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Hinduization Of Sikh Faith And History

mamta mohan

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What a foolish little 'story' if you can call it one! No wonder you call yourself 'Hindustani' bhayyia. Are you from Bihar? Water is a chemical compound made of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen. It can be found in three states namely liquid, gas and ice. Your water will have to be changed into gaseous state before it can reach the sun. You don't know the first thing about science forget about clever words like 'tangible statistics' what a joker... You are too dumb for the sikh forum. Holy cow!

Bihar? Nope, not from Bihar. But I do know a few famous people in history who were born and raised there amongst bhayias.

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Rest assured Moorkh the person making the water offering has the same intention as the person making the ardas. Both are based on FAITH and nothing else. Little technical details about hydrogen atoms and faster than light travel have no effect on the believer.

Why you give one superstition preference over another is beyond me.

No wonder you needed ancient texts translated for you in the "common man language" anything more than 2 sentences confuses you.

Prove 'intention' in scientifical terms like I have proven H2O. Sorry, I just realized it is beyond your comprehension. Your jokes are not amusing anymore. You are Hindustani afterall so can't expect anything too clever from you.

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Prove 'intention' in scientifical terms like I have proven H2O. Sorry, I just realized it is beyond your comprehension. Your jokes are not amusing anymore. You are Hindustani afterall so can't expect anything too clever from you.

Tell me moorkh. If you do ardas today how long will it take to reach your friend? Presuming you know the exact location and calculate by using the speed of light (fastest known speed)

Remember, going to our nearest star (Alpha Centauri) at the speed of light will still take 19,000 years.

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i cant believe you believe those stupid videos. wow talk about inferiority complex.

I believe a new sentence always begins with a capital letter. After a 'full stop' your next sentence should beging with a capital 'w' too. Did they not teach you grammar at school?

Edited by rajputdamoonda
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Hinduism has millions of sects, perhaps more than all other religions in the world combined. The Arya Samaj, Brahmo Samaj, mainstream hinduism, vaishnavs, shaivites and other major and minor sects live side by side learning from each other. That is a testament to how Hinduism accepts various schools of thought.

Why did this sea of hindu virtue dry up with the Sikhs?

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Why did this sea of hindu virtue dry up with the Sikhs?

That I don't know. But conformity in thought, ideas, dress and perspective are difficult to come by even in your own families. Let alone in a growing kaum. 26 million people with 26 million different ideas.

You could go the route of the Sunnis by trying to annihilate shias, ahmediyas, and others or you could go the route of accepting these as different spiritual orders under one umbrella.

The Christians have come around to this idea after a millenia of vicious infighting between Catholics, Protestants etc. The Hindus also did after vicious battles between Shaivites and Vaishnavs.

Hope that helps. Unless you are being sarcastic in which case you deal with your own eventual fate.

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Faith? Sikh Faith? Hindu Faith? Christian Faith? The operative word is faith. Here is the definition. You can't prove or disapprove faith.

strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

Load of old codswallop!

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Maybe because the hindus have given up dharma?

Or allowing different spiritual orders to survive and thrive is true dharma.

Let's be clear everybody chooses their own mode of worship, path in life through their own inborn traits. You cannot make everybody conform. Even Islam and Communism that punish by death have their nuances.

My general perception is bigger the Kaum the harder it is to control these movements. Quality control goes out the window.

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Because instead of trying to live under one umbrella, our sikh brothers tried to become the entire umbrella.

We would always listen to our Guru, scriptures and gursikhs over anyone else. Our guru's themselves- sri Guru Gobind singh maharaj have already established teesra panth or third way for us - unique-distinct/nyara panth from all which includes everything. Why should we listen to anyone else under their one umbrella when our guru's have already have provided us third way-teesra nyara panth -middle way which is tat nichor(essence) of all spiritual order-umbrella and much more. Our Guru's have provided us absolute view(enshirned in our scriptures daily nitneem- essence teaching in 5 banis including sukhmani sahib , akaal ustat) which many spiritual orders fall short to enforce the message of absolute with the exception of advaita vedanta. As i said off course, i m not comparing community here but rather what was already gifted to us by our guru sahiban.

We pay no allegiance to hindu samaj or hindu panth when our guru's have already established our miri piri- sant-sipahi sant khalsa panth.

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That's one way to look at it. But I'm practically speaking in the real world outside of the granths.

Let's face it no religion is absolutely nyara they all, including my own, take bits and pieces from here and there.

And living under one umbrella doesn't mean you have to agree with others, or follow their way of life. It means co-existing. Like one family with different goals, outlook living under one roof.

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More importantly this is about how you are going to treat different spiritual under the sikh umbrella.

I agree with you..there are lot of downfalls in the sikh community when it comes treating different spiritual orders under sikh umbrella ..the problem is lot of them perceive other spiritual orders as conspiracy of GOI that somebody is ough to get them there is that kind of fear but things are improving as new generations start researching things for themselves rather than listening to same old rhetoric - they are ought to get us.

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Well, I think it needs to be overcome with some strength. No doubt, the GOI is encouraging sects but some exist because of natural circumstances. And they've always have.

Across the pond in Pakistan the situation is probably even worst. A fact not highlighted. Every mullah is starting his own panth, group or sect.

Prolly the old Indian mentality of trying to be boss of his own street, state, jila, or group.

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That's one way to look at it. But I'm practically speaking in the real world outside of the granths.

Let's face it no religion is absolutely nyara they all, including my own, take bits and pieces from here and there.

And living under one umbrella doesn't mean you have to agree with others, or follow their way of life. It means co-existing. Like one family with different goals, outlook living under one roof.

I'm curious.

What would you understand by:

Hum Akaali Sabh Ke Vaali, Hamara Panth Niaaraa Hai

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The Sanskrit word "panth" means sect and sects are usually part of something bigger. And no panth, religion is completely niaara. That is impossible. Every group draws from existing sources and tweaks, adds or deletes.

And how Niaara can you be if you have to continually go back to older scriptures to understand your current religion?

Edited by Amandeep Hindustani
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Who cares, we go back to our own ancestors for understanding.

If your gotra came from karna, how is it wrong to learn about him.

You are mad that warrior is highest caste.

But please keep making fun of dal duggu.

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾ । ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫਤਹਿ । ।

You should follow your ancestors including a deep study of certain Hindu scriptures, and routine visits to Haridwar.

Actually, what ancestors are you talking about? your closer to jazzy bains, yo yo honey Singh and Babbu Mann than to any of those great warriors.

If you know what I mean.

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You should follow your ancestors including a deep study of certain Hindu scriptures, and routine visits to Haridwar.

Actually, what ancestors are you talking about? your closer to jazzy bains, yo yo honey Singh and Babbu Mann than to any of those great warriors.

If you know what I mean.

The visits to Hardwar were never regular and only took place when persons who were recent converts to Sikhi would keep up their ancestral routine of visiting Hardwar and getting the Pandas to record their visits. However when Sikhs were in the Doab to collect Rakhi or during the Kumbh then Sikh Rajas would attend with their armies. There is an instance of one such visit in 1796 which didn't end too well for the Hindus.


One of the amusing thing here is the way the Hindus have been posting videos of a minor sword fight at Durbar Sahib to show Sikhs in a bad light yet their Kumbh Mela resulted in violence between various sadhu groups in which thousands have been killed.

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