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Al Qaeda Planning To Dress Up Suicide Bombers As Sikhs


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Al Qaeda is planning to dress up suicide bombers as Sikhs and security chiefs fear that Muslim extremists may hide the explosives inside Sikh headgear. Al-Qaida is plotting to dress like Sikhs to exploit religious sensitivities about removing traditional clothing.

A security source said: “Dressing as a Sikh may give would-be suicide bombers the edge in getting past checkpoints. Security agents on the ground have been warned to be vigilant. Thorough body pat-downs are now regular practice, but the head area may be open to exploitation.”

“Ceramic weapons are also a concern, but we are working hard to deal with the threat,” the source said The new fears come after the UK terror alert status was raised last weekend from ‘substantial’ to ‘severe.’

Al-Qaeda thugs know Muslims may face extra scrutiny at security checkpoints so Osama bin Laden is even believed to have sent two beautiful women suicide bombers to target this week’s anti-terror summit in London. Last night Sikh groups acknowledged fanatics could use headgear worn by Sikh men with long hair in a bid to escape detection.

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It's a load of bs. Which Al-Qaeda member did the Indian media speak too. Anyone who looks like a Sikh already gets more attention that others - why would terrorists want to draw attention to themselves? Which is why all the 9/11 hijackers were clean shaved, 'normal' looking men.

Most INdian news media outlets including TV/ papers etc make Fox News look intelligent. They should be ashamed of themselves.

The less bs like this is publicised, the better.

Edited by Matheen
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Matheen is right. Most terrorists/extremists cut their beard and wear normal clothes in order to blend in with society. However, in recent years after Richard Reid's fiasco in blowing up an intercontinental airplane, airports worldwide have tightened security which has forced al qaeda and others to think more creative. Thats why we've seen bombs as liquid so they could be kept in normal coca cola bottles. a few weeks ago we saw small bombs hidden in underwear and off course there is somalian suicide bombers who've dressed in burkas in order to get through security... .. It would'n surprise me if some al qaeda members manufactured fake passports with singh names, wore sikh styles turbans and boarded some plans..

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What about the trend of Qaedas hiding explosives up their ....err......you know.....rear....cavity.......wtf!! That's serious dedication to your cause or what! lol

I think the story is another attempt to defame Sikhs myself. You can tell how effective Indian 'intelligence' is with how they were so slick with the Mumbai massacre........

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The whole fear of terrorist attacks on aircraft is illogical.

In the US, you have a much higher chance of being killed by a drunk driver on your way to the airport than of being involved in an incident onboard the aircraft - and that's if there wasn't any security at all!

Israeli style behavioural profiling is probably the best form of security - not one incident on an El-Al aircraft, and you know the nutters would love to change that. It's easy to say "they could get fake passports.... etc" but there are a host of other indicators security personnel check - even before you get to the airport.

Again, the media and politicians have hyped up the threat so much that the general public no longer see erosion of personal freedoms as an issue.

Edited by Matheen
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The whole fear of terrorist attacks on aircraft is illogical.

In the US, you have a much higher chance of being killed by a drunk driver on your way to the airport than of being involved in an incident onboard the aircraft - and that's if there wasn't any security at all!

In a world where money has become president the nightmares will increase. Bollywood films are copying American movies and making innocent children terrorified of interacting with real life. Unlike in the past where most people had a inner spiritual journey this will become less and less. The media is about 2% true the rest is to bring more nightmares or movie like pictures into people. Medical doctors are also increasing and have indentified 50+ types of cancer. One cancer starts from the brain to the spinal cord.

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