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Why is Dancing considered Manmat?

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coz dancing makes u look 'uncool' yo!... gurseek geezas neva dance coz dancing is not thuggish yo... us massive tyar-bar-tyars gangster singh-soormay don't do nuffin like dat yo... in Bani 'naach ray mann gur ke aagay' means only ur mind should dance yo!..

P.S. simran only happens in ur head :LOL: :lol:

P.P.S. there's nothing wrong with outward showing of devoution.

P.P.P.S. ... I'm confused.. I think I should go back to sleep!.. zzzZZZzZzZzz

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In my opinion, our Guru Sahibaan chose what is considered the the highest art form in order to enhance their and our spiritual experience, Music - but Music of the highest form, devotional worship - kirtan. The framework of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is based around the raag, rang, emotion, mood, tone of voice of our Guru's, it also indicates kirtan maryada that should be followed.

So in this sense, Music is the paramount art, followed by Language/Poetry and the Martial Arts.

I have not come across any history of our Guru Sahiban dancing.

As with all things, without Vaheguru in our mind, all things are useless.

No one can dictate to anyone else, as we are each responsible for our own actions. But in my opinion, dancing at a party is not really artistic or beneficial in anyway as usually one is surrounded by ego, lust, hate and nashaa.

Folk dance is a different matter, and in the old days was done differently, bibian used to do giddha in female company only etc... men told stories through folk dance etc....

Todays bhangra in clubs and parties serves no real purpose.

In a spiritual sense, Indian Classical has traditionally been performed as an expression of love to God, this is still practiced in South India as such.

As you most probably know, shaster vidya is linked to Indian Classical dance (same way kirtan is to Indian Classical Music). As in many martial traditions around the world, martial art has been preserved in dance for various reasons i.e. in Thailand and South India, to preserve martial knowledge during many centuries of invasions and banning of all martial activity of natives.

Fateh Singh Ji,

Your post aroused my curiosity in outside expressions and I stumbled across this, I won't comment as the Baba Ji is a bajurg, as well as me not knowing anything about what they are experiencing, I think Baba Jagjit Singh ji is present also. What I will say is that Baba Ji has high stamina and the youngster in the end does not seem to have the same endurance.

I would be grateful if you could explain to me the experience and history behind this physical expression, and from how long back it dates?

I hope you are not offended by me posting this, unsurprisingly for an ignorent person like me, I was quite taken aback at 1st, but think there may be more to it than meets the eye, I believe that this sort of expression may be where the term kookai arose from?


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Shaheediyan thats come good stuff there. The Indian Dancer was a good one too.

I found a shabad that kinda relates to the Kookai dancing.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 745

soohee mehalaa 5 ||

Soohee, Fifth Mehla:

har kaa sa(n)th paraan dhhan this kaa panihaaraa ||

The Lord's Saint is my life and wealth. I am his water-carrier.

bhaaee meeth suth sagal thae jeea hoo(n) thae piaaraa ||1|| rehaao ||

He is dearer to me than all my siblings, friends and children. ||1||Pause||

kaesaa kaa kar beejanaa sa(n)th chour dtulaavo ||

I make my hair into a fan, and wave it over the Saint.

sees nihaaro charan thal dhhoor mukh laavo ||1||

I bow my head low, to touch his feet, and apply his dust to my face. ||1||

misatt bachan baenathee karo dheen kee niaaee ||

I offer my prayer with sweet words, in sincere humility.

thaj abhimaan saranee paro har gun nidhh paaee ||2||

Renouncing egotism, I enter His Sanctuary. I have found the Lord, the treasure of virtue. ||2||

avalokan puneh puneh karo jan kaa dharasaar ||

I gaze upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's humble servant, again and again.

a(n)mrith bachan man mehi si(n)cho ba(n)dho baar baar ||3||

I cherish and gather in His Ambrosial Words within my mind; time and time again, I bow to Him. ||3||

chithavo man aasaa karo jan kaa sa(n)g maago ||

In my mind, I wish, hope and beg for the Society of the Lord's humble servants.

naanak ko prabh dhaeiaa kar dhaas charanee laago ||4||2||42||

Be Merciful to Nanak, O God, and lead him to the feet of Your slaves. ||4||2||42||

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shaheediyan... what comment do u want from me?.. The Mast Birti is unique in Sikhism.. as Rupz has quoted there are many more parmaans if u read the Granth Sahib.. ofcourse u can translate them in anyway u want depending on which sect u belong to.. so I won't get into that.. Even in ur panth people get mast from time to time.. can u explain the 'grrrr grrr' and jumping around by ppl from ur panth witnessed and described in another thread on this forum?.. well neither can I explain what Mast Birti is.. only those who experience it know it.. whether its real or fake only the person knows it. In Namdhari Panth faking Masti is a sin.. can't comment and can careless how its percieved in ur panth

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Dancing on just udahi is just useless but dancing in pyaar of Vahiguroo as fateh singh put it "masti birthi" is quite acceptable.

Socio-religious sikhi is there to make sure maryada is followed. Mystic Sikhi is not bound to follow Socio Religious rules in the dharma.

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I think it is manmat because most people don't know how to dance..so beadabi is occuring to the dying art form...and I'm serious about most people not being able to dance.

mega lol :LOL::LOL:

opps back to the serious topic.

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Thank you veer N3O, of course, that makes sense.

Veer Fateh Singh Ji,

I have heard of Namdhari men doing Indian Classical dancing , is this quite popular amongst Namdhari men or is quite rare, are the women also encouraged to learn dance? Is it something that Baba Jagjit Singh himself promotes (as they do tanti saaj)?

And is it done purely for cultural reasons or for spiritual reasons as well?

I heard that at Namdhari programmes, only Gurbani is sung in the main darbaar and there is a seperate tent for non-bani singing i.e. cultural, historical, poetry etc, is this true? Really like the idea of this respectful seperation but open minded attitude.


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Honestly, I don't think darbari maryada 'allows' or 'promotes' dancing in any way...Hence, the seriousness of the ragi's so they don't show emotion physically but rather through their voice and their bhagtee...

If it did happen, I can understand, but I don't see it as being something that guru gobind singh would openly encourage or give as a directive

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