also ...secondly if intentions are right than even a western dress can be worn in a decent way as many english girls do ....... but i would still refrain myself from saying what is right or what is wrong... "jo tudh bhawe sai bhali kar tu sada salamat nirankar" wjkk wjkf
  24. ssa it is said that we have to go thru differnt species before we get this manukha janam...and its thru good deed that we earn a human life ..isnt it now why is that human population is increasing day by day ....so many righteous souls taking birth into humananity ..i dont know the answer ..may be you can help .. wjkk wjkf
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