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Everything posted by HeyDudesWassup

  1. In Buddhism desire is considered to cause suffering but I have never accepted this belief although I do understand that desire CAN cause suffering. I was listening to an audio and the author says Universe is established to produce desire and those that say it is inappropriate to have desire have not figured out the vibrational alignment with the desire so the desire is always painful, and it is only painful because they have not learned how to allow. I know this sounds like another paradox but what do you think, is it good to have desire or not?
  2. I agree with Rakash Singh. The actor (Christian Bale) who plays the new Batman in the new upcoming Batman movie had to diet down to less then 120 lbs. for some movie and he said he had a very "zen" feeling when he was scrawny and didn't look forward to putting the weight back on after the filming was over.
  3. Wouldn't the world be a much better place if we all danced all day long?
  4. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience not human beings having a spiritual experience. Those people that engage in those acts are still spiritual at core but haven't yet realised spirituality since they wouldn't be doing those things if they had.
  5. I agree, in Christianity, there was Gnosticism and medieval mysticism; in Buddhism, Zen; in Islam, the Sufi movement; in Hinduism, the teachings called Advaita Vedanta. *this is from an article I was reading.
  6. I believe most people who say they are spiritual mean that they believe in the spirit but are not into any religon.
  7. high of -7 celcius in etown tommorow!
  8. Reiki (Universal life energy) doesn't interfere with Sikhi AT ALL, keep at it! The only problem I see that their are many schools out there that lean away from the traditional teachings of Reiki (Usui).
  9. The full name change is to reflect the rebirth of the individual.
  10. For those who prefer to use paypal: http://www.unitedsikhs.org/reliefproject.html
  11. Orchids, I think you need to channel your energy in a positive way. Try working out with weights, it will boost your confidence and get rid of all the anger (worked for me). If you are a newbie you might want to consult with a personal trainer for a few weeks to help you get started.
  12. http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?act=ST&f=12&t=8587&hl=
  13. coca cola has nothing to do with cocaine now (but in early 1900's it did).
  14. sweet new camera: http://www.aura.tv/aura_2.htm vid page: http://www.aura.tv/Videobeispielee.html shows chakras: http://www.auraphoto.com/Winaura.mpg
  15. http://www.sikhifm.com/pl_blessingsimran.htm
  16. ^^ The souls that are meant to come into this world will, regardless of your participation. I probably confused you even more
  17. Rehitnamay, do you follow them, if so which ones and why these particular ones? What were the Rehitnamas straight from Guru Sahib? I think alot of the rehitnamas scare people away such as : "Those who walk outside, eat or distribute food without their head covered will be punished severely." -Bhai Nand Lal Ji The Rehitnama Hazooree by Chaupa Singh says "Guru kaa Sikh...apaNy langar rasoee vich Sikh rakhey. Hukaie, Topeeaa, BhaadNee, chor, yaar, jooaybaaz, kurehiteeyaa na rakhai" meaining "A Guru ka Sikh...should keep only a Sikh in his langar and kitchen. Smokers, hat-wearers, shaven people, theieves, gamblers, kurehitees should not be kept" (Padam, 85). Bhai Daya Singh rehitnaama contains the following bachans: "Bhojanaad Moundit naal chhakey, Tankhaiyaa" or One who eats food with a Mona/non-Sikh, is guilty of a breach of conduct (Piara Singh Padam’s Rehitnamay pg. 72); He who as a Sikh places a hat on their head; will be reborn seven times as a leper. - Thankhaanama Bhai Nand Laal Jee Bhul Chuk Maaf
  18. Website layout looks awesome, who cares what some hooligans have to say. Keep up the great work!
  19. Hari, Are you reffering to the Divine Father/Mother (1 God)? I'm just asking becuase the Novus spiritus movement believes in both Father God and a Mother God.
  20. Does admin have the power to pluck away these chit chat type posts? If so then use it.
  21. Yes I agree it is quite disrespectful to put golak infront of Maharaaj. I think the committee quite strategically used this tactic so they make the devotee feel shame if he doesn't put somethign in the golak while sangat's eyes are on him/her. Also isn't it disrespectful to place money in front of Kirtanees while they are doing Kirtan?
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