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The Yogic Lineage Given By Guru Gobind Singh

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up and coming Yogi Amandeep





I have read similar articles on the internet, mostly from the 3HO camp, claiming that all Sikh Gurus were Yogis..

They pay heavy attention to Sri SatGuru Ram Das Ji, throw in abit of Aquarian Age material and you have what they call, the Real Sikhi.

Is there an element of truth to this? or is this all made up stuff to promote their Yoga business (because thats what it is)

Amandeep has deepened his connection with Yogi Bhajan. Life has been blooming with teaching opportunities at Yoga Centers around the world. This rich amalgam of traditions and teaching is allowing him to serve the divine mission of Guru Ram Das to create a heart-centered world and to bring the healing love of Guru Ram Das into these times of turmoil as we move from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age.

I am not against anything, just curious...

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my gripe is the overt commercialisation of everything they do.

If you want to learn about JapJi Sahib, yoga, gatka you need to pay mega money to attend their camps. Even then the camps are something from Sparta - very basic. At least serve quality langar food rather than just 'spiritually uplifting mung dahl'; perhaps orgainc bakraa!?

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All the Gurus were yogis, but the definition of a true yogi is one who is one with God. You can find it in Guru Granth Sahib ji. They didn't need to do kundalini yoga to reach their state. kundalini yoga seems to be a lower spiritual tool than shabad Guru.

A lot of what Yogi ji taught seemed to be Sikhi with some kundalini yoga spice thrown in, not proper Sikhi.

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i use to admire the 3ho sikhs and i should say that yogi bhajan did bring in some classic singers like charhdikala jatha and snatam kaur, but their path is not something which i would term them rather more of the occult world

I don't believe it has anything to do with the occult world.

Is this occult??



I don't believe this is occult.

Maybe doing Havans, Mutri Puja, etc is acceptable within Sikhi. I don't know, please correct me.

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All the Gurus were yogis, but the definition of a true yogi is one who is one with God. You can find it in Guru Granth Sahib ji. They didn't need to do kundalini yoga to reach their state. kundalini yoga seems to be a lower spiritual tool than shabad Guru.

A lot of what Yogi ji taught seemed to be Sikhi with some kundalini yoga spice thrown in, not proper Sikhi.

I think it was the other way round, more Yoga with Sikhi thrown in.

Who taught Kundalini Yoga before Yogi bhajan?

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