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I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry....


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Not too disimilar to when you ask people in the west who or what Xmas is about. Typical response would be that you're celebrating Father Chrsitmas' birthday or its about having a party or simply about buying new gifts!

But in their defence you can argue that when a person has a camera and mic thrust into their faces out of nowhere they do tend forget the basics of things esp if its in list form ie 10 gurus, 5 piare, 4 sahibzade, 5 banis etc.

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Very Good in the sense its an eye opener as do we understand what we are celebrating or know about the history of the Gurudawara we are/have visited . Certainly an eye opener ... back to basics.

The problem or shall i say the challenge in my personal opinion we face especially visiting the Gurudawaras in India is that its hard to find someone who can tell you about the history. They should have guides who can converse in English and Punjabi who can take groups of people around the Gurudawara telling them about the History . I visited Sri Haramdar Sahib last year , there were several English couples from the UK wanting to know more about the history , and what they were allowed to do or visit at Sri Harmandar Sahib. When I approached them the little knowledge I had , I shared but some suggestions made by them were that there should be tour guides , more literature available for all to understand the history, as it is such a beautiful , peaceful place of worship.

So all excited I was on a mission to find a jatedar of Sri Harmandar Sahib to make this suggestion , could I find any .... being passed from pillar to post , then back in the UK I emailed amrtisar ( they have a website cant remember the exact details but have them somewhere) emailed them about the suggestion , did they reply , hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Personally I'm beginning to think the fact of being a diasporic Sikh SOMETIMES makes one more careful to learn and preserve ones heritage. That is why we get a lot of brothers outside [of Panjab] that are quite knowledgeable about their roots whilst many people backhome have a staggering rate of ignorance in this area. That is not to say that many people here don't know much about their roots either.

Frequently you can get two brothers, one of whom is enthusiastic about his Sikh roots and strives to engage with it and learn, becoming quite knowledgeable and the other who knows nothing bar the names of the first and last human Guru's and the Guru Granth Sahib and is largely uninterested in these matters.

I think there was an element of being startled by the on the spot filming involved in the clip but we also have to acknowledge that many people of Sikh background really don't know these things. The point from Jattboot that we are becoming like British 'Christians' in relation to our faith (i.e. that is it quite a tenuous connection) is very valid.

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So low I have repressed the score from my memory....

Besides, I don't think the artificial intelligence approach is one that applies well to 'spiritual assessment'.


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I think the assessment gives one a little bit of an eye opener. We tend to think we are 'doing okay'

sometimes it is good to get a bit of a jolt and seeing a percentage like this can give that jolt, for

the better I hope so that we can stive a little more to get on the right path.

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