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Everything posted by SURYADEV

  1. Somehow I just cannot muster any sympathy for these people, as much as I try!
  2. oh and another thing...... Sleep. Get plenty of rest and sleep. ONce you get up in the morning, do your normal daily stuff and just go back to bed, whether you feel tired or not. Just over sleep for a while. Most people who suffer from depression/anxiety do not get enough sleep or quality sleep that is required by their bodies/mind.
  3. join the club mate. I personally blame it on the banks. try '5-HTP' (tryptophan). it increases brain seratonin levels and boosts your general mood. take it along with vitamin B-Complex. You can get 5HTP at a good price from myprotein.co.uk other than that, try to find the cause and work on solving that. If you can identify a specific issue you may want to give EFT Tapping a try. Also be physical. Not in the sense of hitting the gym or going for a hard run but go for a long walk ie 1-3 hour long walks, alone, preferably in the countryside, canalways etc. Just get away from the built up environment/people. Hows your sleep pattern? Try dabbing Lavender oil around your face, pillow at bedtime to ensure you get a deep sleep. Also best to take 5HTP around bedtime as well as this also aids sleep. Go on a INFORMATION DIET for a week or two. in other words stop all forms of communication ie TV; reading books, newspapers, mags; internet (sorry sa.com!); communicating to friends/family - esp if they start burdening you with their probs. Basically stop ALL forms external communication! These are things that I have personally found helping me. They are not tested clinically by guys in white coats. You need to take a holistic approach and look things that you even find irrelevant to your issues.
  4. I've heard of this before; hence apne people soaking badam overnight before removing the skin. For seeds, are you saying that it should be soaked until it starts to sprout?
  5. listened to gurpreet s. simla wale at "town-wala gurdwara". What a voice!

  6. you should be able to buy a khunda from the main indian areas here - for some silly price. or what you can do is get a round kraha/wok, dig a shallow hole in the ground in the shape of the wok base, insert wok in hole and you've got yourself a heavy duty khunda. If you're gonna make sukha here how are you going to get hold of all the ingrediants? you know of some homies in the hood?
  7. 'Sarb Loh' To sikhs this means ALL IRON. I have read in the past that the phrase comes from the Sanskrit 'sarva loha' and originally meant ALL METAL. In your article, the introduction; it is also alluded that it means ALL METAL. My question is when did the definition change from METAL to IRON.?
  8. yep , i knew you were the unfriendly type yes I do have quite a few millions............of Rupees!
  9. ....also its one thing come up with laws and harsh punishments; but does anyone believe these will be enforced?
  10. does this mean that when I travel down GT Road I wont have to share my lane with a cow? If so, this just leaves the rickshaw walas and cyclists to get rid off the major roads.
  11. In other words: Have you won a million? If yes, DO you wana be friends?
  12. I quite like the ad. From a marketing POV its very aspirational. I see it working quite well in terms of targeting its intended audience.
  13. They have recital of Mool and Waheguru Mantra on in the advert, sung by young girls/children. Does anyone know who its by and where I can get it downloaded?
  14. reading back at the posts. you're quite right. Time to cease and desist! ....But their English still sucks!!!
  15. You can take the singh/ni out of the ghetto but you can't get the ghetto out of the singh/ni. I shudder to think what these peoples standard of Panjabi is like. Then again at least they have evolved from the caveman grunts and moans that teenagers were renowned for, as in 'Kevin & Perry Go Large'! God those were my uni days.
  16. But are they in for spirituality or is it because they see it as a facet of the western liberal capitalistic society that they are trying to emulate? Perhaps its a case of showing their neighbours that if they cannot achieve material wealth and keep up with Joe Wang next door at least they can show off their 'westernism' through churchly means. I believe Japan went through this phase of emulating all aspects of Euro-American culture post WW2 period up until now.
  17. Yes....unless all the different writers on there went to the same ghetto English school, had the same teacher and practised their linguistics skills together in the back alleys of a Tottenham sink estate.
  18. i went on their website a while back and noticed that in the all the different writings, by the hate letters by islamic fundos, email replies by sikh gangstas etc etc share exactly the same form/style/syntax. If I didn't know better I would have said that it is writtten by the same illiterate east london yoof wannabe thug.
  19. WTF Yo man. I no understand dis man/gals nigga speak, blud. Ppl bare no know Panjabi and no knw english. Som bro in da hood wana translate n2 propa inglish lingo?
  20. No doubt BMI's seervice is better than Other airlines that serve panjabi's going to india. You even pay the price about £600. IMO we desis much rather prefer cheaper costs to superior service. Also how long before Badal/Central Govt find a way to stop these flights so that Panjabis can only use Dehli or even Chandigarh?
  21. well this is a one off. is there a trend of technology utilisation or industrial innovation in Panjab? I dont believe there is. Also the easy job of innovating is done by this chap. The hard part is to capitalise on it. Real progress is made if he can sell the technology to the masses by manufacturing, licensing etc. only then will it benefit anyone.
  22. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-09-07/chandigarh/30122638_1_parkash-singh-badal-cable-punjab-electorate CHANDIGARH: According to leaked US diplomatic cables on the mirror websites of WikiLeaks, Punjab’s coalition government was facing a leadership crisis with chief minister Parkash Singh Badal having abdicated authority to his son Sukhbir Singh Badal. This despatch, signed off by then US ambassador to India David Mulford, was part of the October 2008 country report, and the leaks have taken place barely five months before the state goes to polls in 2012. “It’s like a plane with no pilot. Who is in charge, Badal or Badal Jr?” the cable mentions a question being asked of the US embassy official on his visit to Punjab. Quoting sources, the country report says the Shiromani Akali Dal-Bharatiya Janata Party coalition government is in crisis because Sukhbir Badal, who is also the deputy chief minister, regularly serves in an official capacity at the inauguration of development projects, which is riling the BJP for it believes SAD is taking all the credit. Mulford’s report is scathing in its assessment of the SAD-BJP government’s performance: from saying that Punjab’s human development indices in education and health are comparable to some of the most backward states, to the government’s apathy to burning issues like drug use and unemployment. The reports, a mix of assessments and opinions by industrialists and journalists, were vetted by American embassy officials. They also point out signs of decline in Punjab despite its strong agricultural sectors and nascent real estate and industrial sectors. “The human development indices in education and health are comparable to some of the most backward states,” the cable says. Quoting bureaucrats, the cable says that several “contacts” raised the issue of rampant drug use as the number one social challenge facing the state. “The (then) director general of Punjab Police N P S Aulakh mentioned that the problem has worsened in the last 10 years and affects people from all income brackets across the state. On October 9, DGP Aulakh noted that Amritsar airport police had seized 3.7 kg of heroin worth more than $1 million from an elderly couple,” says the cable. “Badal will be hard pressed to meet the expectations of the Punjab electorate. He will have to devise an effective outreach strategy to convince local Punjabis that SAD-BJP is responsive to local needs or risk losing political capital to the rival Congress party,” the cable concluded.
  23. Thanks for the good news. Daily ishnaan in DEET is called for then!
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