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Rattan Jaggi, Scholar Or Not?

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I've come across a Phd thesis of the above guy on Dasam Granth.

What do we know about him?

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I tell you what, I just read a few pages and the vocabulary is deep. I never knew the Panjabi bhasha had so many advanced words. Curse my simple pendu linguistic upbringing!! Was mum and dad only semi-literate I wonder?

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He doubted that DG was Guru's rachna in that book but a few years ago he was part of the DG seminar organised by the dodgy baba of Mehrauli in which he changed his views. Apparently his wife was up for some academic post at some university and the dodgy baba had influence to give her that post.

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He doubted that DG was Guru's rachna in that book but a few years ago he was part of the DG seminar organised by the dodgy baba of Mehrauli in which he changed his views. Apparently his wife was up for some academic post at some university and the dodgy baba had influence to give her that post.

The guy must be getting on. He's been publishing books since the 60s.

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Rattan Singh Jaggi was once an Anti Dasam Granth supporter during his early career when he started research. But he did not discard all of the Dasam Granth like the Kala Afghanists. The Sikh missionary college followed his views and research on Dasam Granth. Then after furthur advanced study of the Dasam Granth he came to the conclusion that Dasam Granth is in fact the Bani of Guru Gobind Singh Jee. Many missionaries felt disillusioned by his new research, most of them even going to the Kala Afghanist camp.

The "Singh Sabha" Canada and especially Jeowala who liked to quote Jaggi a lot since he was the only real scholar the anti Dasam Granth camp had to quote from, when asked about Jaggi's recent views about Dasam Granth began making up a story about him changing his views because he wanted his wife to get a job. When the views of a scholar cannot be countered, lies are made about him in order to discredit him. Brothers this is old fashioned character assassination which the Kala Afghanists are expert in.

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Whatever his views on DG, reading a few pages of Dasam Granth kartritav completely and utterly dispels the notion that Panjabi is some unsophisticated pendu language.

Does anyone know if he has published his current views on DG and what the publication is called?

You know, reading the book has me thinking we should start a thread where we put words down in Panjabi and people try and guess what it means. Sort of like a game that should help with vocabulary building. What do you guys think?

Edited by dalsingh101
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Jaggi as I have read needed a topic for his PHD and wanted to one a PHD on Dasam Granth being the work of Guru Gobind Singh, as at the time he believed that Guru Sahib was the author. But as Dharam Pal Ashta had already done such a PHD paper only a few years earlier, Jaggi was asked to submit an anti-thesis instead. So in order to get his PHD he did this and based it on the findings of previous groups that were anti-DG such as Bhasaurias. He rehashed some of their findings and submitted it.  Later some years on, he came round to accepting it as Guru krit again.

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