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Ideal Singh

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Everything posted by Ideal Singh

  1. Two Trivia Questions... I am sure you must be aware... 1. Whose reincarnation do Buddists believe Guru Nank to be? 2. What is old the name of Sikh Homeland, Punjab, also the home of Mahayana Buddhism.
  2. Very Touching and very Much True !! Keep Posting... Love
  3. Wonderful !!! I am proud of your collection JOYce... Keep Positing... Love Aman
  4. I really wonder what we get to know about each other in a courtship period... the girl hardly ever gets to go to her new home for rest of her life... And they both meet each other outside their homes and the girl doesnt get a chance to get accustomed with the activities of other family members, with whom she has to putup entire her life... In love marriage the situation is even more precarious... Love marriage is usually based on living in a wonderland and too much expectations which are latter on shattered, when the reality stares in our face... Remember the Golden Rule: Expectations kill a relationship... I think the Golden period of marriage should not be the courtship period rather it should begin after marriage... and it should last a lifetime... but alas!! it seldom happens... though I think 6 months courtship period is good enough for both the persons to understand atleast somewthings of each other... But too long a courtship period could result in heart burns and burnout cases... :roll:
  5. Yes :!: :!: I have hardly seen a Sikh asking for help from other Religion to find answers to his queries coz we need not go anywhere... we already have SGGS for guidance... Many forumz have tried their level best to bash Sikhism and its scientific approach, but everytime they bite the dust :twisted:
  6. One of the prominent Sikh website states Rakhsah Bandan as Sikh festival... I wonder whom to follow... :roll: Just scroll down to the end of the webpage... http://allaboutsikhs.com/basics/introduction.htm
  7. I knew this question would be raised... please follow the link below of a Muslim discussion forum and find it out for yourself... itz a wierd forum... the funny thing is they are themselves badly confused to find the right answers from Quoran... there is one person who is repeatedly saying Inshallah..... makes a funny reading... you would enjoy your stay there... There is also one thread like "Sikhism on Islam" it makes a very interesting reading too... http://www.gawaher.com/i2/index.php?act=ST&f=53&t=2034&
  8. :roll: I think I should the other way around... First kick out the corrupt leaders and .......................................................... "
  9. Penji ehi tae usdee intention hae... somebody bashes him up (coz he deserves it) and he calls for all muslims to UNITE for a Jihaad again Sikhs... coz muslims ain't good in anything but ofcourse starting a Jihaad... :twisted:
  10. You are referring to Baghat Puran Singh Ji of Pingalwara at Amritsar... You can read about his divine exploits from their website www.pingalwaraonline.org. The name of his biography is "The Burden Divine". It makes a wonderful reading about life extraordinaire of Baghat Ji...
  11. :roll: Penji Pehaeliyan pana band karo, tae puri gall dasan dee kirpalta karo...
  12. May be third time lucky !! Oops !! sorry for being superstitious !!
  13. Jhatka vs halal: Sikh body raises meaty issue Manpreet Randhawa Jalandhar, October 7 If the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) has its way, all hotels, restaurants and fast-food chains will soon have to carry displays specifying the kind of meat they serve: halal or jhatka. SGPC honorary secretary Manjit Singh Calcutta has said he would write to the Union government to issue a notification in this regard because the consumption of halal meat is strictly prohibited for Sikhs. "It is, in fact, one of the cardinal sins for a Sikh to consume halal meat," said Calcutta. "In case a Sikh does so, he has to be re-baptised. Hence, it's important for eating joints to display what meat is servedâ€. Akal Takht Jathedar Joginder Singh Vedanti has also taken note of the matter and called upon all Sikhs to avoid consuming halal meat. Arun, an official representing McDonald's here, said the fast-food chain had been using halal meat all over India. "We never knew its consumption was prohibited for Sikhs," he said. "Since the matter has come to our notice now, we have decided to inform our headquarters in the US. Once we receive a direction from them on displaying the kind of meat we serve, it will be done." J.S. Grover of Nirula's, Delhi, said that most of the non-vegetarian items at their outlets were cut and processed with the help of machines. "Hence, it's difficult to ascertain whether it's halal or jhatka meat," he said. Grover added if the Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Association of India (FHRAI) issued guidelines in this regard, he would abide by it. FHRAI secretary general Sham Suri said since the SGPC had decided to knock on the Centre's door, the association would await an official notification on the issue. So far, hotels, restaurants and fast-food joints are governed by the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, said Suri. Meanwhile, the SGPC's stand has already found sympathisers. "In Europe and other countries one gets certified halal and jhatka meat so that nobody's religious sentiments are hurt," says G.S. Lamba, editor, Sant Sipahi magazine. "It is shocking how the industry can be indifferent to the sentiments of Sikhs." Interestingly, the issue is not a new one. It is learnt that on October 9, 1938, then MLA Sampooran Singh, who was also a member of the SGPC, had moved a resolution in the Punjab assembly that all SGPC members must support the Jhatka Bill. Ninety-six SGPC members in the House had unanimously supported the resolution.
  14. Cheer Up ! Sir !! Therez alwayz next time... Moreover therez alwayz room for improvement...
  15. What are the stories of Bhai Gurdas and Bhai Joga Singh as marked in red. ? Thanx
  16. Yeh!! All it takes is True Innocent Love...
  17. What if someone fully reads Gurbani in Gurmukhi? What is gonna happen?
  18. Canada settles for 4th spot, But who is the Chanpion?
  19. Welcome... What do you mean : "i will give u that things u want." :twisted:
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