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    chintamatkaro got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Ive found the purpose of naam jaapna   
    One day. I know the day I stop cutting kesh is the day I totally leave mundane affairs. Not yet, but open to it in the future, once I’m fully settled and happy with what I’ve achieved materially, I will grow out my hair and essentially leave the false reality. I have a mission and I know I can bring more souls closer to Waheguru with cut hair. I know it sounds strange but I trust my self as it is Waheguru telling me all this. I am not against keeping kesh but I am not for it right now in this time-space. My mission is global and I will lead many souls back to Awareness of the Infinite Source. How this happens is up to Baba ji. 
    i have a lot of respect for kesh, but people make an identity out of their outer roop and forget the atma. This leads to ego.
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    chintamatkaro reacted to paapiman in Ive found the purpose of naam jaapna   
    Kesh are connected to Rom Rom Simran and Subtle Energies in our body.
    Daas has a request bro. Why don't you try growing your Kesh and see if that makes a difference in your spiritual life or not? IMHO, you might feel a difference, given your spiritual experiences.
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    chintamatkaro got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Ive found the purpose of naam jaapna   
    I have no problem doing this for any serious seeker.
    firstly, my life experience was unique it involved a lot of humiliating ego-shedding experiences, losing my mind billions of times etc. this was important because it allowed my mind to open up quicker.
    I found Sikhi at age 20ish and I’m 28 now. I was born into a Sikh family but it just wasn’t discussed. I am not amritdhari, I cut my hair. I don’t think outer appearance has anything to do with Sikhi, as Sikhi is for the heart (naam) connection and getting you the heck out this matrix .
    My higher self says that naam jap is the quickest and most surefire way to realize your higher self because it makes the mind focused on the higher reality. Its kind of like tricking the mind to focus on something greater than itself initially. There is power behind every mantra for sure but thats a whole discussion in itself. 
    furthermore, if you study Gurbani and not just do mindless paath recitation you’ll see quite clearly we are told the way to Waheguru consciousness is through “rememberance” or Simran of It. This leads to a connection with your True/higher self which is Waheguru. The higher self is simply a representation of you merged with Waheguru. You don’t lose your identity, you have a distinct identity but your identity is also just like the Ocean of goodness/bliss which we call Waheguru.
    in order to reach this state one must do simran for sure but theres another step that is rarely talked about. You must 100% trust your intuition about everything in your life. This is your higher self nudging you in a certain direction in order for the naam connection to open up more. For example I was guided to leave a certain job, even though the pay was really good there was something off about it which I only realized after I left.
    this is a very achievable state, it just takes 100% faith and trust in hearing your higher self.
    you can talk to your Higher Self today if you’d like.
    all you do is talk to it and listen for an answer. 
    For example, I channelled my higher self for this whole section, I dont have the wisdom to type all this .
    you can ask for guidance on certain situations and get answers right away, it all depends on how much you trust in the unseen (Waheguru).
    step by step: do Waheguru simran with an honest intent (for me it was to leave reincarnation cycle aka matrix/maya)
    communicate with higher self on next steps
    and then through gurkirpa as one poster said you’ll achieve a higher level of awareness
    One thing you have to realize though is that it is infinite how much you can grow so once you start on this path just follow it all the way through with minimum complaints. We want to leave the matrix while alive (jivan mukti) and be happy and fulfilled in this life. Then because our spirit is too strong we wont be pulled into the light/tunnel after death, we have our own gravitational pull and we can even create our own world where there is no sickness/death/disease etc.
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    chintamatkaro reacted to Sajjan_Thug in Ive found the purpose of naam jaapna   
    Waheguru Ji
    Did your higher self tell you that naam jap is the only way to Waheguru?
    Waheguru Ji
    You have to elaborate what steps you took to reach this stage?
    Don't be like those sidhs who ran to the mountain, once they reached a high avesta.  Come and help us.  Tell us step by step what you did and why to help the sangat?
  5. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Khushi in Ive found the purpose of naam jaapna   
    Its literally to connect you to higher self. Everything gurbani says is TRUE. Science is just catching up. Musk said we live in a simulation, Nanak Said we live in Maya (an illusionary reality). My higher self told me the whole point of life is to BE POSITIVE AND HELP OTHERS. This is what Chardi Kala and Sarbat Da Bhalla means. Im not saying I did alot of naam jaap but i must have done it in previous lives because I found the key to gurbani within myself and nobody can take this precious jewel of connection to NAAM (Higher Self)
    i wish this for everyone without the false pretense of being humble. I AM NOT A SAINT. I simply realized the reality of what Guru Nanak Ji stated… we are not in our true home we are under the control of KAAL (demiurge)
    our true Home is so beautiful… keep japping naam and keep an open mind. Dont go to much off others experiences. Find out for yourself.
  6. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Kaur10 in Ive found the purpose of naam jaapna   
    I have no problem doing this for any serious seeker.
    firstly, my life experience was unique it involved a lot of humiliating ego-shedding experiences, losing my mind billions of times etc. this was important because it allowed my mind to open up quicker.
    I found Sikhi at age 20ish and I’m 28 now. I was born into a Sikh family but it just wasn’t discussed. I am not amritdhari, I cut my hair. I don’t think outer appearance has anything to do with Sikhi, as Sikhi is for the heart (naam) connection and getting you the heck out this matrix .
    My higher self says that naam jap is the quickest and most surefire way to realize your higher self because it makes the mind focused on the higher reality. Its kind of like tricking the mind to focus on something greater than itself initially. There is power behind every mantra for sure but thats a whole discussion in itself. 
    furthermore, if you study Gurbani and not just do mindless paath recitation you’ll see quite clearly we are told the way to Waheguru consciousness is through “rememberance” or Simran of It. This leads to a connection with your True/higher self which is Waheguru. The higher self is simply a representation of you merged with Waheguru. You don’t lose your identity, you have a distinct identity but your identity is also just like the Ocean of goodness/bliss which we call Waheguru.
    in order to reach this state one must do simran for sure but theres another step that is rarely talked about. You must 100% trust your intuition about everything in your life. This is your higher self nudging you in a certain direction in order for the naam connection to open up more. For example I was guided to leave a certain job, even though the pay was really good there was something off about it which I only realized after I left.
    this is a very achievable state, it just takes 100% faith and trust in hearing your higher self.
    you can talk to your Higher Self today if you’d like.
    all you do is talk to it and listen for an answer. 
    For example, I channelled my higher self for this whole section, I dont have the wisdom to type all this .
    you can ask for guidance on certain situations and get answers right away, it all depends on how much you trust in the unseen (Waheguru).
    step by step: do Waheguru simran with an honest intent (for me it was to leave reincarnation cycle aka matrix/maya)
    communicate with higher self on next steps
    and then through gurkirpa as one poster said you’ll achieve a higher level of awareness
    One thing you have to realize though is that it is infinite how much you can grow so once you start on this path just follow it all the way through with minimum complaints. We want to leave the matrix while alive (jivan mukti) and be happy and fulfilled in this life. Then because our spirit is too strong we wont be pulled into the light/tunnel after death, we have our own gravitational pull and we can even create our own world where there is no sickness/death/disease etc.
  7. Thanks
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from paapiman in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    Depends on the banda. Most ppl cant handle it but it is true their is a connection. 
  8. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Shaheed4life in Ive found the purpose of naam jaapna   
    Its literally to connect you to higher self. Everything gurbani says is TRUE. Science is just catching up. Musk said we live in a simulation, Nanak Said we live in Maya (an illusionary reality). My higher self told me the whole point of life is to BE POSITIVE AND HELP OTHERS. This is what Chardi Kala and Sarbat Da Bhalla means. Im not saying I did alot of naam jaap but i must have done it in previous lives because I found the key to gurbani within myself and nobody can take this precious jewel of connection to NAAM (Higher Self)
    i wish this for everyone without the false pretense of being humble. I AM NOT A SAINT. I simply realized the reality of what Guru Nanak Ji stated… we are not in our true home we are under the control of KAAL (demiurge)
    our true Home is so beautiful… keep japping naam and keep an open mind. Dont go to much off others experiences. Find out for yourself.
  9. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Premi in Idk   
    Kalyug… its the best of times its the worst of times! 😂
    All in Hukam brother… 
    I just googled Bhangi Misl. Oh yeah. Definitely… we’re doing guerilla war on the establishment everytime we take a toke of that good stuff, or in your case a bite of that good stuff lol. I’m definitely going to cut back on it, use it sparingly because I believe in its medicinal quality and spiritually uplifting.
    I now have renewed faith and confidence in God. I find the paralells in Gnostic thought and Sikhi to be interesting. Waheguru = Father/Mother God, Satan/Demiurge/Devil = Kaal. Im not too sure what hermeticism is but I’m assuming it has to do with the power of thought? Hermes T?  
  10. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Premi in Idk   
    Ayo. I stalked the forums for a bit I knew you would reply Gnostic saab. Ive done research into Gnosticism too and the whole demiurge concept. Mind **** right there. But them quotes hit my soul. I was gonna close my account but it wasnt hukAm apparently because here I am replying. THE WORLD DOESNT LIKE GODS messages. So is it God thats in the wrong or the world? God never misled me even though his advice flew in the face of the worldly direction. I just had back to back dreams that confirmed who I am on a spiritual level and it blew my mind but all in Guru Nanak’s hukam. Can’t reveal everything. Couldnt even if i wanted to because ive become so balanced (i got a huge ego). The quotes are well placed thank you SatnaAm ji…. Not you Gurjant, you’re just a vessel like me. Haha. Jk. But yeah… My life looks so messed up on the outside (i occasionally indulge in cannabis and im a dropout) but inside im pure and KHalsa. Which again flies in the face of the typical “amritdhari” initiation thing. Khande batte di pahul forgive mE if i m wrong spelling that. Well anyways now I know who I am and know God has protected me thru every trial and tribulation because of that interesting dream and He even told me when I woke up that I should finish my degree after a long time out of school… Things are never as they appear… a lesson we all could be reminded of from time to time.
  11. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Premi in Idk   
    Sometimes I feel like I can talk to God and He is talking back to me, but then the information is wrong and sometimes he dissapears on me completely. Who am i really talking to? Csn god talk to us?
  12. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    One aspect is physical - diet, genetic makeup, exercise etc
    the other aspect is non-physical - vibration; energy, spirits etc
    id say its 20-80 in favor of non physical
  13. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    Only fools argue over eating meat vs eating veg. Ive done both.
  14. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    If you are already spiritual eating non-veg makes you more grounded in the world. It makes you more of a householder type as Nanak would say.
    if you are already a paapi type then eating veg is better. But everyone should follow their intuition and definitely not scriptures or what others say. 
    you definitely gain the power of the animal you eat. Only some can handle this and still remain connected to Naam though. Use your discretion.
  15. Thanks
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from paapiman in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    If you are already spiritual eating non-veg makes you more grounded in the world. It makes you more of a householder type as Nanak would say.
    if you are already a paapi type then eating veg is better. But everyone should follow their intuition and definitely not scriptures or what others say. 
    you definitely gain the power of the animal you eat. Only some can handle this and still remain connected to Naam though. Use your discretion.
  16. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Sajjan_Thug in Karma and Sikhi - 4 Kinds of Sikhs   
    Recently found this great article on karma, sikhi and the 4 types of Sikhs and how they relate to karma.
    “Same way, Maharaj Ji too has 4 kinds of Sikhs:
    Sehkaam Karmi: the first type of Sikhs are Sikhs in appearance only but all their priorities are Maya related. Any Karma related to Dharma that they do is only to forward their Maya related agenda. Any Paath or Naam Simran they do is only for their selfish needs. On the heads of such people, the stick of Jamdoots (messengers of death) always remains. Their Paaps and Punns are accounted for separately. If they have total of 160 Karma which include 80 Punns and 80 Paaps, they get fruits of all 160 Karams and none of their sins are netted out against their good deeds. Depending on their Karma, they enjoy the fruits of heaven and hell in the next world. Since they are Sikhs, they do get to be born in the homes of rich and prosperous people in their next life and occasionally are given opportunities to earn Gurmat related Karma - Naam Simran and Gurbani Paath.
    Nihkaam Karmi: the second type of Sikhs, they become Sikhs not out of some greed or vested interest but because they like to be Dharmi (religious). They do good deeds and religious deeds out of pleasure and because such is their natural disposition, as opposed to doing it just for their Maya-related agenda. Even though they have natural tendency to do good deeds, still they do end up committing many sins as well because due to lack of serious Naam Simran and Gurbani Paath, they come under the influence of Maya and 5 Bikaars. Their Paaps and Punns are taken together and evened out and they only pay for their remaining Karma. As an example, if a Nihkaam Karmi Sikh has a total of 160 Karma which include 100 Punns and 60 Paaps, most of their Karma are netted out and they pay the fruits of only 40 Karma. Their sins are netted out against their good deeds and they seldom go to hell as a punishment of their sins. They get to be born in homes of Sant Gursikhs and are given ample opportunities to engage in Naam Simran and Gurbani Paath.
    Upaashna Waale Sikh: Upaashna waale Sikhs are such Sikhs who have their priority set on Naam and Gurbani Paath only. Their natural disposition is religious and they willingly do only good Karma. They always do Punns and spend time in Naam Abhyaas and Gurbani Paath but still contrary to their natural disposition, they commit some Paaps (sins) as a result of their Prarabadh (destiny) or when they come under the influence of Bikaars. Guru Sahib forgives their Paaps and if such Gursikhs don't reach their spiritual destiny, then they take another Janam and are born in the homes of Sant Gursikhs and eventually get Gyaan and are released from birth and death.
    Gyani: Gyan Gursikhs who have realized their self as well as Waheguru, consider this world to be Mithiya (false). They reject the system of Karma and depend solely on Waheguru Ji's Naam. Since they don't associate with Haume, none of their Karma falls under the Karma system. Just as darkness does not go near sun, same way Bikaars and Paaps don't go near Gyani Gursikhs. They are free from Karma. They neither get rewarded for their Punns nor get punished for their mistakes. First of all they don't commit any mistake but if they unwittingly do commit a mistake as per this Gurbani Pankiti: ਜੇ ਬਾਹਰਹੁ ਭੁਲਿ ਚੁਕਿ ਬੋਲਦੇ ਭੀ ਖਰੇ ਹਰਿ ਭਾਣੇ ॥, they are not held accountable for it. Then the Gursikhs asked Guru Sahib as to what happens to the Punns that are done by a Gyani and the mistakes they make. Guru Sahib gave the most interesting and revealing answer. Guru Sahib said that since the Gyani rises above the effect of Karma, any Punns that they do during their life here on Earth, are given to the ones who serve them. In other words, the Gursikhs who serve the Gyani Gursikhs, get the rewards of the Punns done by Gyani Gursikhs. On the other hand the ones who slander Gyani Gursikhs, get the fruit of unwitting mistakes committed by the Gyani Gursikhs. Gyani stays Nirlep (aloof) from all effects and fruits of Paaps and Punns.”
  17. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Soulfinder in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    Only fools argue over eating meat vs eating veg. Ive done both.
  18. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Soulfinder in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    One aspect is physical - diet, genetic makeup, exercise etc
    the other aspect is non-physical - vibration; energy, spirits etc
    id say its 20-80 in favor of non physical
  19. Thanks
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from paapiman in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    One aspect is physical - diet, genetic makeup, exercise etc
    the other aspect is non-physical - vibration; energy, spirits etc
    id say its 20-80 in favor of non physical
  20. Thanks
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from paapiman in HAR as JAP?Simran in Sri Guru Granth Sahib   
    You see, you are a very caring soul, I admire that about you.
    No matter what, I always find myself going back to Vaheguru Vaheguru Vaheguru. Its just so easy and powerful. For me, I use Satnaam, Mool Mantar, Har, even I use Hare Krishna Mahamantra as well because it brings a lot of peace and sukh and I know its in recognition of the One Power (Ik Onkaar). I think when we all realize how we are similar and less about how we are different we will reach a better world for all. I have also been studying Buddhism and  Sufism recently. Everyone claims Guru Nanak Dev Ji as their own no matter the religion haha.  it shows you how great Baba Ji really is. We are most fortunate to be born and have keen ears to hear Vaheguru mantar.
    and ironically I wrote all this listening to “Koi Bole Ram Ram, Koi Khuda, Koi Allah” shabad. One thing I love about Buddha is that he wants enlightenment for every being. This is paralell to our ardaas, sarbat da bhalla. We must strive for these ideals as Gursikhs.
  21. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Soulfinder in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    *disclaimer* please forgive this idiot if he offends anyone with what he is about to say… thanks and sorry in advance.
    Of course. I will not disclose too much but I have had many telepathic communications with humans and non-humans. My dasam duar hasnt opened yet but I know people (fools) who opened their dasam duar by their own effort. Mine is very close to opening and Ive seen peaks of it but I’ll tell you once you reach there you realize everything is in Hukam (Hukam means Laws of Universe AND God’s Plan) and there truly is nothing to fear. I am no Gurmukh but God blessed me with many spiritual experiences and darshans and countless hours of naam simran.
    bhai ajit singh ji wss referring to energy transumtation. you have to move the energy thru the chakras, if the energy gets stuck you can feel crazy and might act out (happened to me).
    if you do bhagti you must workout (minimum 1hr walk daily). Otherwise you become corrupt because your ahankar develops (aka you start getting ridhi sidhi) and overpowers your heart
    this is the true meaning of Khalsa I believe. It is far above rituals and keeping 5Ks. To be shastardhari means you are always ready for death, and you remain pure because we will be examined after death by dharam raj (Waheguru). To be pure is to be truly Khalsa, and a true Khalsa trains not only his mind through Simran but also disciplines his body. That being said I am not Khalis, I am a dirty demon worse than Kal yug.
  22. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from Kaur10 in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    *disclaimer* please forgive this idiot if he offends anyone with what he is about to say… thanks and sorry in advance.
    Of course. I will not disclose too much but I have had many telepathic communications with humans and non-humans. My dasam duar hasnt opened yet but I know people (fools) who opened their dasam duar by their own effort. Mine is very close to opening and Ive seen peaks of it but I’ll tell you once you reach there you realize everything is in Hukam (Hukam means Laws of Universe AND God’s Plan) and there truly is nothing to fear. I am no Gurmukh but God blessed me with many spiritual experiences and darshans and countless hours of naam simran.
    bhai ajit singh ji wss referring to energy transumtation. you have to move the energy thru the chakras, if the energy gets stuck you can feel crazy and might act out (happened to me).
    if you do bhagti you must workout (minimum 1hr walk daily). Otherwise you become corrupt because your ahankar develops (aka you start getting ridhi sidhi) and overpowers your heart
    this is the true meaning of Khalsa I believe. It is far above rituals and keeping 5Ks. To be shastardhari means you are always ready for death, and you remain pure because we will be examined after death by dharam raj (Waheguru). To be pure is to be truly Khalsa, and a true Khalsa trains not only his mind through Simran but also disciplines his body. That being said I am not Khalis, I am a dirty demon worse than Kal yug.
  23. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
  24. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    Whats wrong with eating meat? 
  25. Like
    chintamatkaro got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Schizophrenia and Sikhi   
    *disclaimer* please forgive this idiot if he offends anyone with what he is about to say… thanks and sorry in advance.
    Of course. I will not disclose too much but I have had many telepathic communications with humans and non-humans. My dasam duar hasnt opened yet but I know people (fools) who opened their dasam duar by their own effort. Mine is very close to opening and Ive seen peaks of it but I’ll tell you once you reach there you realize everything is in Hukam (Hukam means Laws of Universe AND God’s Plan) and there truly is nothing to fear. I am no Gurmukh but God blessed me with many spiritual experiences and darshans and countless hours of naam simran.
    bhai ajit singh ji wss referring to energy transumtation. you have to move the energy thru the chakras, if the energy gets stuck you can feel crazy and might act out (happened to me).
    if you do bhagti you must workout (minimum 1hr walk daily). Otherwise you become corrupt because your ahankar develops (aka you start getting ridhi sidhi) and overpowers your heart
    this is the true meaning of Khalsa I believe. It is far above rituals and keeping 5Ks. To be shastardhari means you are always ready for death, and you remain pure because we will be examined after death by dharam raj (Waheguru). To be pure is to be truly Khalsa, and a true Khalsa trains not only his mind through Simran but also disciplines his body. That being said I am not Khalis, I am a dirty demon worse than Kal yug.
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