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Tabhe Roos Jageo, RSS exposed


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taken from waheguroo network !

Tabhe Roos Jageo

people from UK may have recived a copy from AKJ DVD or at Nagar Keertan yesterday.

THe film is also on www.khalsa.tv

Please send the link to your friends


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Tabhe Roos Jageo


Running Time: 02h:06m:14s

Tabhe Roos Jageo is a lecture of Bhai Sukhpreet Singh Udhoke which was recorded live in Canada on his recent visit. Bhai Sahib has been working immensely to uplift the spirits of the Sikh community. His main motives are to realize Sikhs of their proud traditions and history. He is a distinguished member of GURSIKH - Global United Research and Service Institute of Knowledge for Humanity and has... more >>

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According to a comment on another forum regarding the same topic we should all be disgusted at this video, as we are effectively slandering and spraeding lies against such a respectful organisation that has gained the love of many Sikhs of a certain 'classification'.

Perhaps in the interests of ekta, we should refrain from advertising this derogratory lecture, and instaed join hands with our RSS brothers and assist them in their quest for Hindutva, and the Brahminisation of the Sikh faith.

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Admin- Watch what you say. Last thing we want slandering match. This has been posted.. if you are so un-comfortable looking at this thread..you shouldn't look at it... this thread is for awareness purposes.

Seriously, we Punjabis did not materialise from thin air. Some have been misled into becoming Muslim, Sikh or Hindu fanatics and want to fight their brothers (like you).

Blood is thicker than ideology.

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Admin I am completely comfortable looking at this thread. I don't know where you got that idea from! No offense was intended - sometimes my sense of humor is taken the wrong way.

Also, I would hope that you keep this thread open for discussion purposes, not just awareness of the fanatics' video. Sympathisers and supporters of RSS would not be allowed to have their say on sikhsangat for instance, and for them to open a pro-rss forum would not be productive.

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"Some have been misled into becoming Muslim, Sikh or Hindu fanatics and want to fight their brothers (like you). "

Where exactly is it you know me from to make this judgement my Punjabi brother? Labelling people fanatics is not very brotherly. Additionally, your use of language is quite disgusting. I will avoid posting here again, and leave the thread for you to spread whichever haterd it is you wish to spread.

May Waheguru grant you the peace of mind to lose such hatred taht has infested you.

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Bruce Lung, Please watch your language here.

This is a Sikh Site.

If you have to swear then either take it over the pm or take your boriya bistra some where else.

Consider this is your first warning. There are three warnings in total before user get's banned.

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That isn't what I wrote.

But if you look at things on the facts, Sunni Islam is just a deification of foreign Arabic culture, "Hinduism" isn't real and it's a concoction of populist nationalist elements (Punjabis do have a lot of tradition and culture though) and Sikhism is a development/evolution of the bhakti movement of the 15th and 16th centuries.

For anyone to become fanatical enough under any of the 3 heads to want to kill their brother for not belonging to the "correct" faction is madness.

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  • 6 months later...

According to a comment on another forum regarding the same topic we should all be disgusted at this video, as we are effectively slandering and spraeding lies against such a respectful organisation that has gained the love of many Sikhs of a certain 'classification'.

Perhaps in the interests of ekta, we should refrain from advertising this derogratory lecture, and instaed join hands with our RSS brothers and assist them in their quest for Hindutva, and the Brahminisation of the Sikh faith.

what makes u think dat the RRS are ur brothers

they are actively involved in training people to kill sikhs!!!!!

they want to merge hinduism and sikhism together!!! u shud know dat the gurus objected many hindu rituals such as sati, tilak, janeyo and idol worshipping..

whu should we as a kaum join hands with killers and people who give others propaganda...

grow up

:x :!: :!: :!: :x :x :x :!: :!: :!: :!:

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  • 1 month later...

The video & video makers are paranoid & disrespecting the Hindu religon.

quotes from the video....."bihar they beya"..."musilman veer"...disrespects havans, disrepects others Sikhs that don't live up to his ideals. Dislikes people of different religons coming together for the betterment of India. Sikhs have always helped the Hindus ( may be because they didn't see any difference between themselves & the Hindus ! ). Critises Krishna & the Gita. etc etc

I gave up after 1 hour. Granted the speaker is charistmatic, but he has his own agenda.

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The video & video makers are paranoid & disrespecting the Hindu religon.

quotes from the video....."bihar they beya"..."musilman veer"...disrespects havans, disrepects others Sikhs that don't live up to his ideals. Dislikes people of different religons coming together for the betterment of India. Sikhs have always helped the Hindus ( may be because they didn't see any difference between themselves & the Hindus ! ). Critises Krishna & the Gita. etc etc

I gave up after 1 hour. Granted the speaker is charistmatic, but he has his own agenda.

I fully agree.. i had a dis-pleasure to listen to his hate agenda in the gurdwara.. all though he has some great points to tackle rss propaganda. I wouldn't support him but advise him first calm down, make his points against rss without attacking hindus, bhramins, geeta, krishna etc

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