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Everything posted by tarkhansingh

  1. thats a crazy punj singhs, baba daya singh , baba narinder singh, baba sarbjot singh bedi, jeez they got all the top singhs out for this
  2. its in sarbloh granth isnt it? wud help out if i knew
  3. finally got a hold of a copy amazing work tirath singh, i loved the first section of the book
  4. if i was at that old folks home id be so afraid of that cat if it came and snuggled beside me lol
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAN7Ts0xBo sickkkkkkk lol
  6. seriously tho, if singho had that attitude in front of anyone in real life, he'd get such a smack
  7. big up to the sembi gotra who kept the Raag tradition alive (bhai avtar singh was a sembhi) which btw is a tarkhan gotra jai jai baba vishvakarmaaaaaaaaa
  8. freed has jatt blood in him?! but still a true tarkhan at heart
  9. lol just reliving my childhood , good times
  10. hey man can u translate that stuff u just put there ?
  11. maharaj wrote it for a reason, for people to comptemplate on it, and try and come to their answers
  12. drawof sahib jio my jatt brotheren , please do complete this great me this one boon oh baba timmy vala
  13. freed my tarkhan brother, u are my hero jai jai baba vishvakarmaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  14. my apologizes drawof sahib, please do reply !!!!! share the knowledge!
  15. For a long time I have always had this pull towards Akaal Ustat. Ive been listening to it for some time now, and i was reading up on it on the infamous sarbloh.info page and i came across some interesting questions that comes up in Akal Ustat. I always come across this when Im going through the translation, but I have never really given it much thought. So I open up the floor to all the scholars here to give their 2 cents on each question here. ps. would love to hear from tSingh, shaheediyan, chatanga, N30 and others. Questions- (2) What is the form of 'Atma' (True self)? (3) What is the thought behind creation? (4) What is 'Dharma'? (5) What is 'Karma'? (6) What is creation? (7) What is life? (8) What is Death? (9) What is heaven? (10) What is hell? (11) What is cleverness? (12) What is stupidity? (13) What is 'Tark' (Reasoning)? (14) What is not 'Tark'? (15) What is slander? (16) What is praise? (17) What is Sin? (18) What is 'Dharma'? Some of the questions are asked twice by the Guru. Here, the Guru desires a different answer to previous answer. Each question and its answers are inter-linked to each other to produce a whole picture of Sat Guru, meaning the ideology and philosophy of Sat Guru which should appear at the end of answering all the questions. (19) What is Yoga? (20) What is enjoyment of worldly pleasures? (21) What is action? (22) What is inaction? (23) What is hard work ? (24) What is controlling the senses? (25) Who is a warrior? (26) Who is giver of charity? (27) What is 'Tantra'? (28) What is 'Mantra'? (29) Who is poor? (30) Who is a King? (31) What is happiness? (32) What is Sadness? (33) Who is ill? (35) Who is affectionate? (36) What is essence of affection? (37) Who is satiated? (38) Who is healthy? (39) What is thought behind creation? (40) What is creation? (41) Who is defiled? (42) What is creation? (43) Where is action superstition? (45) Where is superstition destroyed? (46) Where is happiness of consciousness? (47) Where is knowledge of that which we can not grasp with our minds? (48) What is Naam? (50) What is self control? (51) What is knowledge and ignorance? (52) Who is ill? (53) Who is a worrier? (54) Where is Dharma lost? (55) Who is a warrior? (56) Who is beautiful? (57) What is secret of being at one with Sat Guru? (58) Who is the charitable one? (59) Who is wise? (60) What is knowledge? (61) What is ignorance? http://www.sarbloh.info/htmls/epilogue_akalustat.html
  16. relax singho its not a formal forum, slang is allowed.
  17. i wonder how often this occurs with Sikhs in the West, i havnt heard of any cases, if so, they are few, thefore its more of a punjabi thing then sikh thing, eh?
  18. well tSingh, the nihal jathedar was coincidently the very Baba Nihal Singh Ji. Recent times have shown a lot of change in Nihung Marayda, which I am sure you are aware of. You are more familiar in the Nirmala Sampardiya, so what if/any changes have occured recently in terms of practise? You said i think for Nirmalay or Udasis, it really depends on the Mahant running the dera, so that would mean a lot of different changes wouldn't it over time?
  19. So lets talk in terms of someone coming into Sikhi, like myself. One must evaluate or try to come to terms what Maharaj wants them to do, to either focus on the martial side (rajoguni) or the tamoguni side. I remember one singh was telling me about a Nihung Baba who is now a Jathedar of a Dal, which im not sure if i should name or not... but When Baba ji was of a young age he was a sevadhar for a Sant Mahapursh, I think maybe he had roots with the Nirmala sampardiya. He was a sevadhar for this Sant and really didn't care about Nihungs or anything about them. This singh asked the Nihung Baba why he became a Nihung, and he said the Sant he was doing seva for sent him to the Dal. The Sant took him and said, your seva is here, not with me. From then he remained with Budha Dal, and is still carrying on seva today. So this shows that this Nihung Baba was guided by a Sant to show him where his seva was needed. How does one find where his seva is needed? How did you tSingh understand your place was with the Nirmala Sampardiya? Nowadays there really isn't a Dharam Yudh you can just jump into, and although there is a need for 'protectors' which the Nihungs should be (and arnt really doing it that well) do you think they have gone 'extinct' ?
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