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Everything posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. I feel for them but I could pass that test still. I think he's hamming it up.
  2. For being our academics they sure do come to weird conclusions. You're aware of where those sants...are contradicting Guru Saibhan? Just ignore the Sant title at this point.
  3. Meat is acceptable in Kalyugh. Vegetarianism and Veganism are seen practiced by the compassionate.
  4. I'm not sure all those are used as Naam but almost.
  5. It's Vishnu Har Gobind Ram I believe. The Mantar not the Devi Devte. The point is 1 Naam, the one given by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, wasn't made up by anybody. Nor did your ancestors make up the vedas. ਨਾਭਿਕਮਲਤੇਬ੍ਰਹਮਾਉਪਜੇਬੇਦਪੜਹਿਮੁਖਿਕੰਠਿਸਵਾਰਿ॥ naabh kamal te brahamaa aupaje bedh paReh mukh ka(n)tt savaar || From the lotus of Vishnu's navel, Brahma was born; He chanted the Vedas with a melodious voice. Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Gujri - 489 Guru Granth Sahib Ji is written to all people. 1 Naam is given to Sikhs.
  6. Krishna is a Devi Devte. See Dasam Granth. No friend. These are the Mantars of the Mahayugh. Each Yugh had a Devi Devte who delivered and resonated with the Naam of that time. The universe itself says Vaheguru. While there are countless names for 1 this is Sat Naam. Hindus didn't make anything.
  7. It's written in Vaaran Bhai Gurdas Ji under the approving eye of the Guru Saibhan.
  8. Correct. What happens with thc delta 9 these days is to metabolize correctly requires a balance of terpines and other cannabinoids. But the market is cultivating and concentrating just thv delta9, which is a waste and not rhe reap high. The real high comes from eating well rounded cannabis. Especially with the ingredients fpund in our drinks that have terpines and other chemicals which help everything metabolize. It only reveals schizophrenia it does not cause it.
  9. You just ween off brother. Keep decreasing the dose. If you cold turkey it looks like anxiety, runny nose and diarrhea.
  10. The only harms from cannabis are financial and smoke inhalation.
  11. Also all the other ingredients help it metabolize. Reserch foods that help your endocannabinoidal receptors. It's the recipe for Bhang.
  12. I researched that. There is no link between cannabis giving you schizophrenia, but if you already have schizophrenia it makes the symptoms very obvious.
  13. There's an overlap for sure. Schizos are ungrounded in reality though.
  14. Gurbani says roughly that God's play is performed, according to H1s will, in accordance with what we're willing to do, and we get charged for it. It's the only cohesive blend of divine and free will on the market. Like a producer director, writes a movie, then finds actors WILLing to play those typa roles and charges them to be in the movie. So anyone who's a total piece was willing to come be a total piece and God had a role as a total piece that needed to be filled.
  15. It's free will, Kharam and Dharam. A. B. It's Kalyugh. C. Yes God plays out his will according to what were willing to do.
  16. No amount of memes justify war crimes.
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