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Racist Emails: Oz 4 Cops Sacked, 15 Face Disciplinary Action


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Four Australian police officers were sacked and disciplinary action initiated against 15 others in connection with the circulation of racist emails wherein they joked about the electrocution of an Indian.

While four have been sacked, one has been demoted, another five have been fined up to 3000 dollars and placed on 12-month good behaviour bonds for their involvement in the case.

Nine officers will front the disciplinary panel on October 12 and October 15, with six to be heard the following week, 'Herald Sun' reported on Sunday. Two officers quit rather than face the secret hearings.

On Saturday, top police officers were caught in a racist e-mail scandal joking about the electrocution of an Indian train passenger and suggesting that it could be "a way to fix the Indian student problem" in Melbourne.

The emails that were probed by the Ethical Standards Department's Operation Barrot contain pornographic, homophobic, racist and violent material.

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Four Australian police officers were sacked and disciplinary action initiated against 15 others in connection with the circulation of racist emails wherein they joked about the electrocution of an Indian.

While four have been sacked, one has been demoted, another five have been fined up to 3000 dollars and placed on 12-month good behaviour bonds for their involvement in the case.

Nine officers will front the disciplinary panel on October 12 and October 15, with six to be heard the following week, 'Herald Sun' reported on Sunday. Two officers quit rather than face the secret hearings.

On Saturday, top police officers were caught in a racist e-mail scandal joking about the electrocution of an Indian train passenger and suggesting that it could be "a way to fix the Indian student problem" in Melbourne.

The emails that were probed by the Ethical Standards Department's Operation Barrot contain pornographic, homophobic, racist and violent material.

This is just one incident of when they got caught. Imagine all the times they don't get caught with their racist behaviour. Is it any wonder that this racist police would refuse to call most of the attacks on Indian students as racist attacks.

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I have worked with many, many antipodeans over the last 10 years, of all, Australians are consistantly the worst in terms of backward/nazi/hillbilly attitudes - what chance does anyone else have, when the native aborigines are blamed for all evil. Kiwis are much better - they actually pretend they have Maori blood somewhere in their past. South Africans - English are nearly always cool - Dutch (Afrikaans) are mixed - with some being cool - others still holding deep down resentment against blacks.

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When I worked in the city, what surprised me was the ease with which white Australians could get quite coveted positions with little experience or qualifications in the field. This would never be the case with an equivalent ethnic man from the UK. No wonder they turn up with their backpacks in droves.

I hear A LOT of moaning and groaning from English SAs these days. Talking about how unfair things in Africa are now the black man has power. They bewail the discrimination they face. The ridiculousness of their position is completely lost on them. I find it hard to muster any sympathy.

I think the idea of white privilege is so deeply rooted in their psychology that it is mind blowing fro them to imagine an alternative scenario.

Mind you, we do have our own version of this mentality in the panth too.

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