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The Khalsa Fauj

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Everything posted by The Khalsa Fauj

  1. Akaal Takht maryada wasn't made by badal or jagiro or vedanti. AKaal Takht maryada clearly says not to light a jot, place a water pitcher or coconuts. These manmats are back in SGPC controlled Gurudwaras. As for your taksals and rara sahibs: Vedanti is from Damdami Taksal. Jagiro is from a sant mat dera. She has her own dera. Pooran Singh was also a product of Damdami Taksal. Most people in SGPC and Gurudwras are from the groups you mentioned above. Nanaksar is busy trying to prove the nand singh was avtar of Guru Nanak. They should be excommunicated.
  2. Sukha is not good. Just look at Nihungs in Punjab. Look at their state of mind. They have no respect for anyone. They harras poor local villagers. Most are addicted to Sukha. One fake nihung died because of Sukha. He took Sukha and got hit by a buffalo. Didn't feel it. But something popped open in his inside and he died. He was a nihung who put on 5 kakkar and bana sometimes a year. Most of the time. He was busy with sukha. He had no clue how to treat people. There is one guy in Mukandpur he started taking Sukha and took out the sword on his own family. You are asking how is SUkha bad? Drugs are always bad. They are strictly banned in Sikhism. As for Sukha, it is illegal in most countries if not all.
  3. Khalistan Zindabad! Khalistan has to be made as a punishment for all the sins people have commited against Guru Ji.
  4. Naw it is against Akaal Takht rehat. If someone has to focus on jot for meditation. It is not good. The focus has to be on Gurbani. Not some jot mot. SGPC run Gurudwaras didn't have jots before. They do have them now. Derawaas is running high and wild in SGPC. So that is why. I see a lot of people ranting about SGPC. SGPC has people related to your fake sants and saadhs who some of you guys place above sants. You guys says remoce SGPC remove SGPC. Most of people runnign SGPC or Gurudwaras are from Damdami Taksal. E.g. Vedanti, Porran Singh (now retired), and many more. So don't thing corruption will be removed if your jatha takes over. Probably more. Corruption won't be gone unless true Gurmat Gian is followed. I don't see any jatha following True Gurmat Gian.
  5. Hey. I don't know. I wrote the info I had received. That is some new information. That is alright. Maybe that Bhai Randheer Singh part is false! Who knows. However, this is true that he had hair before he was hanged. 6 inches. There is a picture that was taken. You can't say he wasn't kesadhari. I don't know and don't care about the family if they had or have hair. It is good that you have first hand information on his family. Bhagat Singh was misguided though. That is why he cut his hair. Also: How about all the writings by Bhagat Singh where he claims to be an atheist? Clrify another point for me. If he wasn't an atheist then why does everyone try to partray him as one. How can he do Simran of Guru Nanak Ji's bani and not follow the first order of Guru Nanak Ji. The hukam of keeping hair. He either didn't have knowledge that hair are 1st important thing and learned from Bhai Randheer Singh. The second is he didn't do simran.
  6. Snatan is Hinduism based. E.g. Bhagat Singh's parents were snaatan. That is why he became and atheist. He din want to worship all the devi devtas. Bhai Randheer Singh taught him about Sikhism and he accepted. He was going to take Khanday Di Pahul but was hanged. He had long hair before he dies. 6 Inches with beard and mush. I am not part of AKJ. So don't try to label me AKJ or something because I wrote about Bhai Randheer Singh.
  7. However, there are other susbtitutes available to dhoof. Scents, air wicks that smell awesome. So many different kinds. I know because I ship them. With air wicks, there is no danger of fire or the dhoof lighting out. It stays for multiple days or weeks depending on the size and quality. I don't own an air wick company. So don't think I am advertising for my product. Just trying to give a different way of looking at the situation. Many Gurudwaras here in the west are movign into using these quick and easy methods.
  8. There is no need for jot anymore. We have electicity. Generators, batteries, etc. As for dhoof, also called aagarbatti, that can be acceptable as it makes the whole room or darbar smell good. Jot is related to worship of fire. I have seen and see many bibis bow to jot before taking parsaade from the parsaadee-aa. The Parsaadee-aa doesn't say anything. Parsaadee-aa is the person who sits with Karah Parsaade and gives it to sangat. Jot is not necessary anymore. It makes the area black with smoke. The white color fades away and starts to turn into black on the walls near the jot. So jot is not for use these days. So please do this parchaar in your local Gurudwaras if you can.
  9. It is true that SGPC doesn't have Gurmat Gian. They did but they got corrupt. Wrong people have crept in.
  10. Please don't take Sukha. It takes you away from Gurmat.
  11. Some talked about beating with kesadharis getting beat by other folks. So what. Buffalos can also beat some kesadharis. Are you going to call them men too?
  12. Snaatan mat is really messed up. THey are # 1 kaami and do their kaamic activities with anyone outside their wife or husband. They also do other wrogn thigs. A good example of snaatan character were mahants who were controlling Sikh Gurudwaras and assualting bibis. SGPC kicked the crap out of those monsters.
  13. Evidence for that is my dad. Who saw these things happening. Akaal Takht maryada clearly says jot is anti-Gurmat. It is not according to Gurmat. For more. Please read Akaal Takht maryada. Available in english and Punjabi.
  14. I don't care if I die today or tom. Death is fun. Something new. This world is corrupt. People don't follow TAT GURMAT GIAN. Also I want to meet Akaal. THen it will be Supreme Bless. However, nothing is under my control. Everything is under control at Aabhunjai.
  15. It is against Akaal Takht maryada. It was brought in by udasis for personal benefits so they could have more udasis at Aakhand Paaths. You know. Free food for Udasis.
  16. Singh tell them that you are a man and men have beard. Ask them that if a person't a man or a woman. What is he? Eunuch? If someone doesn't have beard, Guess where that person fits?
  17. Caring for others is different from ekta. Ekta means oneness. One panth, one Supreme Akaal Takht, one rehat, one Guru. Don't tell me that Guru Ji left us with 5 diferent panths and said join one. It is ekta. That is division. Youth today is ready to fight other jatha. Youth ready to label others atheists, kala afgani, etc. etc. Where is the ekta? Guru Ji left us with one maryada or countless different maryadas? Every jatha, dera, taksal has their own maryada. No wonder nirankaris and bhaniyarawalas and narinder grewals appear. Okay!
  18. Ya! Lets follow Akaal Takht! Akaal Takht's maryada, calendar, etc.
  19. Evil needs to be punished as Guru Ji told us to. sunny deol is evil, panty chada is evil.
  20. I don't know but I know one thing, in 2008, Sikhism will take a turn for good. By 2012, Khalsa will become very wel known. Unity will be underway.
  21. Baba Binod Singh was also surrounded in the fort at Gurdaas Nangal when Baba Banda Singh was arrested. Baba Binod Singh was telling Baba Banda Singh to leave the fort because there wasn't enough man power, food and artillery but Baba Banda Singh didn't agree. Baba Banda Singh said that he wasnt to fight and get Shaheedi if that is the case. Baba Binod Singh decided to leave and left with his son and his jatha. No food was left, not enough army to get out and also weapons were short. Baba Banda Singh was arrested and taken to Delhi along with Bhai Baaj Singh. Those who cut hair, take drugs, commit adultry, or eat halal meat aren't Sikh so if you want to be Sikh, get rid of these evils inside you and take Khanday Ki Pahul.
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