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Ideas For Your Own Island


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If you were given an island, quite large (1 - 10km²), how would you design it?

I would want to make a small Sikh 'kingdom'. I would also like to 'exploit' it economically too, don't know how as of yet though. Any idea how small countries in the world work/survive?

For Sikhs it would have a beautiful Gurughar and a small museum. Places for simran/meditation aswel (natural spots etc).

Edited by SikhKhoj
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Make it tax free, open casino's and boutique shops, invite high class call-girls.....and the billionaires will follow; along with all the cash-spending flocks.

Hey presto.. you've got your own econimically viable mini-kingdom.

Think Monaco, think Prince SikhKhoj.

I wish it was as simple as that LOL

If I do all of that, I'll have to be prepared to be badmouthed by all Sikhs in the world and my own conscience won't allow that aswel.

Tax free; won't it lessen govt income?

Shops; no prob

casino's; maybe?

but big no no to the call girls....

I was thinking of Monaco too though.

How does the state of Monaco etc benefit from all of this?

HSD, if you do that, you'll be Shaheed before you even start

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Before investing into buying an island, I would invest into digging to find natural resources in all the islands..once natural resources are found, we just need capitalize on it and then sky is the limit. I would also seeks loads of advice or take a course from natives aboriginals since they have most oral seena-basina knowledge of nature and creation- animals (sea and land), they have no interest to capitalize on their discovery, they will happily give to you given the fact you give equal status in the society once there is formation of society in so called imaginary island we are talking about here.

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Why would that happen eh? Your lack of faith is shocking, SikhKhoj, obviously you are some RSS agent sent from the future to dishearten me and stop me from my divine mission lol.

But seriously how big is this island? Big enough to support 20 million Sikhs i.e. a third of the size of the UK?

Farmers would buy land to farm. They would pay tax on food they sell abroad to foreigners (at inflated prices cos foreigners are fat) and give some of their produce as tax to be used for the military, school canteens, hospitals etc.

Banks would be encouraged to give loans to small businesses that are sustainable. A large state owned bank could give loans to help companies set up heavy industries like steel, aeroplanes, ship making, rail, automobiles etc.

Tax revenue would have to be monitorred to stop embezzlement or corruption. Any civil servant found guilty of those would be shot.

Taxes would be used to build roads, schools, law court, colleges, universities etc.

Then we would build a navy and air force and toast some ferenghis lol. Just kidding.

Edited by HSD 2
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NeoSingh that is interesting. You always get these deep ideas lol

What if its a real island, somewhere in Europe/North America. About 10km² or bit more? Making it a tax haven alone won't suffice, will it? What could it do for Sikh nation?

HSD, you are talking in Sikhsangat.com language :P

I was talking about all kind of islands. I was referring only to smaller island that are 'really available' but take a bigger island into consideration aswel. Nice ideas - why you hate firanghis only ?

I would import some Nihangs too.

1. for security

2. open a Jhatka company which supplies to all Sikhs

3. export Sukhnidhaan bottles

number one concurrent of halal and coca cola companies

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I was just taking the piss. I hate sulleh too lol.

Greece may be selling some of her islands soon.



It all depends on what you want to do with the island and who is in charge. Democracy isnt always the best way, but it is often better than having nutty dictators. Economy wise, Britain is trying to crack down on tax havens one way or the other around the world. I dont fancy having a Third Anglo-Sikh War in the immediate future especially over rich people's taxes. Mineral sources are one thing like N30 said. Oil in the waters around an island are something to take into account as well. On small islands its mainly tourism or scientific research that could get revenue. Or anything else that cant be done in bigger countries with big overbearing governments.

export Sukhnidhaan bottles

What would fizzy Sukhniddan taste like? I havent even tasted the normal stuff.

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In that case why don't we invade SOuth India .

they have just discovered massive uranium reserves down there. we can sell it to the chinese, iranians, israelis etc.

And to satisfy HSD's fetish we can build our own nukes with it to send the feringis to thier maker!!!!

SikhKhoj: you being the shah of whatever you wana call your 'stan, you own it, so therefore you lease the land/assets out to others.

Wherever you get wealth - from your council sink-estates to playgrounds of the rich, you will naturally get the scarlet women coming in, as well as drugs. Not much control there for you. Just let it happen.

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In that case why don't we invade SOuth India .

they have just discovered massive uranium reserves down there. we can sell it to the chinese, iranians, israelis etc.

And to satisfy HSD's fetish we can build our own nukes with it to send the feringis to thier maker!!!!

SikhKhoj: you being the shah of whatever you wana call your 'stan, you own it, so therefore you lease the land/assets out to others.

Wherever you get wealth - from your council sink-estates to playgrounds of the rich, you will naturally get the scarlet women coming in, as well as drugs. Not much control there for you. Just let it happen.

On this link there are plenty of islands in the Indian Ocean to buy:


BTW its not a fetish but a divine mission!!! What's the difference? I dont know but I feel it's right so it must be (!)

SikhSangat style arguing aside, I dont think women would flock to a small island unless it had rich playboys. Aside from Suryadev are there that many Punjabi Playboys out there?

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NeoSingh that is interesting. You always get these deep ideas lol

What if its a real island, somewhere in Europe/North America. About 10km² or bit more? Making it a tax haven alone won't suffice, will it? What could it do for Sikh nation?

HSD, you are talking in Sikhsangat.com language :P

I was talking about all kind of islands. I was referring only to smaller island that are 'really available' but take a bigger island into consideration aswel. Nice ideas - why you hate firanghis only ?

I would import some Nihangs too.

1. for security

2. open a Jhatka company which supplies to all Sikhs

3. export Sukhnidhaan bottles

number one concurrent of halal and coca cola companies

you have a partner ready for u bhaa ji ! and we shall start a manufacturing unit for sarabloh shastars..how abt a sarabloh missile ?? !

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HSD - You are not a Sikh. You should be ashamed to call yourself a Sikh. Sikhs love everyone and should even pray at mosques, tombs, mandirs to show Sikhs love for other religions. Lol

Well it is best if Greece does that, else it might just get kicked out from the European council. And how did you find my favorite site ?

Britain ne ki kar lena apna, this time there will be no Dogra traitors. What does a tax haven have to offer ? Just show that soeone live there so that they don’t have to pay taxes back home ?

Well fictionally oil/natural resources might be a fine idea, but do you really think countries like US would have left any country with a potential resource ?

No idea what it would taste like, but we shall have several versions – vanilla flavor, strawberry, etc

My personal fav is the chocolate sukhnidhaan.

If Guru does kirpa, Sukhnidhaan ice cream would be next product to offer

Indian ocean islands are prone to natural disasters, so why not take something in Europe ? Besides a Sikh owned Island would be so cool.

If the land is a tax haven, has casinos then, my friend, you can’t avoid the women from coming.

why not conquer Punjab once we have nukes?

Suryadev, mere dil di gal karti. Naaley, Besides that discovered Mandir treasure look better in Khalsa treasury ?

Shah of Khojistan. (Most islands for sale are not that big)

Question: Surya, will the casinos be state-owned? If not, how will the state have income

Gkaur, Jathedar = one who buys it.

To all those wondering, I got this idea when I heard some Hindu bhought and donated one island to Ramdev Yogi.

Imagine if such a island was bhought by a Sikh. it becomes a small time tax haven, has some casinos and is quite famous. What could the panth benefit from it? (besides the Maya from income)

Oyee Jaikaara prah thats good, makes 250,000 of us. Sarbloh missile sounds awesome, bas hun island labho ik

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High income can be used for Panth, no? Anything from carbon dating of manuscript to helping poor Sikhs.

What will people build from seva, and for what?

Naley Jathedar ta main aa, tu ki aandey lene?

There might be jatts too, artificial farming jehi karni, for survival.

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