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Mugermach Singh

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Everything posted by Mugermach Singh

  1. OMG, you have opened my eyes, for once I was blind and now I can see. God bless cricket. For it is the only sport that let’s us forget our religious ties and support India. Yipeeeee...... How could I be so blinded, its a form of meditation in disguise, Where can I get a bat that says Made in Pakistan whilst playing on the India team. Oh will the India team let me play. Please, tell them that I am their biggest fan. Please, Oh please, then all my dreams will come true. Note. Above statement full of sarcasm. Please read with Positivity. Ideal Singh, you can love the game, but i prefer ping pong.
  2. just adding this too. http://www.americansanskrit.com/athome/onl...1/alphabet.html also heres a sanskrit to english dictionary http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/indologie...cap_search.html
  3. if you want lessons online, would it not make sense to get a sanskrit or gurmukhi font.
  4. cant blame them, most are naturally ugly. Just for a future note. Some Muslims who wear kurta dont wear underwear. So if your every in a situation, you can pull down his pajama, This way, he need one hand to hide some little things and therfoe only has one hand to fight. Im not racist, Just stating facts.
  5. Stupid cricket, really boring game, One man bats the other balls. The others stand around scratching their butts. They every1 gets excited and starting doing giddha when the umpire points to the flippin sky.
  6. aurengzeb banned the singing of raag kirtan because he knew that sikhs only used to sing in raag. So for this reason he tried to ban this. (imagine if he knew that in the future we would be copying film tunes and not singing raags. Next thing we probably get Dehshiva sang to Yankee Doodle) But Guru Gobind Singh Ji being the nice rebelious and caring for all type of person held a raag darbar (or something like that) where all the singhs sang raag Just to show that we aint afraid and that we will sing raags becasue that is how the guru granth sahib is structured. Kirtan = Raag, true. Raag is like something that you cant live without but only once you have understood it slightly.
  7. Happy Rakri. Instead of pieces of Strings you can all post karas to my house. Thanks.
  8. are we robots..... We do whatever we are told (gurus hukam) so according you your statement truthsingh, in our case were not related to God. Notice to Normal People, Above statements Might not make perfect sense so i put the same post up in a different manner so that normal people can understand my twisted trail of thoughts. We are machines cos whatever god says we do. I.e God programs our lives. oh well, no need to pray. Human = robot.
  9. cant get all online. Bits and bobs here and there. i think there a link at gurmatstudies or something like that.. Not sure. Not read it, but will soon. So cant comment on content. Can some1 verify what the link is.?
  10. Ahem. Ever seen a muslim will less than 3 children. A bit sterotypical, i know, but i do live in an area where 90% of the population is Muslim.
  11. the whole world is Jhoot except Sach which is Sucha. Taking Jhoot from only Amritdharis doesnt make sense to me. This means that an Un-Amritdharis food is unacceptable just as the same as those stupid bhamins who say that their food is contaninated when a lower caste casts a shadow over it. If you dont want to take jhoot, then dont take it from anyone INC amritdharis. If you want Jhoot, take it from anyone. This doesnt mean go around eating from every plate. There is a such thing a Hygiene. Also regarding this mother thing, how can you not take jhoot from a mother who fed Milk when you were a baby. the whole world is Jhoot except Sach which is Sucha. the whole world is Jhoot except Sach which is Sucha. the whole world is Jhoot except Sach which is Sucha. the whole world is Jhoot except Sach which is Sucha. the whole world is Jhoot except Sach which is Sucha.
  12. After listening to raags, its easier to understand the shabad becasue the pauses are the correct place. I dont seem to find kirtan done by harjinder singh, anoop singh, akj etc that good. People like the NaamDharis and a Bhai Balbir Singh, Bhai Auvtar singh do good raag kirtan. You need to understand a bit about raags before you can appreciate them.
  13. could you please tell me how is that spelt is gurmukhi??, i couldn't find anything on this. thanks.
  14. Parkarma, is when you walk around the guru granth saihb. Normal people do it clockwise, Nihangs do it anit-clockwise, makes more sense to do it anti-clockwise.
  15. my version, i agree with n30's too. Kesh - Body belongs to God, Kesh belong to Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Kangha - Also keeps disicple. (Samurais also kept a kanga) Katchera - specially made cotton underwear as a reminder of the commitment to purity. Also shows you take a bath, unless its brown.......... Kara - a sarbloh circle, worn on the wrist, signifying bondage to Truth and freedom from every other entanglement. It can be a, Singha da Kara, which is big so you can pratice shastar vidiya or a table kara which you play a tabla with. Kirpan - the sword, with which the Khalsa is committed to righteously defend the fine line of the Truth. Also, a definition of a kirpan is a single piece of metal from handle to blade. Like a taksal one. Others have different names. I prefer to wear a peshkabz/kukri instead of a kirpan. But main concpet i reckon is to do kirpa with it.
  16. 9 treasures. aka, 9 Kuh-jaa-neh (boxes of tresure), aka Nau Nidd. the important 9 treasures are as follows: 1) Padam, (gold/silver) 2) Mahapadam (jewels) 3) Shank (delicious foods) 4) Makar (being recognised by the state, eg, a knighthood) 5) Ruchap (trade in silks and fine fabrics) 6) Mokhand (fine arts and antiquities) 7) Rund (old ornaments, and cutlery) 8) Neel (Pearls) 9) Vuch (immence Wealth through financial genuis) 3) Makar. makar nidd is thumonguni (something to do with maya's 3rd gun, (might not be, still working on it), or something to do with Anger, i thinki its the second. Dont quote me on that, still trying to understand it) From this we gain the knowlege of ShasterVidiya. will work on others.
  17. there is no such thing as a religion. I am neither a Hindu, nor a Muslim, nor a Sikh, im just a blind follower of Akal Puruk and Guru Ji is my Guide. Akal Puruk has no religion, no caste, no roop, no parrellel, we want to attain these quaulties. only truth.... nothing else. Akal Puruk is that truth.
  18. Akali Phula singh was the Jathedar of Akal Tatka at that time. Thats why i rate him more. Raja Ranjeet singh had to get forgiveness from akali phula singh too.
  19. must have been high on sukha when i thought of this but..... to me i thought that the jugs whould have meant actual states of mind. That when the person is without guru he is kaljug. etc etc.
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