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For The Asuras Amongst Us

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ਕੁਕ੍ਰਿਤ ਕਰਮ ਜੇ ਜਗ ਮੈ ਕਰਹੀ ॥ ਨਾਮ ਅਸੁਰ ਤਿਨ ਕੋ ਸਭ ਧਰਹੀ ॥੧੫॥

In Dasam Granth, Chandi is praised for destroying the asuras, the demons who are the enemies of the devas.

A Sikh who reads Chandi bani, especially a Nihang who is the traditional heir to the great Jungee Khalsa who worshipped this shakti of Akal in the form of their shastar, and yet acts like an asura will be destroyed by this very same force.

That is why various Mahapurush and some Sikhs who still maintain an understanding of the importance and power of these bania emphasise that one must have a firm rehat before doing great abhyaas of these bania. By this is meant not simply keeping the Sikh roop and avoiding the bujjar kurehits, but not being enslaved by kaam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankar - all of the internal demons that Chandi destroys in the deeper understanding of her mythology.

If one self-identifies with one's ego, and as a consequence absorbs one of these 5 thieves into one's being, one becomes an asura. When one then recites Chandi bani from Dasam Granth, one is asking Akal for inevitable self-destruction.

Unless one is God-centred first, or at the very least not blinded to one's own haumai to such an extent that one goes around beating up innocent teenagers for supposed disrespect of Nihang roop, and believes that one is acting in the name of Akal when one brutalises a kid while reciting bani, when one mistakes uncontrolled rage for bir ras and hurts an innocent and pushes him away from Sikhi and Waheguru as a consequence, this shakti of Akal who is invoked by you will be the same shakti that destroys you, because Chandi is the protector of the innocent, the devotees of God and the Saints - not your own ego.


Edited by Kaljug
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Where did you get this information about Chandi di Vaar ji?


Which part, jio? The symbolic meanings of the asuras like Madhu, Kaitabh and Sumbh, Nisumbh and Mashisasura and Raktabija comes from commentaries on Durga Saptashati. See here:


There is more information about them in Baba Santa Singh's Sarbloh Granth Steek.

The power of Chandi bania in Dasam Granth and their strict maryada is mentioned in Sant Harnam Singh Rampur Khere Wale's biography Se Kanehaa, and from conversations with Sant Jagjit Singh Harkhowale who suggested to a friend of mine that he needs to have strict rehat and amritvela before reciting Chandi di Var or Chandi Charitras.

I was referring in particular to a well known former Nihang Singh in the UK who may be going to prison soon for beating up some innocent young Sikh in a fit of rage for supposed beadbi of farla maryada.


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What is meant by self-destruction?? death?


Nothing that literal. Self-destruction, unwilled transformation, destruction of the self, a reminder that one is not one's ego, is sometimes a messy and painful affair.


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How did this teen do Beadbi of Farla Maryada?


The youth took a pic of himself wearing a pretend farla with the caption "Buddha Dal Jathedar UK" and emailed it to a friend. It was a childish prank but some took it much more seriously than was perhaps warranted.

In any case, the youth has recently asked for the particulars not to be discussed until his court case has come to an end.


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