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Musalmaan Parchaar In The Uk


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Now I'm not claiming this reflects mainstream Muslim views. But that being said, the group(s) that produce this kind of stuff do seem to have noticeable support around here.

I thought it would be interesting to share this for the sake of expanding our intelligence on what other people are up to and how they view the current flux in the middle east.

Can we clearly classify this as wahhabist?


Edited by dalsingh101
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These people are deluded. The majority of people from these countries simply want a job, food, a roof over their head and dignity.

Most youth from these countries couldn't give a rats about Shariah, nearly all are westernised and treat their faith as a culture (as in most other faiths, including ours) and pick and mix what suits their understanding/desires. Religion/tradition/devotion generally survives amongst the rural folk, whose population is decreasing day by day (as in most countries) as the youth are tempted by the lures of TV and the big Cities.

Also funny how these Sunni fanatics forget to include the Bahrain uprising! I bet they would applaude the same leaders they are now showing photos of if they kept the Shiite under wraps!

They also forget to say how appreciate the Libyans are of the 'Kufr' help!

Just another bunch of minority idiots sitting abroad with no idea of the truth, and trying to do their seva for creating/promoting further trouble.

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Just another bunch of minority idiots sitting abroad with no idea of the truth, and trying to do their seva for creating/promoting further trouble.

Just don't underestimate them. They have more numbers than many would imagine. I'm not saying they represent a majority but they are committed and frankly, a lot of them aren't pussies either.

Whilst there is no need for apnay to crap their pants (like an average EDL supporting dolt), resisting the temptation to scoff superciliously at them is a smart move too.

Edited by dalsingh101
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These kinda of people screwed our punjab destroyed our economy and had us destroyed by the british we are a laughing stock because of them today we ended up copying jhangir and started drinking and being worldly dogs. We have destroyed ourselves enough let alone have them crush us, we are no threat they have beef with christians- only thing is christians and muslims are allowed to intermarry why don't they just do so and end the troubles they have plus there children would be ok with other people and us lot and mix with our generations anyway people have a choice in the uk to choose religion so who knows were our kids will go. These kinda of people do not need to bother with forcefully converting us yet. EDL should just go head on head with them.

Edited by sarbatdapala
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These kinda of people screwed our punjab destroyed our economy and had us destroyed by the british we are a laughing stock because of them today we ended up copying jhangir and started drinking and being worldly dogs. We have destroyed ourselves enough let alone have them crush us, we are no threat they have beef with christians- only thing is christians and muslims are allowed to intermarry why don't they just do so and end the troubles they have plus there children would be ok with other people and us lot and mix with our generations anyway people have a choice in the uk to choose religion so who knows were our kids will go. These kinda of people do not need to bother with forcefully converting us yet. EDL should just go head on head with them.

Bro, you should use fullstops and paragraphs and commas to help break up your ideas. Otherwise it just seems to be a 'splurge' of consciousness, which can be very difficult to follow.

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