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Why Are Sikhs Opposite?


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I was just reading topic on SS about secret G/F of some islamic bomber and one question come's to my mind that why we as a quom are opposite?

When some Non practicing Sikh acheive something Like Abhinav Bindra winning gold ,Yuvraj singh Hitting six sixes etc then majority of sikhs just disown them saying

because they are not practicing so no need to celebrate

While when we hear cases of some sikh kuri running with muslim terrorist we we start beating our chests and start saying where the quom is going.We don't even care whether the girl is even 0.1% practicing sikh or not on the other hand other Religions Like hinduism or islam take successful people as part of their religion not even caring whether they are practicing or not.

Anyway my point is when do not considers non practicing acheivers as part of our Quom then why do care about the the people which are failure and shame on the community?

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Things like this are for members of panj takht to consider, akal takht should be having these talks, not just average joes where is our jathedar what is he even doing and why are more uneducated gianis being sent abroad ofcourse people are going to run away from Sikhism either becoming heretics or going to other religions the problem we face is with bad governing where people in power manipulate religion for there own greed it happens everywhere. We all have greed but people need to control it, some peoples egos are out of control. These days it is more about punjabi(sikh) pride rather then being truthful to guru maharaja's khalsa. Gianis and raagis need to overcome the language gap and start doing parchar In english in educated fashion, they should do there research rather then redoing Katha then they heard and is not suited for the modern western world and it's demands especially when it comes to interactions in the modern world.

Edited by sarbatdapala
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Sikhism for an organised religion seems to be disorganised so much politics in punjab newer parties comming goverment funding more sects and jathas more oposition and this is causing more problems in the entire quom. Maharaja Ranjit Singh pulled so many offshots together to empowever sikhi at one point, but even he was overcomed by what historians write to be his own demons- hooka, prosititues etc. Every man has his flaws and his demons. When an organised religion can come together and co-exist to shater the boundaries of divide and conquer, to come down to the very basics that make us Sikh (simran, sewa and satsangat) to shatter what mir mannu did, to shatter what aurangzeb did (and still has effect on via pakistanis i.e. Islamic fundamentalism, taliban) to shatter what east indian tea company did, to shatter what hindu hill kings did, to shatter what gandhi did, to shatter the events of 1947, 1984 and the self-genocide of Sikhs which occurs ever so expotentially will take alot. It starts with each person trying to fix themselves first being role models, there are barely any role models left like the 12 misls, Banda Singh Bahadur, 10 Gurus there pyare GurSikhs (where are the people living like them becoming "shah patshah"- or perhaps it is upto us to take those roles now to become the best we can- education, jobs) even though some come along some of our elders were no good Sikhs to look up to and even bad human beings- domestic violence (I have heard about it in many Sikh household or felt the afterlashes of it), be it alcohol abuse that takes place in many Sikh household and it is very easy to disown more then 90% of the people who call themselves sikh but infringement of rehat occurs everywhere pure Khalis Khalsa Sikhs are rare to find and when they do exist they end up becoming sants and worshipped by other people.

So alot of these issues should go straight to akal takht but I guess they would not even listen- the amount of times I have heard of how much goverment interference takes place there and how many times people do not have a voice to the jathedar or have to bribe them is ridiculous.

In addition Badal is a traitor who had so many Sikhs killed for his own greed and interfers with Sri akal takht sahib it is so ridiculous that any Sikh respects and follows him which people are primarily doing in the pursuit of there own greed for some it is justifiable for bread and butter, he should be declared takhian by akal takht for what he did in 1984 at least called for pesh. Badal could fix up the gianis but he do busy pocketing money which he probably stealing out of gurdwara funds we do not even know what is going on behind the scenes or with him,- Badal is illiterate and pakhandi to (who apparently is the role model Sikh and is controlling the whole panth), apart from him we have Captain Arminder Singh who could also do something about these issues but I guess no one took it up and if he could be the first honest politician that would be new, but there are more problems there as well, it is just disorganised- which one of the factors that forces migration to other countries which is economic factor. Lets face it the jathedars seem to be pakhandi and completely illiterate as well if the head of the panth is pakhandi, what does the rest of us have a chance in doing. That is kind of what is leading khalistan rallys, but just to take all these problems and put them in a country would led to chaos it is best to resolve now and if that is what the panth wants then it shall take place, unless central goverment of India can do intervention for benefits of the Sikhs but central goverment is motivated by hindu fundamentalists who would not give such benefit, so Dr Manmohan Singh could do something but even still his hands would be tied. If someone wants to write him a letter or email perhaps something could be done.

The best request that could be made is to declare Amritsar a holy city in India to ban alcohol, drugs and meat would be a great landmark that plea alone could do ALOT. There is even alot of Hindu history that took place in that place. Pakhand, oppression and tyranny are the enemies of the khalsa panth what is anyone even doing to take these issues up?

In the past when it came to any religion a spirtual master (prophet/avtar/guru/etc,) started the religion and somebody practicing it became a King, that king spread that religion, preserved it and dealt as they felt fit with previous religions be it wiping it out or merging it with the old religion. Now there are no kings we live in an age of democracy and in the intrest of fairness we have the freedom to become Kings in our own rights to spread dharma, to spread righteousness beyond any religious label and there is alot of adharam (non-righteousness) - dharam-prasht out there. So the biggest way to correct all of this is to educate the next generation of gianis and raagis alot give them computers teach them english other religions, books perhaps this can all start with donating to damdami taksal alot of things and other gurdwaras alot of things books, teaching equipment and many things.

Even if we donate into hiring teachers to teach basic subjects (English,maths,science,IT, possibly more) in Gurdwaras that train young gianis and raagis. Education, Education and Education are the way. Dashmesh pita sahib sri guru gobind singh was heavily educated he knew arabic, persian, sanskrit and way so many languages, the arts of warfare, science, technology, shastar vidya, medicine of that time(aurvedya), and so much more as His Sikhs we should be tyare by tyare the pen is mighter then the sword to have alot of vidya and Sikhi via education and funding this. Bhakti yog works through brahm gian which is jnana yog those who are to educate us need to educated themselves first

Edited by zulu
Spaced your post out a bit, was too hard to read in one block
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I was just reading topic on SS about secret G/F of some islamic bomber and one question come's to my mind that why we as a quom are opposite?

When some Non practicing Sikh acheive something Like Abhinav Bindra winning gold ,Yuvraj singh Hitting six sixes etc then majority of sikhs just disown them saying

because they are not practicing so no need to celebrate

While when we hear cases of some sikh kuri running with muslim terrorist we we start beating our chests and start saying where the quom is going.We don't even care whether the girl is even 0.1% practicing sikh or not on the other hand other Religions Like hinduism or islam take successful people as part of their religion not even caring whether they are practicing or not.

Anyway my point is when do not considers non practicing acheivers as part of our Quom then why do care about the the people which are failure and shame on the community?

It's simple. Those people you referred to as being considered as non-sikhs are men. The others are women. That thread on SS was filled with the usual lot thretting over getting fixed up to girls who could have done god knows what in the past. It's an almost tribal type thing we have going on nowadays - men trying to prove they are the ultimate sikh by dissecting and butchering Gurbani in order to find new things to set them apart from other sikhs. Some honestly believe that by being more 'religous' and putting down sikhs who are not as willing to fake certain observances that they will become to be seen as 'good' sikhs or at least better than the rest of us. Having achieved this the last thing they want is a woman who secretly thinks that white/black/musi men are better and is just with him to satisfy her family. My advice is to get to know a girl first, but most of the people who beat their chests on SS wouldnt even know how to hold a girl's attention for more than 2 seconds so they are forced to play punjabi roulette with regards to their future spouse.

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There are a lot of bitter truths in your post HSD...sadly.

Anyway, when are you going to start learning Panjabi mundeya! <puts stern face on>

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I'm learning, I'm learning lol. But I am lethargic.

Just start by the alphabet.

Slowly. Like 5 letters a fortnight. Achievable and not too taxing unless you are an imbecile of sorts....

Try this for size.

Edited by dalsingh101
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