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Everything posted by SURYADEV

  1. Quote "Commotion arose within the Khalsa Panth, that a daughter was born in this house and she was killed. The Singhs enforced their discrimination, “how dare you! Do not even touch our steel bowls” they enforced their rules, they withdrew his companionship. The Khalsa Panth didn’t even turn their face to him, they called him a “daughter killer” and made him sit away in the distance. They never let him sit near their positions, nor near their fires. He pleaded with them, that he is not at fault, “why would i kill my own daughter” but they did not forgive him. They told him to stay far away. These things began to eat away at Sukha Singh, he thought to himself that “I did not do anything, but such a large burden has come upon my head”, this grief came over him." So when did the sikhs/Panjabis change their attitude en masse to approve daughter killings?
  2. Haven't bothered watching the clip. But it wouldn't suprise me when these guys get a visit from some kharkoo singhs in the near future!!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIFaCeL2Q0s&feature=player_embedded heres something for you guys to ponder.
  4. ....with roof over your head, three hot meals a day, AND and PS game-console....not a bad deal eh?!
  5. Thank the lord I have my head up my chittor. Because so far I haven't come across any hatred from any white pig brothers or maybe its because I dont have any negative, ghetto 'victim mentality' that you have! Assuming that you live in the UK, and you have a problem with the social/political/religious situation here: Sort it out or F*%k off back to Panjab where you wont face any form of discrimination. Or maybe you just cant face the natives their either??
  6. .....i'm sure earlier they were blaming UK intelligence?!
  7. Suppose you could use those straw or reed mats they have in India that you sit on when your sunning yourself in the veranda. Rolled up very tightly and tied up with something like thin electrical cable (copper, plastic coated) to give it strength and support.
  8. Do we get a share of the profits, equity, commision etc if we help you out? LOL
  9. coincidently we also have the Dutch right-wing MP (and maker of FITNA film?) coming over to the UK after he had been barred for his anti-islamic views.
  10. Strangely enough, out of the dozen practitioners there only one was a Singh - a young boy of about 15 yo. But like Shahhediyan said most kids these days want to just add bulk to their bodies and thus train accordingly. they end up with massive bodies, supposedly asthetically pleasing, but with no real strength or agility. They have no functional strength and cannot use all that muscle mass effectively.
  11. There is a real cool Akhara called Hanuman Akhara in Batala. ( on the Umarpura to Batala road). All done the old school way. When I went to visit there was one chap in his early twenties who was doing dands (Hindu pushups)for at least 30 mins continuous! He must have done hundreds of reps; and he could have done hundreds more if he stopped looking at himself in the mirror whilst doing it. LOL He refered to some of the pupils who follow the full akhara maryada as 'Hanuman de Bhagat'.
  12. Doh.... I see the attachment now!!!! Slow computer
  13. Further details: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8304088.stm
  14. LOL 1-4 posts = we give you some respect 5-14 posts = we give you some sarcasm 15-24 posts =we give you some rudeness 25 + possts = we may start hating you and your jathebandi!
  15. .....or they'll ask what Merc do you drive. and are very suprised that your family dont own a business!
  16. a nice suprise for the aggressors. LOL A similar re/action happened in the UK this week with the cross-dressing cage-fighters who were attacked by a couple of drunkards. and another yob who tried to start a fight with a martial artist outside his house and got a teaspoon full of 'bajantar'. clip should be on youtube somewhere.
  17. Its not sampardas that are classified thus but rather the state of a persons mind.
  18. INteresting. the defenders posture and reaction seem very similar to those taught in Bujinkan Ninjutsu.
  19. I think this can be so BUT not at the same time. You can move from one to the other and back again.
  20. Thats exactly my point - though not made too clear. and its these 'street kids' who will teach their future generations their own defenition of these terms; not the meanings given by the media or any other groups of people.
  21. Such an antaryami, Your bhagati is high indeed, dalsingh101. I will give my opinion, as you so predicted! What difference is in this term if it is said by a white man in jest or by Pakistani yoouth who also refer to themselves as Paki or Paki-nation.? I have worked with Paki kids in the UK and most routinely call themselves these terms. Even blacks now call themselves nigger. So what probs do you have with this language if they are willing to accept thiese terms?
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