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Westerners Asking Questions About Sikhism

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Many westerners ask questions about Sikhism. Please read the questions and the corresponding answers so that you are better equipped to answer the questions asked by westerners.

What does Sikhism tells about the image or description of God?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/description.html

According to Sikhism, how can one attain salvation? What kind of life one should lead to attain mukti (salvation)?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/salvation.html

Why do Sikhs keep hair?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/whyhair.html

Why Sikhs do not cut their hair but they cut their nails?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/hairnail.html

What is the purpose of turban? Why do Sikhs wear turban?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/turban.html

How do Sikhs look at people from other religion?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/otherreligion.html

What is the role and status of women in Sikh society?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/women.html

Many people think that Sikhism is a sect of Islam or Hinduism and many others think that Sikhism is a combination of Islam and Hinduism. What do Sikhs say about this topic?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/combination.html

Many Christians believe that Jesus is God, what does Sikhism say about it?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/jesus.html

Many Christians believe that salvation can only be attained through Jesus, what does Sikhism say about it?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/salvationjesus.html

Christians always talk about going to heaven or hell, what does Sikhism say about it?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/heavenorhell.html

Many Christians believe in the feminine side of God, what does Sikhism say about it?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/feminine.html

Do Sikhs believe in creation or evolution?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/evolution.html

Is God a trinity?

For Answer visit: http://www.realsikhism.com/faq/trinity.html

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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why would you not tell people about what sikhi is???

look at the singh who was killed ecause they thought he was arab. if we dont educate people about who we are then people will remain ifnorant to us. ]

Also if Yogi Harbhajan Singh did not tell the American Sikhs about Sikhi than they would not have found the anand that they are now enjoying..

sikhi needs to spread...its a seva.

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jassa because no one will believe you anyway. what are you gonna say? oh sikhs are these really peaceful people. except we are really good warriors too. yeah, actually sikhs are more like knights who look after the weak and stuff. but wait, we dont realyl do that anymore cause timez-r-changed. we once did though. yeah, remember the mughuls? oh who where they? well these ppl who went around commiting gross injustice against non muslims. yeah, pretty bad huh. we really kicked their asses. and then the british came along and screwd us forever.

anyways, so we are sikhs and we arent terroiists or muslims or anything like that. we are just different. some people say we are hindus, but we arent really. we believe in one god and we wear these strange things that yo might have noticed. wanna see my kirpan? pretty cool huh? its made out of super strengthened steel. its nto supposed to rust.

some sikhs cut their hair, others dont. we are an ecletic people. we come in all sorts of colours and backgrounds. like my kara? all sikhs wear these.

anyway, we think our religion is pretty cool. we are really proud of it. one of the things we were taught is that all religions are ok, that we should celebrate the common features of our faiths and so on. but then, i also think sikhs who dont keep all of the five k's and cover their heads all the time arent evry good sikhs. they are just posers. yeah, i say this cause iam better than them. i wont admit it to you though, why? oh because sikhs are humble and we believe in equality. i dont like hindus though. they believe god is a rock. dumb a*s hindus. they dont know anything. hahahah. just kidding. some of them are ok, i suppose.

... uh.. dude iam confused. you people look different. yet yuor religion is just like all the others ones ive ever seen. its full of the same sort of people who think they know what is best for others. its got people who think sikhi needs to spread. and anyway, keep your religion to yourself.. dude why are you trying to convert me with your propaganda. yuo are just liek the rest. heh. what a joke.


jassa if the singh was killed because someone thought he was an arab. oh no, if only all the rednecks knew SIKHS arent ARABS. thats the biggest tragegy. you are completley wrong. you dont need to educate anyone about anything. people need to educate themselves. only fanatics thinks others need to be educated or taught the right way.

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not quite veerji

mocking a singh who lost is life due to ignorance is disgusting. Just letting people know who we are through means of interfaith etc does not mean im a fanatic and im there to convert.

if someone likes it then thats good and i hope they enjoy sikhi as much as i do. but i wouldnt say to anyone 'oh i tink you should be sikh'

to the entire sangat i ask....

is it fanatical to thiink that sikhs should educate people about who we are..

1st of all its FACT that in Guru Ji's times there were dereh set up to reveal sikhi to the masses. Nihungs in Hazoor sahib have converted people, yogi Harbhajan Singh in america has converted people.

I dont know why you've got the attitude with me...and why you have this twisted view of the world..

Veerji you need to chill out.

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because no one will believe you anyway.

This is misconception. I have been to many western forums and they certainly are interested in Sikh philosphy. We need to make them understand in their own terminology.

There is not harm in discussion our faiths to anybody who is ready to listen.

Chardi Kalaa

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sikhphilo i agree. there is no harm in discussion of faiths for those who want to participate in something like that.

jassa you misunderstood. i wasnt poking fun at the guy who died. i think that would be in bad taste and not called for. no what i was sayin gis that you finding the tragedy to be sikh-mistaken-for-arab-murderd and not simply victim-of-intolerance-and-lack-of-respect-for-other-cultures/people.

that is all is needed here. and its easy to make that case.

there is no need to advertise sikhi to make this point and this point goes for the benefit of all humanity. not just sikhs..

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no im sorry i dont agree....sikhs as a nation need a voice...we are a minority and as such will often get pushed to the side....the world view of sikhs is that we are just violent terrorists....when i was growing up people often used to ask me about sikhi...their first question was always 'so you guys are the warrior race'. i dont know aboput anyone else but that used to make me think, why are we known to the world as violent people. sikhi says sant sipahi.they latch onto this warrior thing and then look at terrorism in punjab and label us....if we dont educate people about who we are.what we believe and how we are peaceloving before anyone else we'll have this unjust reputation for life.

i dont know why you feel its a bad thing to tell people about your religion.

infact i was once talking to a jamaican woman who was asking me about why i wear kirpan keep dari, wear dastar.i explained this all as ebst as i could and she was really interested.she told me how she once asked a jewish person about his faith but there reply was to go to the synnagogue and find out herself...she was put off by this remark. so if someone wants to know explain to them with patience and pyaar.

When in university people constantly ask me why i dont drink...they seem to feel that all we're good for is getting tillah. To me this is digusting, and shows the need for education. Ignorance is so dangerous.

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no im sorry i dont agree....sikhs as a nation need a voice...we are a minority and as such will often get pushed to the side....the world view of sikhs is that we are just violent terrorists..

sikhs as a nation? what nation is this.. i am ignorant of this. so what if we are a minority? who pushes the sikhs to the side..

if that is the world view of sikhs, why does this matter? how would you have people think of sikhs? because putting out whatever self congrutulatory propaganda will never substitute how ppls own experience of sikhs is. how we really are. the way we live. etc.

if we dont educate people about who we are.what we believe and how we are peaceloving before anyone else we'll have this unjust reputation for life.

riiight.. do you truly believe telling something means they'll believe you? has this been your experience? most people when confronted with another idea, or philosophy (esp to do with religion) will take to it with distruct and apprehension. you act suspiciously when some missionary is giving you the sales pitch. what makes you think sikhi propaganda is any different? its the same thing. btw this isnt education. this is propaganda. dont pretend you mean education. would you go as far as describing your faith as being superior in some way? this means you are indulging in salesmanship. think about it. you have something to gain. you want something from the transaction. you want to tell the person how good sikhi is so that they too thjink sikhi is so great. i reject this sort of thing because its dishonest. religion should be a personal experience that brings you out from darkness. it should come from your own experiences and reflections on the state of things. not from propaganda.

i dont know why you feel its a bad thing to tell people about your religion.

the fact that you see the need to tell others about your religion is the bad thing. you feel as though they are missing out on something. and you can help them. you have others interests at heart. well, not really in reality. because all you are interested in is building a bigger team. or at a least sympathetic outsiders. that is the bad thing. or maybe you feel superior that you have the ultimate faith. these are marks of a fanatic.

infact i was once talking to a jamaican woman who was asking me about why i wear kirpan keep dari, wear dastar.i explained this all as ebst as i could and she was really interested.she told me how she once asked a jewish person about his faith but there reply was to go to the synnagogue and find out herself...she was put off by this remark. so if someone wants to know explain to them with patience and pyaar.

thats great brother jassa. i hope you successfully managed to convert her into the fold of sikhism.* THing is i've had these sorts of conversations before. several times. they cant go well. you want to explain all that is good about yuor religion and with feigning enthusiasm you blabber on and sound like an idiot. iam bothered by the idea of being a salesman. its unsettling.

i have found the best response is the direct one. just say that you have this guru and that you are the disciple. if further pressed on questions of philosophy then you may tentatively give your thoughts on elements of religion. but stress these are personal views. gurbani is the final(and only) authority on sikhi.

if she asked specific questions, that might not have been so bad. but that wouldnt mean she not be completely ignorant to begin with. and if she is completely ignorant to begin with, then its her issue and she need adress it. its not that hard to pull up a book from a library or some keywords in google.

When in university people constantly ask me why i dont drink...they seem to feel that all we're good for is getting tillah. To me this is digusting, and shows the need for education. Ignorance is so dangerous.

why, dont you drink? are you saying it is commonly thought that sikhs drink and that this is digusting? isnt that true that many sikhs drink though? but no amount of propanda can change reality. you see, sikhs do in fact drink. so are you upset about the fact that people think sikhs drink, or that sikhs drink? if upset that people think sikhs drink and you wish that "education" will fix this, then thats silly. it will not. if you wish to educate sikhs not to drink. then thats a different matter.

sikhs drink - is that a bad thing? maybe. abuse is the worst thing. it may lead to serious problems in the community. but lots of people manage to drink socially without leading to any serious problems. i dont have a problem with this. its between them and their morality - none of my business really.

what i have a problem with is the idea that if someone drinks they are automatically lesser of a sikh. i have this prejudice in me and iam trying to remove it. i know its wrong to think this way. and im coming around to it too.

FYI, i dont drink either. but if many sikhs choose to drink and that this means that people in general think sikhs are drinkers than that is a consequence of reality. i must accept it.

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i never said in my post that sikhi was better and that they should follow it...but whether i said it or not YEH I DO THINK SIKHI IS BETTER.thats why im a sikh.

Oh and yeh i do think that sikhs who drink are lesser sikhs.

Because they do not follow what their Guru says. And by the way....sikhs who drink are known as patit or fallen sikhs(apostates)...therefore yes they are less. If you disagree with that then go question the Akal Takht.

Go put this question to the Damdami Taksal, whos Jathedar Sant Gyaani Jarnail Singh Bhinderawale tried to get all those people to stop drinking.

Fact is....If sikhi says not to do something and a person who considers themselves sikhs does it than they are less of a sikh, simply because you are supposed to listen to your guru...

but then again some 'sikhs' go around calling themselves sexy, and maintain this is right, May Guru Ji bless his panth so that it can return to its Gurmat Marg.

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jassa, u said u think that someone who drinks is a lesser sikh.... do u think someone who uses an internet id including terms such as 'sexy' is a lesser sikh?

on the topic of the thread... i believe it is every sikhs' duty... & indeed, every humans' duty to lead a truthful (free of hypocrisy) life & then to encourage others to do the same, either through leading by example or education or other means. & this should be done through a desire to help others... not help themselves.

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no i said that drinking would make someone a lesser sikh because it directly goes against the commandments of Guru Gobind Singh...

Drinking is a bujjhar kurrehit and will make a person patit. calling yourself sexy, although against gurmat will not make you patit therefore for you to try and equate the 2 is just an attempt to create another pointless argument.

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Even most of the nakli nihungs believe you cant drink.

Most, but not all eh? lol

(Hooka, halal, hazamat, haram --> I perceive hooka to be smoking, but this is going off topic. There's a post somewhere in the archives that deals with this. The title of the thread contains the word cannabis, but can't remember the exact name)

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