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Luton Protests Against British Soldiers In Afghanistan And Iraq


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I know this news is old but i just saw this video, just wanted to know what you guys think about this video on Luton protest against British soldiers when they came back from Iraq. Here is an interview with Anjem Choudary protest leader explaining his reasons:

Please post your thoughts.. :grin:

My thoughts are obvious echoes sentiments from the past rule of british in India committing many atrocities, I would too protest against the soldiers if army start deploying in punjab in future and start killing innocent civilians. However may be i would tone down the rhetoric speech a bit in armies home country.

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He's a good speaker but crafty....

It's complex - you have to look at what you aim to achieve from your protests. In this case, I think they wouldn't mind some backlash from the general public because it would help them with their mission to 'spread Islam'. They were seeking attention, nothing else. Unfortunately, the majority rule and if you want to change the government or its policies, you need to get the majority on your side so they vote favorably for your cause during elections. Shouting abuse at soldiers is not the way to do it, they should have at least got some gorey to join them - there are plenty of non-religious groups who oppose the war.

The soldiers should not have been paraded through the town centre like heroes either, everyone knows the war in Iraq was a sham and Afghanistan isn't much better, though at least many of the Al Quaeda sponsored Madrasas and training camps have been destroyed.

There is an old white guy who has been camped outside the Houses of Parliament since day 1 of the war in Iraq - that's a genuine protest.

Edited by Matheen
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I know this news is old but i just saw this video, just wanted to know what you guys think about this video on Luton protest against British soldiers when they came back from Iraq. Here is an interview with Anjem Choudary protest leader explaining his reasons:

Please post your thoughts.. :grin:

My thoughts are obvious echoes sentiments from the past rule of british in India committing many atrocities, I would too protest against the soldiers if army start deploying in punjab in future and start killing innocent civilians. However may be i would tone down the rhetoric speech a bit in armies home country.


Do you know who Anjem Choudury is? He is the same mad mullah who wrote a letter to the Pope stating that the innocent victims who died in the 7/11 bombings deserved to die and should not be treated as innocent civilians. He's also on record as saying that the killing of non-Muslims is legitimate.

The guy is a psychopathic Muslim who is following his religion to the letter. If MI5 had any balls, they would have sent this disgusting fool packing back to Pakistan or put a bullet in his thick head.

In this video he is practicing Islam taquiyah (deception). The real reason he is protesting the war in Iraq is because according to Islam Sharia it is illegal for non-Muslims to kill Muslims for any reason, while a Muslim is allowed to murder non-Muslims without punishment.



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Do you know who Anjem Choudury is? He is the same mad mullah who wrote a letter to the Pope stating that the innocent victims who died in the 7/11 bombings deserved to die and should not be treated as innocent civilians. He's also on record as saying that the killing of non-Muslims is legitimate.

The guy is a psychopathic Muslim who is following his religion to the letter. If MI5 had any balls, they would have sent this disgusting fool packing back to Pakistan or put a bullet in his thick head.

In this video he is practicing Islam taquiyah (deception). The real reason he is protesting the war in Iraq is because according to Islam Sharia it is illegal for non-Muslims to kill Muslims for any reason, while a Muslim is allowed to murder non-Muslims without punishment.



After his post 7/11 interview I am amazed that no one has physically assaulted this slimy racist kafir-phobe to date (well not that I know of, going by media reports etc.).

Every time I see news like this, I just get more and more frustrated at the way Britain is heading. Although it makes me glad that I don't live there, Australia wouldn't be too far off if we had as big a Muslim population here (although unfortunately it is growing).

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Thanks kalyug for providing more information on this guy. Regardless of this guy, lets focus on this event itself muslims protesting in UK against army. was the thought behind this protest wrong? or the way it was carried was unacceptable ie - flashing placards armies as murders, rapist etc? and god forbids if similar thing happens in punjab? what would we as collective sikh panth would have done in this situation?

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The outrage over so-called atrocities committed by the Alliance in Iraq and Afghanistan is a sham. It is a cloak to give some legitimacy to their hidden aim to act as a fifth column in this country. Whatever the rights or wrongs of the West's intervention in these countries, it cannot be compared to what was done during the colonial era. The deception of people like Chaudhry can be guaged from the fact that he and his organisation never protest against the atrocities commited by Muslims against other Muslims. The vast majority of the deaths in Iraq are due to the violence between Sunnis and Shias yet no Muslim in the West protests against these acts, just against what the West has been doing.

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