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is there any online resource to learn sanskrit?

i want to learn sanskrit, if veers here can give me online links to get basic grasp of one of most anceint lingo, ? it be great.

thanks in advance.


I advice is to first learn Devnagri and Shudh Hindi, from there start learning Sanskrit. It is very important for a Punjabi person to first learn the Hindi Ucharan before going on to Sanskrit. And may I add, good for you for taking this step. Sanskrit is a language every Indian should learn know.

Guest SAdmin

You can contact following society in Canada and ask them for one-on-one classes on Sanskrit.

Vedanta Society of Toronto, 120 Emett Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

M6M 2E6 (416) 240-7262



Das just wants to add one thing over here.It is not neessasy to learn Hindi to leanr Sanskrit.Rather Punajbi is nearer to

Sanskrit.Das give just one exaplme.Son is Putra in Sanskrit while in Punjabi it is Puttar or Putt and in hindi we have rearly used term Poot.

Punajbi is nearer to Ampbrhansha often like Bhakha in Gurbani.Das woul;d recomend to learn Hindi but behloding it a differnt language from Sanskrit.Tatasam words are common in both but Desi,bidesi and Tatbhav are difernt.

Das says like that from an expirance from a Great Sikh of present time(das will not name),who tried to learn Udru in order to learn Farsi and left the Farsi classes.He still could not learn farsi.Das is unaware of the status of Urdu learning. So good to learn them speartely.

Guest Javanmard

Learn Sanskrit first! After that all other North Indian modern languages are a walk in the park.


if u wanna understand the family, go to the mother first, then ull have a better understanding of the children,

same case here, sanskrit is the mother, punjabi hindi all these others are the children

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