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Panjabi/English Dictionary


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  • 2 months later...

If you are interested in Gurmukhi and Gurbani language then I would recommend C. Shackles 2 books--------

1 - An intro to the sacred language of the Sikhs and;

2 - Guru Nanak Glossary.

They are both out of print, but if you look hard enough, you can still find some available for sale on the net.

If you are lucky, a nice gentleman may find one for you and gift it to you out of the kindness of their heart, as happened to me.... (thanks little brother ;-)

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I was going to PM you Veer jattboot but thought I'd share the knowledge for anyone else interested:

Here is a link to the website that I got these books from:


Just do a search for 'Shackle'.

Please be aware that they didn't have an online payment facility when I used them a while ago, although they may do now -I should really sell some IT work to them!. This meant one they had contacted me, I had to send my card details via email. I highly recommend that you split your details across two or three emails and let them know before hand.

Everything worked out fine and there was no card fraud!


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  • 4 months later...

Have you seen the ones from Patiala University? They are pretty good for non religious Panjabi.

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