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Everything posted by guv

  1. wasn't quite sure which board was best for this post... but check out this article... interesting. muslim wakeup! women's space in the mosque: sikhs may have a solution
  2. i agree... u could sometimes hear the punjabi, & what the translator was saying was completely different. having said that, i was very impressed at how they conveyed the lifestyle of nihangs.
  3. sorry haven't had internet access for the last day or so... been rewiring everything. watching the video now. will try to make a torrent tonight.
  4. being a mona & not calling yourself a sikh is wrong? u've also said numerous times that being a mona & calling urself a sikh is wrong. so it seems that u think anyone who cuts their hair is wrong regardless of whether they call themselves sikhs or not! how do u get through each day having to deal with so many wrong ppl?
  5. i can just imagine the moghuls of past terrified of the oncoming advance of the 'virgin' warriors!!
  6. safe... it's 80% done so far... i'll try & get it done tonight.
  7. well there seems to be some dispute over the exact figure... i've read that he had 7 wives, but i've had 9 quoted to me as well.
  8. u don't need an mpeg splitter... have u heard of bittorrent? it basically lets u share a file so that everyone who's downloading it also shares the parts that they've downloaded with each other... so they need to download less from u. once i've got the whole file i'll set it up for u if u want.
  9. wouldn't it be better to make a torrent file?... that'd save u a hell of a lot of bandwidth.
  10. that may be true... but u're destroying all the natural beauty that exists/existed. despite having just over half the population of the uk, u produce twice the pollution... & when u finally ratified the kyoto treaty, u agreed to reduce your pollution levels to just 6% below ur 1990 levels... a target which u are nowhere near achieving. the uk has a target of 8% below 1990 levels & looks like one of the only countries in the developed world to reach its target. so canada may well be beautiful... but u have the uk to thank for keeping it that way. oh & balle to the policesingh.
  11. it's actually a really good question n3o... i'm waiting to see what the responses will be...
  12. er... east doesn't rhyme with best... i believe the phrase ur looking for is: east or west, india is the best.
  13. i guess now's not a good time to pop the question to the twins then? :?
  14. one part pinky, one part brain
  15. well i was gonna say something about them... but i thought it would be rude.
  16. there was a study done where some blondes were asked to sit a test (i believe it was some form of iq test). half of them were told a series of blonde jokes just prior to the test while the other half were not. the ones who had heard the jokes performed significantly worse than those that had not. others may see sardar ji jokes as harmless, but they could well be exerting an influence & in effect becoming self fulfilling prophecies.
  17. beast, a plural reference is often used as a slang term for singular (eg. jon doe said blah blah to us - where us means me) or when referring to a third person without gender.
  18. i read about this on tapoban... i was quite disheartened to read that a couple of them believe that hazrat mian mir did not place the foundation stone at harimander sahib.
  19. the world is overdue for a flu pandemic. the last two killed a million each. & the one before that in 1918 killed more ppl than world war 1. it is a very serious threat, & that's y many governments are now stockpiling anti-viral drugs.
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