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Must See! Dispatches - Afghanistan - Behind Enemy Line


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Anyone see Dispatches yesterday?

Looked like the goray are lying about any 'success' in Afghanistan. Those sulleh were blatant. The claimed to have beheaded prisoners who refused to convert to Islam (sounds familiar....)

If you watch it, also compare those guys to our warriors in terms of tactics, physical build and determination. There wasn't a fatty amongst them. They also seem to set up a form of government in the region which imprisons and executes prisoners if required. One interesting bit (out of many) was the way one of the generals was teaching a younger soldier the prayers and blatantly slapped him on his face when he kept getting it wrong.

Some of the people on the video clearly stated that one of their aims was to remove all kuffars from the country. Looks like waspy is in over his head?

If anyone can rip it so that the non UK sangat can see it then they should.


Edited by dalsingh101
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I have to add.

One of the jihadis blatantly said "when this is all over, we are going to go into the Mid East and Europe."

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The documentary was great. Their ideology is twisted, but they do remind me of old school warriors. Have to say that it is impressive that they aren't just talk and no action, they actively fight for what they believe to be right.

Too bad that what they believe to be right, isn't.

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These are the descendents of the jihadis nihungs fought barely a century and a half ago. I see our boys have seriously let themselves go since then......

Can you imagine Jathedar Santa Singh amongst these lot? Could he even handle the marches?

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When they were younger, sure.

Even today, most of the younger Nihang Singhs and Singhs who do sewa at various deras etc are in good shape, but as a whole, the panth has lost its way when it comes to doing its duty in maintaining dharm and freedom not only for ourselves, but for everyone. We probably don't know what really happened, but I still don't understand why the Sikh armies just laid down their arms - physically handing them over to the British after the second Anglo-Sikh war, and never fought back again, not even a guerilla battle.

There have been many Sikhs who've fought for civil liberties through the courts, e.g. the right to wear dastars in the UK etc. However, when it comes to larger issues, has anyone apart from Sant Jarnail Singh Ji seriously taken up the challenge? How many of our leaders have done ardas before Guru Sahib and not gone back on their word?

These days, most of us are happy with the status quo, as long as we get food, have shelter, then who cares about anything?

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These are the descendents of the jihadis nihungs fought barely a century and a half ago. I see our boys have seriously let themselves go since then......

Can you imagine Jathedar Santa Singh amongst these lot? Could he even handle the marches?

Brother dalsingh101, have you read a book called 'God's Terrorists'? It's basically a history about Wahhabism in both the Sub-Continent and Arabia. The author does mention Sikhs and how jihad was raised against us time and time again. Also mentions how Sikhs had 'long opressed the Pathans'. :D It's quite a good read so you should look out for it.

As for your other point, material successes have on the whole, weakened the Panth. However, if faced with the living conditions these jihadis are in, coupled with the constant warefare that has dominated that part of the world for so long, I am sure we would also be just as crazy (although without the jihadist ideology).

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When they were younger, sure.

Even today, most of the younger Nihang Singhs and Singhs who do sewa at various deras etc are in good shape, but as a whole, the panth has lost its way when it comes to doing its duty in maintaining dharm and freedom not only for ourselves, but for everyone. We probably don't know what really happened, but I still don't understand why the Sikh armies just laid down their arms - physically handing them over to the British after the second Anglo-Sikh war, and never fought back again, not even a guerilla battle.

There have been many Sikhs who've fought for civil liberties through the courts, e.g. the right to wear dastars in the UK etc. However, when it comes to larger issues, has anyone apart from Sant Jarnail Singh Ji seriously taken up the challenge? How many of our leaders have done ardas before Guru Sahib and not gone back on their word?

These days, most of us are happy with the status quo, as long as we get food, have shelter, then who cares about anything?

I can imagine the Kharkoos of the 80s matching these Jihadis in bravery and battle field tactics. But the modern Nihangs cannot match these Jihadis. We all like to think they can, but let us be practical here. Most of the Nihangs I have seen in India are basically Sadhus, not warriors of the modern era using sophisticated modern technology and tactics. Just compare the Nihangs to our traditional Jihadi enemies from the NW frontier and Afghanistan. The Pathans of today have kept alive their bravery and do or die attitude for their nation and quam, where as our Nihangs have not.

The Kharkoo Singhs of the 80s and early 90s who fought and got Shaheed were a very brave breed of Sikhs. They were not just stick and sword swingers. They knew the realities of modern warfare and trained knowing this reality. So it is not that Sikhs cannot match these Pathans, we still can.

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This is what the subcontinent will be like in a century or two. Muslims have a higher birth-rate than kafirs so tranformation is inevitable. First there is the point of no return where you cannot get rid of them. 15% in India now. Once they are 50% they will start pushing kafirs around and after 75% forced conversions will commence and all kafir culture will vanish.

Afghanistan was once a dharmic (Hindu & Buddhist) land. The last place standing was called "Kafiristan" which after attack from multiple sides by Muslims got forcibly converted and renamed Nuristan. Recently the public there demanded an Islamic law that allows them to starve their wives if they object to being raped. I'm sure they know their Islamic scripture very well.

Pakistan (once Hindu and Sikh) is the same thanks to overdosing on Islam. Traditionalist Muslims in India are no different to ones anywhere else so I think transformation is inevitable.

By the way, Deobandi Islam is influenced by Wahhabi, and the Taliban are a Deobandi & Wahhabi mix.

Thanks for the documentary tip anyway. I will record the repeat and watch it.

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I advise all Singhs world-wide to get in touch with 'Maha-Gurdev'.

Who needs modern warfare and a vicious mentality when you have the know how to make tubes of cardboard and a piece of string so deadly...

PS the dungarees are the equivalent of Black Belt 10th Dan, you will also get a pair once you have passed all the required gradings.

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I advise all Singhs world-wide to get in touch with 'Maha-Gurdev'.

Who needs modern warfare and a vicious mentality when you have the know how to make tubes of cardboard and a piece of string so deadly...

PS the dungarees are the equivalent of Black Belt 10th Dan, you will also get a pair once you have passed all the required gradings.

Watching that type of stuff probably helped turn our people into idiots. Hebetudinous indeed!

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