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Bin Laden Apparently Killed

Guest zulu

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Guest zulu

2 May 2011 Last updated at 03:54

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Al-Qaeda leader Bin Laden 'dead'

Breaking news

Al-Qaeda founder and leader Osama Bin Laden is dead, according to US media reports citing officials.

The US is in possession of Bin Laden's body, the reports say. President Barack Obama is due to make a statement shortly.

Mr Bin Laden is top of the US most wanted list.

He is accused of being behind a number of atrocities, including the attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001.


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Guest zulu

Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden dead - Obama

Osama Bin Laden Bin Laden is top of the US most wanted list

Al-Qaeda founder and leader Osama Bin Laden has been killed by US forces, President Barack Obama has said.

The US is said to be in possession of Bin Laden's body.

The al-Qaeda leader was killed in a ground operation in a mansion outside Islamabad in an operation based on US intelligence, reports said.

Bin Laden is accused of being behind a number of atrocities, including the attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001.

He is top of the US most wanted list.

Crowds gathered outside the White House in Washington DC, chanting "USA, USA" after the news emerged.

Bin Laden approved the 9/11 attacks in which nearly 3,000 people died, saying later that the results had exceeded his expectations.

He has evaded the forces of the US and its allies for a decade, despite a $25m bounty on his head.

His death will be seen as a major blow to al-Qaeda but also raise fears of reprisal attacks, correspondents say

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I heard he was hardly involved in command nowadays anyway?

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When I compare these present colonists (or wannabes) to old raj whiteys, they were much smarter. Why kill somebody? Keep them in jail and kill them slowly with poison or other methods. There are so many examples. Just arrest them and send them kalapani or other prison.

Now Osama's admirers won't believe that he is dead. Others would take inspiration from his martyrdom. It looks like Guatanamo Bay was his best place.

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When I compare these present colonists (or wannabes) to old raj whiteys, they were much smarter. Why kill somebody? Keep them in jail and kill them slowly with poison or other methods. There are so many examples. Just arrest them and send them kalapani or other prison.

Now Osama's admirers won't believe that he is dead. Others would take inspiration from his martyrdom. It looks like Guatanamo Bay was his best place.

Well they have his body apparently, so denying his death seems out of the question.

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he was a charismatic figurehead but there wasnt one guy pulling the strings like in a dictatorship. this isnt the kill that saddam was. they've killed an evil old man after a decade hunting him, but the ideology and the methods are widespread.

plenty sikhs have died as a result of both sides of the conflict.

i only hope our community learns how to deal with the media and the ill effects of western capitalism on one hand whilst ensuring our way of life on the other.

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very recently, they had body of Sant Bhindrawale after bluestar. there were some pictures too.

I know but that was a case of our lot being stupid. I don't know if sullay have the same problem with accepting death like that.

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So he was living in a mansion not a cave apparently....hhmmmm

No surprises with it being Pakistan though. These geezers smash it. Harbour OBL on one hand, receive an open cheque from the Yanks for fighting terrorism on the other. That is some serious politicking.

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i was shocked to see pro osama messages from apne at some other social netwroking sites comparing him to sant ji ! its a humble benti to apne to stop such activities if seen anywhere ..we r already mistaken for his 'tribe' in USA and have lost our brethren and now if such msgs appear we will invite the world's wrath.

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i was shocked to see pro osama messages from apne at some other social netwroking sites comparing him to sant ji ! its a humble benti to apne to stop such activities if seen anywhere ..we r already mistaken for his 'tribe' in USA and have lost our brethren and now if such msgs appear we will invite the world's wrath.

Sant ji died leading by example, courting shaheedi - not hiding, that is a big difference.

As to your other point. I have a feeling that certain types are going to equate practising Sikhs with sullay in the US regardless.

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so does that mean we also should consider him a hero ? let things happen ..it was his organisation that had beheaded sikhs last year in afghanistan ...we should still see that the only difference between him and sant ji is death in hiding and death in HarMandir Shib ?

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The fight between Muslims and Americans will go on regardless of Osama's death. Personally I don't have sympathy for him. He just made the lives of anyone who looks like Muslims much harder after 9/11. We are still living in the post 9/11 world. Just when will this post 9/11 era end I don't know. But I hope it ends soon enough for everyone's sake.

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so does that mean we also should consider him a hero ? let things happen ..it was his organisation that had beheaded sikhs last year in afghanistan ...we should still see that the only difference between him and sant ji is death in hiding and death in HarMandir Shib ?

Why the hell would any Sikh consider him a hero?

To me comparing him to sant ji is apples and pears. The differences are endless. Just because they look the same to whites, doesn't mean we should by into their comparison. That externally based evaluation of sant ji was even taking place in his life time. I'm sure you've watched that interview with that American guy who outright asks him if he is the 'Sikh Khomeini'. If you watch carefully, sant ji seems startled by the very question and says that there is no comparison because he is a Muslim and I am a Sikh.

But that being said, on a political and cultural perspective, I don't think any ideology should dominate. In that capacity it is arguable that the Islamist gundh plays a role in keeping the more adventurist white/western imperialism in check. However small/great that check is.

In all of this we should be looking at ways to strengthen our own positions without resorting to arse licking anyone.

Just when will this post 9/11 era end I don't know. But I hope it ends soon enough for everyone's sake.

You say that, but I think they always planned to fully subvert/dominate us too. But obviously they don't need weapons to do this with us. If anything we got a bit of a breather whilst they deal with sullay.

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dalsingh mere veera read my post carefully ..bro what i said was there are statements coming from apne !!! they are herofing him, that was something that shocked me ..those assholes are sitting in western countries and giving such statements, if any of their white associates were to see this what would the image of a sikh saying R.I.P for osama be ???

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Guest zulu

I came across this post on sikhsangat who agrees with it? and explain why.

'im glad bin laden was killed...but its funny how america can assasinate whoever it wants and be called brave but when the sikhs brought indira ghandi to justice we were called terrorisits...pure hypocrisy''

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'im glad bin laden was killed...but its funny how america can assasinate whoever it wants and be called brave but when the sikhs brought indira ghandi to justice we were called terrorisits...pure hypocrisy''

Who ever wrote this has made an excellent point. It shows that without political power to back up your actions, you will be considered a terrorist. Sikhs should not show emotion to Osama's death.

Sikhs should remain neutral in the war between the west and Muslim world and not take sides because this war is a war between two evils. One is western imperialism and the second is a resurgent Islamic imperialism. Both want to dominate the world (the west is already in control, but for how much longer??). Both are pure evil, and none are friends of Dharm.

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dalsingh mere veera read my post carefully ..bro what i said was there are statements coming from apne !!! they are herofing him, that was something that shocked me ..those assholes are sitting in western countries and giving such statements, if any of their white associates were to see this what would the image of a sikh saying R.I.P for osama be ???

I personally couldn't give a toss what whites think myself. But those brothers glorifying him are dense.

That being said. I believe OBL has become a symbol of resistance to white/western global political and cultural domination. This isn't only to sullay. I've heard LOTS of black nonMuslim people mention him along those lines. Believe it or not, a lot of people seem tired of white pseudo-imperialism and they don't seem to view sullay like we do (probably down to our historical experiences).

Make of it what you will.

'im glad bin laden was killed...but its funny how america can assasinate whoever it wants and be called brave but when the sikhs brought indira ghandi to justice we were called terrorisits...pure hypocrisy''

I agree with it. We have one rule for them another for everyone else.

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Who ever wrote this has made an excellent point. It shows that without political power to back up your actions, you will be considered a terrorist. Sikhs should not show emotion to Osama's death.

Sikhs should remain neutral in the war between the west and Muslim world and not take sides because this war is a war between two evils. One is western imperialism and the second is a resurgent Islamic imperialism. Both want to dominate the world (the west is already in control, but for how much longer??). Both are pure evil, and none are friends of Dharm.

Very good post. I agree we should be neutral. This War is between two evils
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