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Akal Takhat Asks All Sikhs To Plant A Tree On Sikh Environment Day.

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Amritsar February 8:

Akal Takht, the supreme temporal seat of Sikhs, has come out in support of ‘EcoSikhs” call to observe March, 14, the Gurgaddi Divas of 7th Sikh Master Guru Har Rai ji, as Sikh Environment Day.

Endorsing the Call given by EcoSikh Akal Takht has urged upon all the Sikhs to to plant a tree each while observing March 14 as Sikh Environment Day.

Singh Sahib Giani Gurbachan Singh the religious head of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, based in Amritsar, Punjab, India in a message issued yesterday said that this is an important step forward for Sikhs who are passionate about protecting the environment, and an exciting moment for EcoSikh. The message will be released on TV and in newspapers in India. The full message in Punjabi is below.


The English Translation of the Message is as follows:

Today, the whole world celebrates the World Environment Day. The ‘EcoSikh organisation’ has taken up March 14th, 2011 Guru Gaddhi Diwas (day of enthronement) of Sri Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji, to be celebrated as “Sikh Environment Day”. Sri Guru Har Rai Sahib is remembered in Sikh history for his deep sensitivity to nature and its preservation. The efforts of EcoSikh organization, to celebrate this day as ‘Sikh Environment Day’ are very appreciable. The Creator God has created a vast variety of flora and fauna to maintain ecological balance on this earth. Whenever we try to modify the creation, it loses its balance and we face disastrous earthquakes, floods, draughts etc. It is only due to this disturbance in the ecology that the environment sensitive people in the world are specially celebrating Environment days throughout the world.

Confirming the presence of the Creator in His creation, the True Guru has said;

“Baleharee Kudrat Vasiya”, which means,

I am a sacrifice to Your almighty creative power which is pervading everywhere.

And has said,

“Pavan Guru, Pani Pita, Mata Dharat Mahat !!”, which means

Air is the Guru, Water is the Father, and Earth is the Great Mother of all.

The Gurmat (Sikh Guru’s teachings) describes air as the Guru, water as the Father and the earth as the mother and has told us to respect and take care of these three elements. I, hereby, from Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, founded by the bearer of Miri Piri, Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, while congratulating all the Nanak naam leva Sikhs (the followers of Guru Nanak) around the world on occasion of GurGaddi Diwas of Sri Guru Har Rai ji, appeal that every Sikh should plant at least one sapling on this auspicious occasion and attain blessings of Sri Guru Har Rai Ji by celebrating this day as ‘Sikh Environment Day’ and wish Khalsa Panth remain at spiritual heights.

Servant of Guru’s Kingdom,

(Gurbachan Singh)

Jathedar, Sri Akal Takhat Sahib

Sri Amritsar

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This is good to see. I hope the Akal Takhat mechanisms also practically play a part by leading the way by example.

It appears as if Panjab has lost much forestry over the last 2 centuries. This isn't good news. Where will we fight from and shelter against Moghul types in future huh? lol

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This is good to see. I hope the Akal Takhat mechanisms also practically play a part by leading the way by example.

It appears as if Panjab has lost much forestry over the last 2 centuries. This isn't good news. Where will we fight from and shelter against Moghul types in future huh? lol

One cannot have much forest when you have 25 million people with only 50,000 sq km land

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One cannot have much forest when you have 25 million people with only 50,000 sq km land

Truth is, it's places like Panjab that will suffer the most with global warming. We are either going to drown with the melted Himalayan ice, or die of starvation with parched land.

Goray here are already preparing for it, making contingencies for changes. They've developed an apple that will grow for long seasons for example. Plus a rise in temperature here may just mean they grow tropical crops?

I wonder what is Panjab doing? Our lot have a habit of being 'off the ball' on these types of things. What with being mainly pendus and all that.

Edited by dalsingh101
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Use more land for industry or forestry rather than farming. Let the indian masses tighten their belts, Punjab's future is more important.

Industry sure,one fact is industry need something so they can invest .Just tell me what Punjab have to offer better than other Indian states.South Indians are now very much educated and One of the prime reason that software industry heavily invested their.Coastal states have access to ports

As far forests are concerend ,do you think that people

mainly sikhs owning land whose value is now in million will give it to govt so they can convert it into forest?

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Industry sure,one fact is industry need something so they can invest .Just tell me what Punjab have to offer better than other Indian states.South Indians are now very much educated and One of the prime reason that software industry heavily invested their.Coastal states have access to ports

As far forests are concerend ,do you think that people

mainly sikhs owning land whose value is now in million will give it to govt so they can convert it into forest?

Indians are supposedly getting richer. They will use that money to buy all sorts of stuff. Any entrepreneur would know why it makes sense to build factories and infrastructure in Punjab to take advantage of the indian's new found wealth. Sikhs arent stupid, ffs we invented fibre optic cables. Many prominent western insitutions have sikhs working for them, as well as sikh businessmen taking over entire sectors in some countries.

We shouldnt give land to the government full stop. All land in the Punjab should be owned by Punjabis, preferrably sikh ones. My personal view is that only farmers should own farmland and all those others (mainly NRIs) should sell their land to the farmers or use the land for non-farming purposes. This will allow more successful farmers to invest in better machinery and free those with small holdings from peasantry and let them find something else to do. Sikhs need to get away from the agricultural mindset.

I wonder what is Panjab doing? Our lot have a habit of being 'off the ball' on these types of things. What with being mainly pendus and all that.

Come on, there are plenty of rural thicko types in the western world too - most of whom dont even live on farms! Lets face it if someone invaded england, burnt down their schools and unis, blew up their factories and removed all agricultural technology then most of the english would end up working in the fields. Within a few generations they would be as stupid as our pendus without their institutions for education, future planning/investment and scientific/technological research.

Edited by HSD 2
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Come on, there are plenty of rural thicko types in the western world too - most of whom dont even live on farms! Lets face it if someone invaded england, burnt down their schools and unis, blew up their factories and removed all agricultural technology then most of the english would end up working in the fields. Within a few generations they would be as stupid as our pendus without their institutions for education, future planning/investment and scientific/technological research.


But that pendu mentality is hurting us now, and we REALLY need to be sharp as f##k with what seems to be looming on the horizon.

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Any entrepreneur would know why it makes sense to build factories and infrastructure in Punjab to take advantage of the indian's new found wealth.

Well at present ,I don't think many entrepreneurs or Businessmen are finding Punjab an attractive investment destination.Even the recent news indicated that NRI's are also not much interested in Investing in Punjab

As far infra is concerned it is Govt of Punjab that should build and invite investors.Private players all over India don't participate in Infra.

Sikhs arent stupid, ffs we invented fibre optic cables. Many prominent western insitutions have sikhs working for them, as well as sikh businessmen taking over entire sectors in some countries.

Sikhs are not stupid ,infact urban Sikhs of India are very much active Govt and private sector.It is mainly rural people that find it difficult to study.Also The rural people of North India were always interested in more of hard physical work Like army ,truck driving and farming and one cannot change people what is their mindset

We shouldnt give land to the government full stop. All land in the Punjab should be owned by Punjabis, preferrably sikh ones. My personal view is that only farmers should own farmland and all those others (mainly NRIs) should sell their land to the farmers or use the land for non-farming purposes.

I don't think it is big issue.the relatives of NRI's must be holding and taking care of land and doing farming on it.I don't think in India one can leave land without appointing caretaker.infact NRI's holding Land is good because if some investment propasal comes and PRural people want to sell their land then educated NRI's could guide them better.

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Akaal Takht are just jumping on the band wagon as they seem to do with everything else nowadays.

I would urge people who really care about the environment to donate to Baba Balbir Singh Ji Nirmala - they are the true champion of environmental change in India - their contrinution is beyond measurement.


Baba Ji is sprear heading the fight against the pollution of Punjabs waters, creating an effective sewage facilities, promoting oragnic farming, planting trees etc etc. This only makes up one dimension of the hundreds of areas they do seva in.

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