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What does Guru Ji say about incest?


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This is kinda hard. But i wanna know about this question. I dont believe in incest. But if everyone had the same surname, it'll happen. I dont think of caste when ever i hear someones surname either.

I just wanna know what does Guru Ji says about incest?

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I wasnt asking a Caste question, but thanks anyways. I was thinking in terms of Singh and Kaur. If everyone only had Singh and Kaur as there Surname mistead of a middle name, isnt it ganna led to incest? Thats why i said i dont see caste in surnames.

I dont give care whos Jatt or whos Chummer or even who i was, all are my friends. I hate caste full stop. I believe we're all capable of doing everything.

Now back to my question.

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I know you hate caste, and my post wasn't a "casteist" post.

If it makes the example easier I will re-word it:

A group of people have the surname Sidhu. Another group of people adopt the same surname.

If a member of each group marries how can this be incest?

Incest is when you have intercourse with a blood relation. So unless the Singh and Kaur are related, then how is it incest?

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lol, people aren't dumb. What's the first thing that happens in an arranged/love marriage? The family finds out details of the other family...i.e. What pind/shere they are from. Failing that, if on the wedding day you notice your brother standing with the bride then you know you got problems :shock:

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In most desi families, the parents of each child will do some research into who the other family is...even for a love marriage.

Even the girl/boy would most likely have done this as well whilst courting.

ps I thought u were asking what a love marriage was :shock: :shock: :shock: (but then I realised u missed out a word!).

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In most desi families, the parents of each child will do some research into who the other family is...even for a love marriage.

Even the girl/boy would most likely have done this as well whilst courting.

ps I thought u were asking what a love marriage was :shock: :shock: :shock: (but then I realised u missed out a word!).

LOL, your a joker. :LOL:

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Im pretty sure the gurus would be against incest. Whats interesting, and im sure bahader veera can back me up on this one, is that misal cheifs (maybe sardars in general) would marry widows (even if the widow was a sister in law.) I guess thats sorta incest. So maybe culturally it isnt shuned upon as much

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Im pretty sure the gurus would be against incest. Whats interesting, and im sure bahader veera can back me up on this one, is that misal cheifs (maybe sardars in general) would marry widows (even if the widow was a sister in law.) I guess thats sorta incest. So maybe culturally it isnt shuned upon as much

How is marying you Sister-in-law incest? would that be like marying your Wifes sister?

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Think about it pheena, your brother gets married. You view his wife as a sister obviously. You get use to calling her bhabiji. Then bham! He dies. You decide to marry her so she isnt alone. Fair enough. But then you sleep with her/start having sexual relations. Isnt that incest? Maybe it was a trend amonst the misal cheifs because they were like royalty, but in any case, its not something i personally agree with/can comprehend (again its my opinion, doesnt mean im right or wrong.)

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Sikh fauge I agree with you that marrying your sister-in-law is morally wrong, it is not incest. Incest implies that you have a blood relation with the person you are engaging in sexual activity with. However wrong marrying your sister-in-law maybe be, it isn't incest...

Unless of course your brother was actively involved in incest, in which case it would be incest... :shock: ...now that would be f*ed up...lol

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dunno what Guru Ji says bout it, but i know that incest is when 2 people from the same bloodline marry each other (ie brothers and sisters, first cousins, second cousins).

marrying your sister-in-law or brother-in-law is not incest as was previously said. it might surprise you guys but there are a lot of cultures that practise sororate marriages even when the sister/brother-in-law's spouse is still alive (as in the siblings SHARE a spouse). and tha's still not incest.

i'm sure u know the problems that are associated with incest RupZ. and i'm sure that the Gurus wouldn't have approved of incest because it is associated with those problems.

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My mistake,it might not be incest in the sense of bloodline, but for me its still kinda incest when youve seen someone as a sister for so long, and end up sleeping with her.

Beast, as far as im aware (i'll read up tonight) certain cheifs did actually have children/sexual relations with their bhabijis (after the brothers death.)

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sleeping with your brothers wife (lol i first typed wifes brother :) )

was not uncommon especially if she was still able to bear children

As it was seen that once the women had left her original family and gone to the family of her in laws she wouldnt be able to return home, so if her husband died or whatever, she couldnt really marry someone else completely new because now she was a part of her inlaws family, and the bearer of their next generations. Hence she would be married off to another brother..

Or in the case of mahabharat lol then she is shared between 5.. :D

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oh that was nastay. i felt bad for Draupadi. i mean dealin with one bozo's hard nuff, but that woman dealt with 5 of 'em! ack... tsk tsk tsk... and didn't Arjun get sent into exile for a bit before they were all exiiled cuz he walked in on Draupadi and Yuvraj gettin their thing on? dayam...

Sikh Fauge, lookin at someone as your sister doesn't change the fact that her genotype is still different from yours. different enough to ensure that the kids you'd have with her wouldn't suffer from genetic disorders as a result of the two of you mating.

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I agree sukhi, but when you spend x ammount of years seeing someone as a sister, then it doesnt matter about blood. She is still a sister. I find it difficult to swallow how a woman can be a sister in law (bhabi) one minute, and then a sexual partner (for whatever reason) the next.

Againt, this is my opinion :D it doesnt mean those misal cheifs were any less gursikh, its just something i couldnt do.

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SF no one is saying you're wrong. In fact you are right, that it would be sick to view your sister-in-law as a sexual partner...however the question posed at first wasn't a moral one. The question everyone has been answering is the scientific one of if it is incest or not. So I'm sure everyone agrees with you, and no one is trying to change your mind, but you are answering a different question....

Hope I said that clearly enough...tierd...lol...damn finals...

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