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Everything posted by HeyDudesWassup

  1. any reference to this article.......or did you write it yourself?
  2. Mods, you have got to ban this Shasterkovich. He has no consideration for others (there are also young ones who visit this forum).
  3. Pheena, yes so I don't understand when people say japping his naam is fruitless to those that are not Amritdhari. Would they rather us call him Allah or Raam? These are certain attributes (Allah, Raam, Gobind, Har) of God, so why not jap the complete true name Waheguru. Afterall isn't this how we best remember God? got this from another poster on Tapoban.org: Khatree braahaman sood vais ko japi Hari Mantar japaainee: Anyone, from any class — Shatriya, Brahman, Soodra or Vaishya — can chant, and meditate on the Mantra of God's Name (sggs 800). bhul chuk maaf in anything I said wrong.
  4. Awesome Seva, keep it up Singha! I'm sure this forum has many artistcally talented folks, should get a huge joint project going. http://sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness/viewtopic.php?t=4406 I love the Awakening 3D animation project, but isn't this project much easier done in flash as all cartoons are? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moderator Note: Discussion about this site is already in progress please add your comments over there. The URL of discussion is given in above post.Thanks!
  5. sweet link! I have so many that I'd like to blow up, too bad I gots a crappy printer, time to upgrade I guess.
  6. heh i think he meant profile Also check out http://www.flashkit.com/movies/
  7. Dang, you got some mad skills! Props
  8. Didn't a pandit read Guru Nanak Dev Ji's horrscope when he was born and then bowed his head to him? Surely astrology can't all be fake in my opinion (I'm not encouraging it either). Bhul Chuk Maaf
  9. LOVE and HUMILITY pray with both of these also check out the book Bandgi Nama http://www.gurseva.com/
  10. Today' s Hukamnama: JAITSREE, 5th GURU, CHHANT, FIRST HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: SHALOK: I am thirsty for the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan, day and night; I yearn for Him constantly, night and day. Opening the door, O Nanak, the Guru has led me to meet with the Lord, my Friend. || 1 || CHHANT: Listen, O my intimate friend — I have just one prayer to make. I have been wandering around, searching for that enticing, sweet Beloved. Whoever leads me to my Beloved — I would cut off my head and offer it to him, even if I were granted the Blessed Vision of His Darshan for just an instant. My eyes are drenched with the Love of my Beloved; without Him, I do not have even a moment’s peace. My mind is attached to the Lord, like the fish to the water, and the sparrow-hawk, thirsty for the raindrops. Servant Nanak has found the Perfect Guru; his thirst is totally quenched. || 1 || O intimate friend, my Beloved has all these loving companions; I cannot compare to any of them. O intimate friend, each of them is more beautiful than the others; who could consider me? Each of them is more beautiful than the others; countless are His lovers, constantly enjoying bliss with Him. Beholding them, desire wells up in my mind; when will I obtain the Lord, the treasure of virtue? I dedicate my mind to those who please and attract my Beloved. Says Nanak, hear my prayer, O happy soul-brides; tell me, what does my Husband Lord look like? || 2 || O intimate friend, my Husband Lord does whatever He pleases; He is not dependent on anyone. O intimate friend, you have enjoyed your Beloved; please, tell me about Him. They alone find their Beloved, who eradicate self-conceit; such is the good destiny written on their foreheads. Taking me by the arm, the Lord and Master has made me His own; He has not considered my merits or demerits. She, whom You have adorned with the necklace of virtue, and dyed in the deep crimson color of His Love — everything looks beautiful on her. O servant Nanak, blessed is that happy soul-bride, who dwells with her Husband Lord. || 3 || O intimate friend, I have found that peace which I sought. My sought-after Husband Lord has come home, and now, congratulations are pouring in. Great joy and happiness welled up, when my Husband Lord, of ever-fresh beauty, showed mercy to me. By great good fortune, I have found Him; the Guru has united me with Him, through the Saadh Sangat, the True Congregation of the Holy. My hopes and desires have all been fulfilled; my Beloved Husband Lord has hugged me close in His embrace. Prays Nanak, I have found that peace which I sought, meeting with the Guru. || 4 || 1 || Wednesday 29th Vaisaakh (Samvat 536 Nanakshahi) 12 May, 2004 (Page: 703)
  11. http://edition.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/05...berg/index.html
  12. I haven't seen the video nor do I want to but I hear it is extremely graphic. Hearing and thinking about this video makes me very very sick. Look at all the heads that have been willingly cut off for our religon, how many sikhs sawed alive, had their children cut up into little pieces before their eyes. Just because these events took place a couple hundred years ago and were not recorded with a video camera doesn't mean they should have any less of an impact on us. Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru
  13. I've only made 2 option trades, but thanks I will check out the site, looks very resourceful.
  14. Check out this stock forum ( http://www.siliconinvestor.com/stocktalk/ ), alot of knowledge in there (depends where you look). By the way I'm losing big as of last week so don't take my word for anything
  15. Heh heh don't believe him, it is a made up story. I used to trade stocks very regularly and have come across this story a few times. It was originally published in one of those fake tabloids http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/
  16. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!! S Devinder Singh Ji was wondering why I did not respond to this article, written by some "Bhai Sahib" Kirpal Singh Gill (I do not know this person). It can be read at: http://www.portalmarket.com/earthportals/P...nger/nanak.html As we know, this article alleges that birth of Guru Nanak had been predicted in various places in the Vedas and the Puranas several thousand years ago. Even though I feel flattered by the desperation of Hindus to influence the Sikhs any way they can, I have been indifferent towards this article. I agree with S Serjinder Singh Ji. Looking at the source of this information, it seems to be simply a new strategy, with the Vedic passages invented to make the sikhs revere some ancient scriptures and thus make them subconsciously respect some old Indian practices that Guru Ji had rejected. Even with expertise in the Sanskrit language and the Vedas, it would be very difficult to determine the authenticity of such materials. Interpolations could have been cleverly made in the recent centuries. Meanwhile, I agree with others also. Even though this particular article could confuse many weak Sikhs, we do not need to waste time and energy to prove it false. Rather, we need to learn how to recruit such propaganda so that only truth is victorious in the end. Guru Ji teaches us to accommodate all religions with open arms. We do not have to be afraid of becoming assimilated by any religion. This can not happen as long as we follow the discipline prescribed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, without any modifications of our own. In fact preserving our distinctness is one important purpose of this discipline. Many sikhs feel that their Sikhi is in danger when, for example, the Hindu ancestry of the Gurus is mentioned, or when some Avatar is mentioned. This is a sign of weakness. It is pointless to fight any references made to our ancestors. Most of the Sikhs from India have Hindu ancestry also. Denying a fact is not going to make it go away. Such acts are rather hypocritical when people inside the ?sikh? circles continue to worship caste pedigree and genealogy. With saboteurs inside our own clan, we do not need any outside forces to destroy us. Sri Naranjan Singh Ji used to quote a phrase, "Vrukshum Moolum Moolum," meaning that a tree is only as strong as its roots. In other words: Only proper Sikh lifestyle and correct Sikh outlook can protect us from extraneous influences. This is the real battleground. It is not somewhere outside. We need to develop innovative methods of promoting this understanding among our youth. GurSikhs relinquish all prior links when they become residents of Anandpur Sahib. Today our father is Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and our mother is Mata Sahib Kaur Ji. We have no other affiliation caste or genealogy to talk of. sBu ko mIqu hm Awpn kInw hm sBnw ky swjn ] dUir prwieE mn kw ibrhw qw mylu kIE myrY rwjn ] 3 ] (SGGS 671:8) Others who are ambivalent about their lineage will continue to be exposed to Subterfuge in disguises. Those Sikhs who have a pure and clear faith in the Guru have nothing to be afraid of. If a web site promotes Guru Nanak, on the basis of Vedas, more power to it. Can we use their activities in a positive manner? Guru?s Sikhs welcome close friendship with everyone, but continue to stay distinctly Sikh. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!! Yuktanand Singh Saline, Michigan
  17. From poster on Sikhnet: We all know that Guru Gobind singh ji was not a believer in the existence of Hindu Goddesses and Avtars or incarnations.He believed in formless ONE ,the almighty God.But still there is a tendency to mislead people that he was a believer in them. Guru ji used language which was popular at that time and mythological lores of the time, which people understood easily and believed in, to infuse martial spirt among lifeless Indians who had lost all courage to face tyrants in the battlefield.To do that he used very powerful words to instill fearlessness in them by narrating these lores.That had telling effect and the tyrants were driven away.istory of Khalsa is testimony to that.It was his revolution and his only. We ae to remember the time in which he waged his struggle against all odds with firm belief in almighty. A great disservice is being done to Guru ji by people, at one hand, who don't belong to Sikhi and say that he was a believer in Devis and on the other hand by so called Sikh scholars who may not have any spiritual experience themselves and suggest that this is not Guru's writing and that is not Guru j's writing. Least we can do is to desist from creating avoidable controversies till Akal takhat decides on this issue.We will do a great service to Sikhi if we listen to Bhai gurdas ji's advice in the following: Bhai Gurdas in his Vaar 16, Pauri 3, Bhai Ji uses the metaphor of lotus and observes thus : “Though a lotus uses water and oozes for its growth and nourishment, yet remains detached and unsoiled by it. The lotus opens up joyously by the first ray of the sun, and bows in reverence. a Sikh may perform rituals and Karmkand but like lotus, he is unaffected spiritually, remains pure as his soul is inwardly in tune with Gur shabad.†The folowing is good read by a gurmukh which i found at Gurmat discuusions. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gurmatdiscus...s/message/10069 Subject: Re: writing on Bhagauti - sword Dear Pritpal Singh Soorae Jee, Probably you want to know what Sri Bhagauti Jee stands for. Sri Bhagauti Jee ia also called Bhavani, Chandi, Durga, Jagdumbay and many other names. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee in is Composition 24 Avtars, in verse 29 of his Introuctory description stated - "Pritham Kaal sabh jug to Tata. Ta tai bhio Tej Bikhiata. Soei Bhavani Naam Kahai. Jin sagri ye Sirast Opaei.." 29. Just as Chandi, Bhavani, Durga or Bhagauti is the Divine Power of Creation and Destruction, verily God Himself, similarly the other Divine Name is ascribed as Kaal (God's Functionary Quality of Destruction). This unseen Divine Potential is present in all creatures and everywhere, called SOUL, the Creative and Destructive Power of God, which in Sri Guru Granth Sahib is called SABAD or Guru or SAt Guru or Sat Guru Poora, verily God Himself in Immanent Form. You will find in Composition Akal Ustat, Satguru Jee has saluted God, both as Akal (Beyond the scope of Death - Eternal), as well as Kaal (The Creator of Destruction). Both are God's Functionary Names. The Guru states - "Akal Purkh ki Racha Han Nai. Sarab Kaal Jee di Racha Ham Nai. Sarbh Loh Ji ki Racha Ham Nai. (Sarab Loh is the mightiest of all the metals - Here means Mightiest God be his Protector. Also Sarb Loh is the cheaterst metal - here means the Protector and Cherisher of the most humble ones). In Chandi Critar (2) - the Guru starts - "Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai". Also in Var Durga ki - The Guru salutes to "Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai." In Var Durga ki, the Guru states - "Prithan Bhagauti simar kai Guru Nanaklaei Dhaey." In Gian Parbodh Granth, the Guru first salutes to "Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai." In Composition 'Chrtro-Pakhiaan' - the Guru salues to "Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai)." As stated above in Durga ki Var, the Guru states, "I frst think of the Pritam Bhagauti The Primal Being or God), then Guru Nanak ----. Clearly the Guru when he mentions of Bhagauti, he refers to the Mighty Potential of God Pervading in the Universe in Immanent Form. The Guru clarifies that all creatures like Ram, Krishna, and other Avtars derive their Potential from God alone. In short there is only ONE LIFE IN EXIXTENCE, all creatures are only the manfestation of the One Potential. "Sagal Bsthar Eik tai Bhaey." Sri Sukhmani Sahib. In all both Highest and in lowest, only His Potential works. The Guru took pains to describe in detail Sri Bhagauti Ji in the First Chriter of Composition 'Chritro Pakhiaan' - Seven full pages. The Guru here states "O Lord, You are the symbolic of the Broad Sword, the Arrow, the Dagger.... You have all the qualities of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiv. It is Your Arrows and Swords, which annihilate the armies. It was You in the guise of Narsingh smashed Harnaukash. In the form of Varha and Boar, You bore the weight of te Earth. Your Potential in Ram killed Ravana, and it was Your Potential in Krishna, Kamsa was killed.---- The Eulogy of Sri Bhagauti Ji, verily God Himself appears in Krishna Avtar also, which runs into four pages, descriing the Creative and Destrctive Potential of the Infinite Lord, in the form of all Arms and weapons. One finds the same qualities of God as the Creator Lord and also the Destroyer, the qualities as described in Sri Guru Granth Sahib as Guru - Permeshwar. Sat Guru Jee apart from the above mentioned Composition, described His Priases in the Chandi Chritra (Ukti Bilas), Chandi Chritra II and in Var Durga Ji Ki. Please do not be misled by the Hindu names of Chandi, Durga, Bhavani, Bhagauti as Hindu Devies. God is both Mother and Father, and has countless names and forms described. Those who unwisely limit His existence to mere their own religious names, and pick up quarrels with others who describe the same Lord in using different names, they have only befooled themselves and have been the instruments of all the hatred and scambles for nothing. Gur Tej Singh of IOSS - I happen to get hold of your editiorial for the Sikh Studies, which Hundals sent to all through his e mail message on November 23, 2000. In this editorial you have completely detached your self being the Sikh of especially of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee as you have ridiculed the Divine Writings shamelessly, as irrelevant. It is therefore a sin to call your self and your associates, the followers of one perverted scoundrel Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana, as Sikhs. If you have the slightest conscience left in you, you walk out of the Sikh circle immediately - you have ceased to be a Sikh, who has ridiculed the Divne Guru and His Writings in most humiliating words. The sooner you cease your connections with GURMAT, the better it will be for you and for us. I shall deal with your shmeless writings separately. Bhai CSJS Publishers, Amritsar. I request you to inform me of our decision to publish a new book I am to start on writing, regarding my replies to te writings of Kala Afghana, Gur Teja Singh and others. Please nform your decision either way, and oblige. This is the last time I will be writng to you on this subject. DALIP SINGH http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gurmatdiscus...s/message/10069
  18. No need for documents, what is God's will is God's will !! Waheguru! Waheguru! Waheguru!
  19. Photoshop is nice, I got it but the program is very bulky and not nearly as intuitive for me as Macromedia Fireworks
  20. I thought Adobe Indesign did everything Quark did but better?
  21. I got a book called "Punjabi Primer" in pdf format. you wants?
  22. Just the basics, there is so much software out there. What software to use? any specific software easier and more intuitive to use for beginners then others?
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