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Everything posted by Ragmaala

  1. [video width=400 height=350:c2caa52ff4] [/video:c2caa52ff4] I don't know what to say if its right or wrong , only Baapu knows at whose place this is happening.
  2. he believes in ragmala , thats a good thing , i stopped reading the rest about him, take the good qualities ignore the rest
  3. you know there are million theories out there that can explain the coming of Guru Nanak Dev ji and they are true too. But you know what , the best answer I like is by a brahmgyani pooran sant who reached those levels where no one can think of reaching Baba Nand Singh ji used to say "Rabb noo ichha hoi apna darshan karan di " God wished to have his own darshan of his sargun saroop. And thats Guru Nanak who has gone nowhere but just disappeared from our worldy eyes. Just like not everyone can see God we can't see Guru Nanak unless we have the eyes That is my understanding
  4. The question I am about to ask is very senseless. Because no one can know what I am asking except God himself. If we assume that time works in cycles satyug, dvapar , treta , kalyug. And from gurbani and dasam bani we know that millions of ramchandra, krishan , ashvini kumars et etc have come and gone , that leads us to believe that since ram krishan were in different yugas , these yugas might have been repeated many times like millions if we assume the time to be cyclical , that means kalyugs must have been repeated too now my Question is this Since we all know that Kalyug is under Guru Nanak Dev ji's control or pehra or supervision , do u think Guru Nanak came a million times too ? my intuition tells me that this is not the case , Guru Nanak has come this time and wont be gone because who can end God himself right . And since Guru Granth Sahib is jugo jug attal there will be no destruction of the universe ? because who can destroy the Gurbani right ? sorry for throwing out random and out of order ideas out there , this is senseless topic because we cannot know the working of God. ignore if you dont like it and ADVANCED BEST WISHES TO ALL ON GURU NANAK DEV JIs APPEARANCE ON THIS EARTH !!!
  5. dun wry veer , sometimes it is better to clear things up lol
  6. why do the best things all have to get destroyed ? just like the vast amount of literature written by Baapu ji never really reached us , and the ones that we have are full of controversies
  7. yes Akal Ustat is such a powerful bani with such a strong imagery!! love to hear the Katha as well.
  8. inderjit meaning meghnath ?
  9. put your forehead on the charan kamal of guru nanak and ask for blessings , grace and love!!!!
  10. well that clears up a lot newspapers always present facts it in a twisted manner
  11. My friend has posed me this question which is kinda weird but here it goes : Can we do path of gurbani in order to generate power for attracting someone from the opposite sex? He says he doesn't indulge in any bad thoughts nor does he want to have any physical relation with her , he just wants to feel attraction for him .. he says he might marry her if it works out okay, she is a white girl i feel like stupid posting this question here but anyways i did, my viewpoint is that whole idea of reading Gurbani is to break free from all kinds of relations with maya , but his argument is that since we can do paths to ask for wealth, money , career, success , sons etc etc Why can't we ask for a love from someone ? and he also mentions this pankti " ghar ki geehan changi jan dhanna leve mangi " that if bhagt dhanna could ask for a good wife why cant we ? so please lets hear your thoughts!
  12. did u guys hear abt the row over the jhatka of bakra at hazur sahib on gurpurab , and how the blood was used to do tilak of shastars and palki sahib, i read it in a punjabi newspaper this morning , i dont know how much truth it contains lol this one guy who spoke up against jhatka ceremony got beaten up I was wondering why do shastars need tilak of blood anyways ?
  13. dear veer, i am not a believer in this logic. If I was then stories of Sikhs helping the needy would hold no value for me. But its just a question / doubt in my mind. When people say that money should be used to help poor people how far do you think can we go ? Similarly, people produce arguments that gold used in the gurdwara should be instead used for the poor people ? In this world , how do we differentiate between a person who is really poor and who is just lazy like a begger ? I am not trying to debate anything , I myself believe strongly that needy people should be helped. But I am just putting some points forward to think about.
  14. Just a question: Can we change Karma of poor people ?
  15. Another story that comes to my mind is about Arjuna from Mahabharata. The wife of Indra , Apsara, tried to seduce Arjuna into having relation with her. But Arjuna was very firm in his thoughts and addressed the Apsara as mother. Why were people so strong in their beliefs ? There was no dearth of beautiful women but still they had such a strong resolve in their minds. But on the other hand we also see rishis and munis falling prey to the beauty of a woman.
  16. every avtar has to make an excuse to leave this earth , its not a matter of how powerful that avatar is. Even our Gurus who are God themselves made excuses to disappear from this worldly earth.
  17. such questions are rhetorical and have no definite answer atleast acc. to me , yes there will be different opinions by different ppl but i doubt there will be a definite answer , because only God knows why created humans and kept them separate from Himself
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