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21 hours ago, Singh123456777 said:

Bhen ji I am disappointed in you. I was expecting some huggies babies :( 

Sorry putt( I think you are too young so I can say that, makes me feel old and mature lol). Before huggies babies, you need to know the value of the one who is the reason of huggies babies and existence. Lol

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4 minutes ago, GurpreetKaur said:

Sorry putt( I think you are too young so I can say that, makes me feel old and mature lol). Before huggies babies, you need to know the value of the one who is the reason of huggies babies and existence. Lol

Huggies are causing so much pollution in the world... all that plastic... diaper mountains! 

If you have a child, please consider fabric diapers, They have an insert that is washable, the diaper itself (more like a cover) is washable, and you can get thin liners that go on top. So the thin liner catches the solid material and is flushable and then you just wash the insert and the diaper itself. And you can get many many colourful and cute patterns.

Yes you use water and energy to wash them. But plastic lasts forever before it breaks down and think about how many millions go into landfills each year!  

Okay... off my environmental high horse now.... LOL. 

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On 5 February 2016 at 1:03 AM, CdnSikhGirl said:

hiw it feels to be a woman? It sucks... Every turn you feel there is a door stopping you from something just because of what's between your legs! What women want more than anything from men particularly their husbands is for their husband to see them as an equal and not as a subordinate. Because all else comes automatically from that... To be considered subordinate and have less privileges to do seva etc feels like you are seen as less in eyes of tbe Gurus and Waheguru. Like we aren't seen as good enough or are lacking. 

It's one thing to be limited because of your actions in this life which you control but to be limited based on gender which you had no choice over sucks... 

noted.  great post.  thank you

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Seva does not mean doing what you want, it means serving God- not focusing on doing what makes you personally feel good or important

it means acting out of devotion, even if that means doing stuff you otherwise don't want to do, or not getting to do the stuff you want to do

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19 hours ago, Guest guest said:

Seva does not mean doing what you want, it means serving God- not focusing on doing what makes you personally feel good or important <<--wrong!

it means acting out of devotion, even if that means doing stuff you otherwise don't want to do, or not getting to do the stuff you want to do <<--Wrong again,- there are no "wants" in devotion.

Sorry matey, very poor and wrong description... ... You cannot use your own MATT, if you are doing real seva..period.

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2 hours ago, Lucky said:

Sorry matey, very poor and wrong description... ... You cannot use your own MATT, if you are doing real seva..period.

that was my point.  maybe you misread and need to reread

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That applies to men too you know.. Maybe the men should also start doing the seva they don't want like making langar, instead of wanting to be granthi, Panj pyaras or other leadership roles.

and I wasn't speaking about me personally but of a whole gender being told no by the other gender such that those women who might be really deserving (not that they are asking for it) but if they are deserving are being passed over simply because of their gender to give someone else who might not be as deserving but has the right 'parts'.  

For myself I help where I can. I can't cook, so I sometimes help with making the dough balls for the rotis. And I also did the website for the gurdwara and maintain it for them. I have also helped with fundraising and was treasurer last year and member at large this year on executive. 

But I know a women who was serious high avastha and was passed over for Panj pyaras to give to showboating young Singhs who are not even that serious in their Rehet, sinply because they were male and she wasn't. And it hurt to see that. Did she complain? No.. But someone should speak for her. She was too humble but she doesn't deserve to be overlooked because of her gender. Why should women who are in her case I'd say a sant even, be kept quiet and in shadows of men who are nowhere hear her spiritually??  I really dont think this is what Guru Ji wanted. 

Any way I know these are small numbers as outside of Internet most Sikhs I know support equal opportunity in seva. It just seems like on here the extremists are. 

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of course it applies to men also.  I sympathise with what you said about the lady devotee being overlooked. 

and can we remember people, that our real Seva is Naam Simran.  This applies to men, women and children.  All other 'sevas' are secondary.

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