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Problems In Ludhiana


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6 Singhs are now confirmed Shaheed.

Here is what a Singh on Facebook who has information from firsthand sources and not just media had to say about the issue:

Kamaljeet Singh ShaheedSar sent a message to the members of No Khalsa Panth without Sri Dasam Guru Granth.

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Subject: Wake up Call-4

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh .

Guru gobind singh ji maharaj , In the Right of Being Son of God, Created God's Army on this earth and named it Khalsa.

'' Khalsa Kaal purakh ki fauj, pargetyo Khalsa param-atam ki mauj''.

Akaal Purakh has created universe in principle of duality. Thats why’’ Maya’’ has been referred to as Khanda in baani of Guru Gobind Singh ji maharaj, as ‘’Double Edged Sword’’.

''Khanda prithme Saaj ke jin Sab sansaar Upaaya''.(Vaar Sri Bhagauti ji ki).

There is light, there is darkness,

There is Love, there is hatred,

There are Sants, there are dushts,

Guru Gobind Singh ji maharaj were sent by Waheguru for '' Dharam chalaavan, Sant ubaran, Dusht sabhan ko mool Upaaran''.

And Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj placed his Jot in Baani and Panth and ordered panth to fulfill his mission. He didn’t make us only Sant but also Sipahi, The Saint Soldiers. Khalsa panth always fought for Justice, freedom, equality and Truth! Khalsa was blessed to fight for humanity. It was not created for just Sikhs, or just for Punjab but whole of world. Didnt Sikhs fight for Hindus and freed their women and children from invading Turks and Afghans?? Didnt Baba Taru Singh ji freed a poor muslim Rahim baksh's daughter from muslim general of patti, who wanted to rape her? and on whose murder charges Baba ji was Martyred. Khalsa fought for humanity and equality, and created a Khalsa raaj in which inspite of 70% population being muslim, sikhs being just 10% and hindus other20%, there were no riots, no killings of civilians. Khalsa raaj became the first State in world in 19th century to abolish Capital punishment.

And today that Khalsa is being beaten and killed on streets of Punjab, humiliated and tortured in police stations, taunted and openly challenged by Enemies of its Guru, in its own land. And its not able to do anything, anything, why?? Is this what Maharaj ji made us like? Today this Army is lost in wilderness, forgetting the very fact that it’s actually an Army, Army of Deathless Lord! But things like this do happen to an army which forgets its discipline, its aims and its duties. Same has happened in our case.We forgot everything.

Who is our commander today in field?

Which is our Capital??

Which is the area of operations of this Army??

What is this army doing to uphold the values given to it by its Creator Lord?

Today, Khalsa has been made to look like a joke, by our Jathedars, Our Leaders,so-called panthic organizations and Our Enemies equally.

I've talked to so many Singhs those who were on field that day, 5th of December. They told me such things that i get ashamed sometimes why i'm living in time of these ppl and feel helpless that i cant do anything.

Sarna, President of Delhi SGPC, came to Singhs on 4th evening, there were around 400-500 singhs present, he started abt how we should fight for Guru, why its important to stop ashutosh, that we'll go tommorow in a peaceful procession, face bullets and lathiss with peace, inj kar desa, unj kar desa, je lorh payi ashutosh de dand bhann desa, bla bla bla bla! And what he did?? That very night around 12 he left for his friend darshan lall, went to Akaal takhat with him on 5th and stayed there till singhs hadn’t shed their blood in afternoon in Ludhiana. Why?? He didn’t go to fight for His Guru's honour, but went for darshan laal's honour! He didnt upheld his ardas and bachans he did in front of guruji, but went to save his frnd Darshan. Bloody Traitor! And all know he's a known Congress agent! Still he’s president of Delhi Gurudwara committee, that very Delhi where his friends killed 5000 innocent Sikhs.

Makkar, president of SGPC, member frm Ludhiana, has not till today visited the injured singhs or families of Shaheeds. Why?? He knows what he'll have to face from youth.

Where are the entire world famous Raagis, Dhadis, Kathavachaks and most of all the Professors?? Aren’t they part of this Fauj. Some will say there job is to do kirtan, NO! Baba Mani Singh ji was a scholar, writer, kathavachak, but when needed, he lifted sword and fought for panth. Baba Deep Singh ji was a Scholar, writer, Kirtaniya, Didnt he fight for panth?? Jassa Singh ahluwalia, commander of Khalsa Panth started his sewa with Kirtan. But today no ragi or dhadhi, no one is coming forward to raise his voice against this injustice! They simply refuse saying it’s not our Job! Shame on them!

What abt Anti-Dasam Baani heretics?? Where are they?? Singhsabhacanada website has articles on darshan's tankhaiya issue, but none on Ludhiana incident. One added by a missionary just now is just a lame attempt to mix up dasam baani and ludhiana kaand and darshan’s saza. Where are these professors like Ghagga, lalla, pappa! They have gone back in their rat-holes, waiting for the right time, so that they'll come out again and start their panth-dokhi parchar against Dasam baani! Traitors! Where is Jeonwala’s pen now?? Where is Sabhra and party now??

Recently,Babbu maan released an album and made a mockery of parchar being done by sant mahapurakhs. Some will say no no, he wasn’t saying against Sikh sants but ppl like sarse wala and others. Didn’t he used the words ‘’2-4 dholkiya’’ and ‘’5-7 chimte’’ in his song?? Who carry dholki chimte?? Not Sarsewala or other pakhandis, Sikh Sants use these instruments in their Kirtan Diwans. But when Sant Ranjeet Singh ji objected against this, many fans of babbu maan world over, even Sikh federations, organizations, missionaries like Dhoonda openly spoke in favour of babbu maan and against Baba Ranjeet singh ji. U can go and see types of words used against Babaji on youtube by babbu’s chelas. It was ok if it was only his chelas and fans, even ppl calling themselves Sikhs sided with him, A Patit, and did Babaji’s Ninda. Many openly called him’’pakhandi saadh’’ and sum ‘’vigarhya munda’’(corrupt youngster).

But then this Pakhandi Saadh went to defend his Guru’s honour in Ludhiana, faced bullets, 3 singhs of his jatha (dholki-chimte vale) were severely injured and he faced hardships for his Guru. Now he’s back to his parchar, in punjab’s villages and cities and exhorting Sikhs to unite and wake up for charhdi kala of panth, where is babbu maan?? Where are those organizations and federations which openly sided with him?? Where is Prof. Dhoonda?? Some may think I’m his chela, it’s a habit of ppl. When a write abt Taksal or Santji’s coming back, ppl abuse me back and call me ‘’Thakurwadi’’(reffering to Babaji). But I am for truth, whoever serves Guru’s Panth, does sewa in field, I am his chela!

Most painful is fact that we know we have ‘’Six shaheed singhs’’(confirmed again and again) but still many people, even Sikhs are saying there was only one Shaheed. Why? Why is no one talking abt others, asking for information. Yes, the youth who are giving this info don’t want to come in front(police will surely pick them up and torture them) , but they are not lying. I’ve more faith in my those brothers than Punjab police or Media.

Name of second singh shaheed is Bhai Sarwan Singh ji (AKJ). Plz do ardas for him and other singhs also, we are trying to find out their names, but its really tough. No jathebandi that day made any list of how many singhs were in that jatha, their names or addresses. But confirmed reports say one singh was from Lucknow(U.P) and one shaheed was from rajpura(Punjab).

Khalsa ji, time is really tough, A Sikh will have ti live as his Guru wanted him to live, else Sikh will not exist at all. Our Guru made us Fauj,look at urself, do u look like a Khalsa Fauji?? And if we are not Khalsa Fauj, if our dress, our discipline, our rehat, our morals, our feelings are not of a Khalsa warrior, than what we are?? Guru wants us to exist as a Army, which is always vigilant, ready to protect its nation (Khalsa Panth), lay down life for our freedom, dignity and our Surmai( Blue) Nishan Sahib.

And the day we stopped that, our downfall started. Guru told us, u’ll have to fight to live, we fought and we lived. The day our warrior spirit died, we became slaves and we are still slaves and will remain so if we don’t wake up and raise our voice against injustice and tyranny.

Rememeber some important things

Armies don’t hold candles in their hands, they hold weapons.(Guru gave us weapons, we took candles in hands).

An Army never wins if it’s not led by a brave and committed General. (Pray to Guru for giving us one who’ll lead us in field).

An Army can never win if it forgets its aim, its mission. (Khalsa Raaj)

Be vigilant, United and don’t let Panth dokhis in us to spread hatred in Panth. Rememeber, whenever Panth has called, These very Bahmanvaadi and pakhandi organizations like DDT, AKJ, Sant Samaj have come in forefront to do Sewa of Panth and not these Panth-dokhi missionaries and Anti-Dasam granthis. Beware from peoples of all parties, be they frm Akali dal, BJP, Congress, Communists, all are same for Khalsa Panth!

Do Simran, Read Baani and Pray for a Jarnail, Who’ll lead us and guide us. That’s what we need now!

Akaaal Ji Sahai

Mahakaal ji Sahai

Kamaljeet Singh Khalsa Shaheedsar.


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That was a well written letter. 6 Singhs getting Shaheed is really sad. Why does this type of stuff always happen whenever Badal government is in power? Badal is really a cancer for the Panth. This man has destroyed the credibility and respect of the once great Sikh party "Shiromani Akali Dal".

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6 Singhs are now confirmed Shaheed.

Here is what a Singh on Facebook who has information from firsthand sources and not just media had to say about the issue:

Kamaljeet Singh ShaheedSar sent a message to the members of No Khalsa Panth without Sri Dasam Guru Granth.

Who is our commander today in field?

Which is our Capital??

Which is the area of operations of this Army??

What is this army doing to uphold the values given to it by its Creator Lord?

Today, Khalsa has been made to look like a joke, by our Jathedars, Our Leaders,so-called panthic organizations and Our Enemies equally.

What abt Anti-Dasam Baani heretics?? Where are they?? ............. they'll come out again and start their panth-dokhi parchar against Dasam baani! Traitors! Where is Jeonwala’s pen now?? Where is Sabhra and party now??

Khalsa ji, time is really tough, A Sikh will have ti live as his Guru wanted him to live, else Sikh will not exist at all. Our Guru made us Fauj,look at urself, do u look like a Khalsa Fauji??

Be vigilant, United and don’t let Panth dokhis in us to spread hatred in Panth. Rememeber, whenever Panth has called, These very Bahmanvaadi and pakhandi organizations like DDT, AKJ, Sant Samaj have come in forefront to do Sewa of Panth and not these Panth-dokhi missionaries and Anti-Dasam granthis. Beware from peoples of all parties, be they frm Akali dal, BJP, Congress, Communists, all are same for Khalsa Panth!

Do Simran, Read Baani and Pray for a Jarnail, Who’ll lead us and guide us. That’s what we need now!

Does hindu community has any such issues raked up now and then?

Why dasam granth has started to be eqauted with SGGS after so many years. Did SGPC had any such equality issues even a few years back?

It is subtle way of dividing us.

Real issue was about doing Dasam granth Parkaash ALONGWITH SGGS Ji.... but now it has been made a different issue of authenticity etc.

A Good leader is really required. We just have to refuse / remove our current leaders.It is not easy to do it but we have to do it.

Now the times have changed... straight fight is not going to win u anything. You need to fight it democratically... not with shastra always.

Sikhs get easily aggressive.... and Hindu have easily exploited in dividing us.

Why are we saying that One is better than other if we are all one?

If one knows meaning of shabads,or recite them from memory, does he become a better person than others?

Real need is unity and good leadership.

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Why dasam granth has started to be eqauted with SGGS after so many years.

Nobody is saying that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is not our Guru. That is not the issue. Ragi Darshan and his crew are attacking all of Dasam Bani to the extent that they want to change our Nitnem banis.

To read Dasam Granth, it has to be 'parkashed' - how else can you read such a large granth and keep respect for Guru Sahib's writings?

The only people making this an issue are the anti-DG crew who want to use this to divide and conquer. Guru Granth Sahib Ji was given Gurgaddi and will always be our Guru - in fact the biggest celebration of this fact was last year at Hazur Sahib, where they do Parkash of Dasam Granth and have been doing so for 300 years.

Use some common sense.

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