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Mugermach Singh

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Everything posted by Mugermach Singh

  1. lol, wicked and also a case of 'verbal and written diarohoea'
  2. burka's, all sizes, all colours (except green, thats goes out quick by demand), i can get some made to if anyone wants to do seva. :shock:
  3. as i thought that many guys dont wear make up. Heres a message from my sister. wearing make up is no big deal there are many other things that are more significant in sikhi, make issues of these sort of thinhgs discourage girls getting into it because it makes it feel so restrictive wearing make up doesnt do anyone any harm and may just imrove self esteem, not everyone is a 100% confident about their looks etc
  4. meaning that you dont like the way guru ji wants you to see really, so you are trying to improve your sight. My main point is that, you shouldnt use the reasoning that guru ji/parmesvar made you the way you are to tell people not to wear make up.
  5. you got to master kaam krodh lob moh and hankar NOT abolish it, and to do it you need to understand it. to understand something you got to require knowlege about it. When you get into a fight to need anger, but don't let it control you, you control it. same with kaam, you need it, but dont let it control you, you control it. become the master of these and let them be your slaves.
  6. through fear you learn to love.
  7. darshan kaur, you may have missed this as you were reading the post. the statement that i made was, that if people are going by this reason, then wearing of glasses and braces means that we are not happy with waheguru has given us. for this reason i see nothing wrong with make-up. However in the way you were saying, that people wear make-up to look prettier or enchance themselves, i see nothing wrong in this unless of course they are the kind of people who cant leave the house without make-up, thats just stupid. Im sure that many of these people who wear make up can survive without it. Im sure that they are not such vain people that they have to have it 24-7. hope i have cleared myself up. Sorry for the lack of clarity in my last post.
  8. I dont think its a big deal people wearing makeup. If your argument is that you cant wear make up because people who are doing is to correct or not happy with waheguru gave them then does that mean, that if you have bad eye sight you shouldnt wear glasses. or if you teeth are messed up you shouldn't get braces. I dont think so....
  9. doesnt make sense to me that a sant must wear a certain colour, or that as you move up you begin to wear white. Im sure that colour can affect a person any their trail of thought but it's only a colour, it cant really control you because its all in the mind. For example, we see the colour and allow our mind to make a judgement, but what if we were blind... then colour has no effect.
  10. just thought this might be a good thing to add. http://www.sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?ShabadID=3594 also, benreas could be this place http://www.templenet.com/Ganga/varanasi.html and mahagar one good site is http://www.sarbloh.info/htmls/kabir.html not read this one yet, butwhen you read it make your own mind if good or not. http://www.geocities.com/anulbird/anuragintro1.htm
  11. im guessing that this is not a progressive stage. From a logical point of view, im guessing that we can travel in and out of any of these states(khands). Thoughts about this....
  12. just a point on concentration. get some shabad or paath, learn every singh word in there and its meaning. You should know this inside out. It will take some time. If you work hard at it no more than couple of hours. Then get a gutka which has jioned up words (larivar) of a differnt shabad but same raag. (doesnt have to be of same raag, but if you notice when you read raags in order they are closely linked and the words are usually similar) Try reading this, and as you are reading it, your mind will have to concentrate on not only splitting the words but trying to understand the concept the shabad.
  13. clean you kara's using sand and kapra. you won't get any rust marks on your arm then. Also Kara becoms Shiny Shiny.
  14. you should go up to mahraj doing your penthra. :twisted: then do a few press ups, not only do you matha Tek, but your get a work out. :twisted:
  15. we stick with our reht out of our love for guru gobind singh ji. As he is our guru, then we listen to what our guru says because he does not wish to cause us any harm. Bhagat Kabir Ji has used this Salok to remind us, that when we are love with the lord, we dont care for outside appearence, but lets fall in love with vaheguru first. Also, it can also remind us that we Akal Purkh Ki Fauji's should not look down on people without long hair, because we dont know that they may be in love with god. just my opinion. having cut hair doesnt make you a bad person. And Having long hair doesnt make you a good person. In the case for Khalsa Reht, you need uncut hair, its a requirement.
  16. i'd go in my gandhi suit. so could every1 else, we all have white bedsheets at home.
  17. maybe she found god there. we have to remember that its not only sikhs that get to waheguru. But one thing for sure, a person that converts usualy has little to none understanding of their own religion, then there are others who have studied their scripts and found that other scripts are better, when these people convert, let them go, we should stay firm in our beliefs. a Singh came up to guru gobind singh ji once as said, there are many hindus and muslims how will we survive?, Guru gobind singh replied, As long and the sikhs of Kartar [god] are firm and educated in Sikhi, nothing can harm them. dont worry about people converting, it is just a way that waheguru may be using to purify the sikhi again. Survival of the fittest. the fittest will remain, and i for one, wish to be one of them, And not these Turks, Pathans who just sit around nuri/kuri maared ah. (aka hukka)
  18. the whole world is full of jhoot except SACH, and sach is always sucha, not jhootha, so really it shouldn't matter who you share your food from. But out of hygiene and warfare tactics, sikhs adopts this concept of not eating from the same plate. Do you realise how hurt someone could get if you said to them, "i cant eat is because it your jhoot".(i repeat the whole world is full of jhoot except SACH, and sach is always sucha) If you are really unhappy with this jhoot thing, don't tell them that its jhoota, just ask them for something else, like a orange and kela (banana), because in theory, you have to peel it so that means that it is 'appatently Sucha'.... (but nothing is sucha except Sach.
  19. if anyone is going to read this, it will be better to start at the begining of 24 incarnations. (makes more sense then)
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