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Jatehdar Akal Takht Snubs His Predecessor Vedanti

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AMRITSAR: Jatehdar Akal Takht (highest Sikh Temporal seat) Gyani Gurbachan Singh in a statement issued here Tuesday snubbing his predecessor Gyani Jogidner Singh Vedanti suggested him to keep his mouth shut over the Sikh religious issues.

In a release issued, Gyani Gurbachan Singh describing his predecessor as retired Jatehdar who has no importance in the Sikh circle asked him not to issue any statement over the decisions taken by Akal Takht.

It may be mentioned here that Vedanti for the last few days in his statements to media criticized his successor Gyani Gurbachan Singh for brining changes in the Nanak Shahi Calendar (separate Sikh calendar).

Gyani Gurbachan Singh said that Vedanti should know his limits and esteem of Akal Takht, therefore shouldn’t issue vague statements to create confusions in Sikh community across the world.

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