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tva prasad

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    tva prasad reacted to opal in Sikhi is giaan marg or bhakti marg   
    The universe is the creation of God.
    All earthly rituals have their origins in the astral world before taking form on the physical world. Earthly rituals emanate from above and beyond. Initially, there, they are formless and exist as energy, as vibration or frequency.
    Meditation and chanting, both exist in the spiritual realms too, as Silence and Sound. Yes, even the great Silence has a sound, which can be heard with our inner ears. Tuning in is all that's needed.
    Laws of Nature are in fact miracles and truly miraculous. Most miracle workers are blessed from above and beyond. It is no big task for them to perform them. They are the gifted ones and have reached a certain stage of their spiritual evolution.
    As far as the last one is concerned...... I am sure you already know the answer. Nothing materialises on the physical without its blueprint in the astral.
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    tva prasad reacted to BhagatSingh in What happens if a Amritdhari lied does he has be pesh in front of the Panj Pyaare?   
    Suthra Shah teaches how to Speak the Truth
    "The Guru was present, sutra then put the langar in a plate, and said to the guru who should eat first guru ji, guru ji said who you love most give to them first. sutra thought about it, and then started to eat it himself. the sangat was shocked, sutra then replied to the sangat i am going by the gurus hukam, first pangat and then sangat! first my stomach is calling, then everything else comes next!! Then he fed the Guru."
    From the quote in Bal Rehal's post.
    Speaking truth is not about speaking the correct thing. Speaking truth is whatever is true to your experience.
    No one is more honest than Suthra even when he is bringing in crap and passing it off as a present for Guru Sahib, just to see Guru Sahib.
    He is acting from the core of his being.
    What he embodies, he expresses.
    That is speaking truth.
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    tva prasad reacted to BhagatSingh in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    Yes by chanting Ram naam, Kabir ji merged into Ram. By changing Ram naam, Hanuman ji merged into Ram.
    God's devotees have merged into God. By singing their praises you can obtain God.
    Kavi Kalya ji says -
    ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਚਰਣ ਕਵਲ ਰਿਦਿ ਧਾਰੰ ॥ ਗੁਰ ਅਰਜੁਨ ਗੁਣ ਸਹਜਿ ਬਿਚਾਰੰ ॥
    Enshrine the feet of the True guru in your heart and patiently meditate on the virtues of Guru Arjun Dev ji.
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    tva prasad reacted to BhagatSingh in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    Exactly by meditating on Ram Naam, Hanuman ji merged with Ram ji. Atma merged into Parmatma. Droplet merged into Ocean.
    Now the droplet is indistinguishable from Ocean.

    So Bhagat Tulsidas ji says in Hanuman Chalisa (my translation) -
    Ram rasayan tumhre pasa; sada raho Raghupati ke dasa.
    You (Hanuman) possess the essence of Ram; you always remain the servant of the Raghu King.

    Tumhre bhajan Ram ko pavai; janm janm ke dukh bisravai.
    Those who sing your (Hanuman) praises obtain Ram; their suffering is eliminated in each birth.

    Ant kaal Raghupatipur jaie; jahan janm Hari bhakt kahaie.
    In the end, they enter the kingdom of Ram; and wherever they take birth they are known as the devotees of Hari.

    Aur Devta chit na Dhar e; Hanumat sei sarv sukh kar e.
    They don't need to worship any other deities, they can obtain all happiness and peace just from meditating on Hanuman.
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    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in Anyone else into organic gardening around here?   
    Haalon ਹਾਲੋਂ (I  think) is like spinach. It is a seasoning abut also used for medicinal purposes as well. it is very rich in nutrients and my mom will always add a little haalon to saag and paalak.
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    tva prasad reacted to amardeep in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    When Kabir uses the word Ram, is he talking about Ram (as in God) or is he talking about Ramanand, his Guru.
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in What happens if a Amritdhari lied does he has be pesh in front of the Panj Pyaare?   
    ਲੇਖਾ ਕੋਇ ਨ ਪੁਛਈ ਜਾ ਹਰਿ ਬਖਸੰਦਾ॥
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Koi in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    Vishnu ji said that hanuman ji would stay on earth until the end of kalijug. Where could hanuman ji live? What r they doing? Why don't they reveal themselves? All replies appreciated thanks.
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    tva prasad reacted to gdskler in Ate meat by accident   
    I was told by a very learned gursikh  in 1990 that by having a bhog with a muslim woman, you have created a zina which punishable under the muslim sharia law. Therefore the said woman will be punished with stoning etc. If a child is born due this sexual encounter, the child under sharia will be known as bastered and be shunned upon the communities despite being a muslim. The child will loose all the privilage being a muslim. Thus by your sexual act, you have cause harm directly  2 person , the woman and the child.Further he said that being illegitimate son, the son will cursed you as his father for rest of his life!!
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    tva prasad reacted to Ragmaala in Ate meat by accident   
    ^ not sure about the above bachan bro...
    But just so you know , Baba Nand Singh Jis previous janams included the King Bharatha , brother of Sri Rama, a pious muslim king and the birth of Farid Shekh Brahm who rode a wall to meet Guru Nanak.  And finally the birth as a great Sikh Saint was his final one :)
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    tva prasad reacted to Singh123456777 in Ate meat by accident   
    It is the intention of the thing. Did he go out and buy beef so he can eat it? No it was a mistake. Unknowingly a human eats many bugs and kills many animals very single day. Should we go pesh every single day? Or when we kangha our kesh and a few strands break off should we go pesh? The guru knows your intention behind everything. Mistakes happen all the time and we don't know it. Read the Sakhi that I posted. It addresses the issue. If the poster feels like he committed a huge sin then he should go and pesh. But minor things like this happen all the time. Maharaj Ji did not Pakhand. I knew of a Singh who used to pesh if he are pizza from the store. Even if the gurduwara bought it he ate it and then did pesh. Doing pesh etc is becoming a ritual now. When Singhs used to go in battle and when they used to get cut guarantee even a tiny hair strand was cut(unless the sword missed any hair on the body) so would that make the Singhs a patit? Hell no! The guru is all knowing and forgiving. I have seen people coming to do pesh for taking Advil cause it had opium or something like that lol. Did they need to come? No. Puratan Singhs used to do shaheedi degh when they were injured in battle. Taking Advil with opium or alcohol is to help the body. If you abuse Advil and take it like drugs then go pesh.
    For the poster I recommend taking a hukamnama from maharaj Ji and then he will get his answer.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Crystal in What happens if a Amritdhari lied does he has be pesh in front of the Panj Pyaare?   
    I wud call the police.
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    tva prasad reacted to Ragmaala in What happens if a Amritdhari lied does he has be pesh in front of the Panj Pyaare?   
    Simple and to the point.
    I remember the story of Bhai Bidi Chand Ji who stole horses to get the khushi of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji Maharaj.
    Also, Bhai Sukha Singh & Bhai Mehtab Singh who lied to get closer to Massa Rangarh.
    I think it depends on context, common sense, and what your Guru is instructing you at the time.
    Think of it this way, if your Guru is happy with you in saving someones life, then that automatically trumps the lekha of lieing imo. Guru takes care of everything, as long as you are under his instructions & hazoori.
    same thing with the story of saint & cows, his par-upkar was greater than lying
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    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    Becasue according to Sri Dasme Patshah's Granth Sahib, Sri Ram Chander took the whole nagri to sachkhand with him. Yet Hanuman was fated to stay in Prithvi lok as long as the name of Ram was known. According to my own knowledge/instruction, Guru Nanak released him from this duty so he could go to Sachkhand.
    While Hanuman demonstrated by tearing his chest in the Royal court showing the name of ram in his chest, his body was still here. That is where the question comes from.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Sukhbir Singh Khalsa in ਮਰ ਗਈ ਸਾਡੀ ਜ਼ਮੀਰ   
    welcome back.
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    tva prasad reacted to Crystal in Akal takht   
    Came across this old picture of the akal takht

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    tva prasad reacted to amardeep in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    I have'nt read it myself but the stories illustrated in the Gian Prabodh about some king are said to be translations from Mahabharata.
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    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    Guru Sahib in Sri Dasme Patshah's Granth Sahib covers a yag performed by the Pandavs. It isn't successful due to Yuddhistar's growing hankar.
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    tva prasad reacted to jaikaara in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    Guru Sahib covered Mahabharat's most important portion which is - The Gita
    Guru Sahib's composition is known as The Gobind Gita .
  20. Like
    tva prasad reacted to amardeep in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    Part's of the Mahabharat are also covered in the Gian Prabodh of the Dasam Granth.
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    Isn't he the one who will recognize Kalkee avtar jee?
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    tva prasad reacted to Bal Rehal in Very Interesting Critique Of Sgpc Rehat Maryada By Taksaal   
    This line of thinking seems to stem from the Hindu faith which consider women to be of a lower status than men. In fact women are treated so differently - they eat last, stay secluded during their menses and do not even cook food during that time. Look at Dropadi in Ramayan. Duryodan had her pulled out of her secluded place just to shame her by pulling out her sari in front of everyone. This was in revenge for her having laughed at him when he mistook the floor for water and got his feet wet. 
    Guru nanak Dev Ji has abolished this treatment of women - by demanded that they be respected as they give birth to kings. No where has Guru Ji said that women are so because of their past sins. Some past books contain some material like saying if you eat the jhooth of someone you are reborn as a woman. If there was any truth in this it would be in the SGGS. If there was any importance in not being born as a woman and as a man, then Guru Ji would have warned us not to sin as we would be born as women. However this is not the case. 
    Guru Ji said rehet peyari muji sikh peyara nahi....
    This means that whoever stays in the rehet... will be the peyara of Guru Ji.
    Everything we get in this life, we have to earn it. Everything we have at the moment is the result of our past karmas. 
    Vin karma kich paiye nahi. 
    Everything we have has been given to us by God. Dhadha dhataa ek hai.
    Therefore taking the above in account, if there were some women who kept the rehet - strictly and were pleasing to Guru Ji - then there is no one to stop them from becoming the punj peyare. However Sikhi is a practical religion. Therefore empty debates do not produce any results. Live in the rehet and according to your karams and your kamai - Waheguru will give you some work to do i.e. administer Amrit as one of the punj peyare. 
    The end question is - Who has worked to earn this seva ?
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    tva prasad reacted to Crystal in Very Interesting Critique Of Sgpc Rehat Maryada By Taksaal   
    I agree with you, that's why most of the people who have taken amrit shouldn't have. why? khalsa is meant to be dharamyudhis most of our khalsa have never been in a scrap, they don't know the reality of fighting, being attacked, how to defend yourself, what to do when the situation arises  . So let's be honest, most people don't know how to react in a confrontation or attack, they freeze. What is the point of wearing a kirpan or sword when you don't know how to use it? seems more of a ritual.
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    tva prasad reacted to unbreakable in Quotes From Vedas   
    Hitler also believed in a "Aryan" race. I have read on a few sites that the Aryans can be traced back to the "mountain people", who were the ancient phoenicians.

    Read up on madame blavatsky and the seven root races of the world.

    the current british royal family has its root in ancient egypt and they can trace their bloodline back to "abraham".
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    tva prasad reacted to dalsingh101 in Quotes From Vedas   
    An important thing I heard is that when we talk of Aryans, we are talking about middle easterners NOT Europeans. I think they were from around the Iran/Iraq area.

    Someone once told me that British and German people in colonial times reconstructed (i.e. made up) the Aryan identity to make it a white European one, probably mainly as propaganda to justify their own invasions and actions (I imagine by citing historical precedent or something). So we have to be wary.
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