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Everything posted by dalsingh101

  1. Like they were sure moosewala was killed by a rare Russian gun they had never ever heard of, or seen previously.......
  2. Take a look at your out of shape, fat ar5e. Farming doesn't seem to have helped you mate.
  3. Whose getting mad?? I think you're grabbing the wrong end of the stick. Look, as a Sikh, I realise that my community is not as predictable or even controllable as some other more conservative ones. I still think we've been like lightening rods for lots of dark forces for centuries (like fundamentalist islam and white supremacist colonialism) and having survived that, are only just starting to come into our own. I know we are strong, but also relatively underdeveloped right now. I might have my own ideas of where we should be trying to head, but I know no one man will really be in control of that. I also know certain pendu characteristics of the panth will (sadly in my opinion) have some effect on things. We'll see what unfolds. Ultimately, I hope it is for the greater good and inline with Sikh values. Where are you btw? The west coast?
  4. Saw the first series. I liked this a lot. Reminded me of 80s stuff like The A team.
  5. You wouldn't even have been able to do your job without the tools tarkhans and lohars made for you. Farmers can't stop lying: the work is seasonal with intense phases here and there and then phases where the jut is oafishly loafing around the pend like a twat - probably high on opium, looking for juttis to dance with in the fields (and more!) ; or hoping some poor, vulnerable mazhbhi girl strays along their path so they could pounce on them and abuse them. Jutt lyfe. You fudhoos had it easy. Not working half the time whilst the crops grew. Tarkhans and lohars had to work all year round. And didn't get to do any of that randy stuff in the fields and behind haystacks you lot are famous for. Whilst tarkhans and lohars were grafting hard, like real men, juts were prancing around like this in fields with their farm b1tches - getting the work done by bhaiyas! No wonder the agriculture sector is f**ked out there.........
  6. Interesting question. I think some elements of what you might call 'gangsta' lyrics were prevalent in Panjabi folk music before the black NWA stuff, I'm talking about stuff about Jugga and Jeona Maur. Kuldeep Manak nailed that typed of stuff for my generation. I've listened to black gangsta stuff myself when younger (NWA, Ice Cube, Ice T etc.) and it never turned me into a wannabe fudhu. I've actually not seen what you are referring to above but presume it is some Canadian nonsense? And please, don't post any examples here. Please! I'll tell you from personal experience, you give it large in London, you better be careful. The wrong 14 year old would off you, and they wouldn't need a gun.
  7. Also, it might be to you, because of your relatively sheltered background, that this guy seems like some sort of 'gangster' but in London, he'd just be one of many similar people you'd pass by all the time.
  8. I think you've made the point clearer. It appears as if it's the ability to cause havoc that whites respond to the best, and causes them to change their behaviour.
  9. I think you're wrong, I've seen plenty of hindu women go full on coconut with white men.
  10. Yeah, because blacks have made it an issue and forced whites to confront it. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/mark-duggan-should-have-been-the-uks-george-floyd-why-didnt-people-let-him-be/
  11. The same with the khalistani boogeyman. That crude conception needs to go too. That some Sikhs want independence isn't anything surprising, especially given their pre-colonial history. It's not like northern Ireland and Scottish people don't have similar things going on. And there is NO EXCUSE for killing civilians - on either side.
  12. I think this stuff is what apnay in the UK need to be focusing on myself, not back home politics.
  13. I think for us, Gurbani is the tool (or vehicle) that is used to help us connect to naam? They compliment each other.
  14. That's a tiny segment of the panth. And I know hindus aren't all angels themselves and some of these things are done by plants they've set up themselves. Yes, we have some dramatic dumbos in our ranks. That they appear to be able to rile India so much is strange. I think, like juts use the 'bahmunh' bogeyman to try and 'mobilise the pendu ranks', some hindus like to use the khalistani bogeymen to do the same within their own community. Plus some of those things you mention, like creating documentaries are normal healthy actions of people defining themselves and creating their own narratives. Given how brits pretty much foisted a stupid narrative on lumpen sections of the community (you can guess which) , it's important we define ourselves - Sikhi has long standing provenance with this. But I will say this - I think it's a shame that people from non-abrahamic backgrounds (i.e. dharmics) are fighting each other like this. It makes us no different to those animals. From my perspective veer, Sikhi is the dharam that supersedes the previous ones in this kalyug. It's a shame we don't have more positive vichaar along this line between ourselves. And I'm under no illusion - we (as Sikhs) are way off from having been pushed this way and that from external sources and our own internal rural fudhuness and where that has taken us. You have to understand, as a Sikh, that just becomes another battle to fight (and win).
  15. They aren't silly questions at all. Personally I've found that you go through various stages and phases where your concentration and understanding of particular things grow exponentially. My work can be erratic, going to different places (some very far), sometimes having quiet periods of no work, so I try and fit things in accordingly. Admittedly my discipline has been infinitely better in the past than now. But I do feel I've benefitted from those more intense and consistent periods to this day. Chores are a normal part of life, I thought we all have to do them, but then I realised that some people are pampered, spoilt twats - and some people back home have servants. I don't think Gurbani vichaar ever stops?
  16. I meant a dog, dog. Not one that my cat could probably beat up. lol!! Messing!
  17. One thing hindus don't understand about england and its culture is how it is normal to have low level kick offs. I mean, it happens over football all the time. Hindus crying about minor protests is only going to make them look more weak.
  18. Nah, I think this segment of the panth are mostly running around in circles. A big part of what they do is a cultural practice of theirs to try and mobilise their 'biraderi' by exaggerating external threats to schizogenic levels. I mean, look at how long this has been going on and the extent of it. Example: only NOW are we even starting to move away from the colonial era narrative of our granths being 'interpolated' by some devious bahmunh conspiracy. This had our own lazily disregarding or secretly editing most of our ithihaasic granths and even doubting Dasam Granth. Juts see hindu conspiracies everywhere but are too dumb to see the brit colonial ones that they've historically jumped on in droves. Then you have the insanity of juts claiming all these conspiracies - and with your very own eyes, you simultaneously see their elected 'leaders' (i.e. Badals) forming political alliances with the very people juts were jumping up and down about??!? You couldn't make it up. Yes, spying takes place, that's no shock. Yes, you people are deeply infiltrated as well. It's probably the juts who make the most noise about it, who are the plants/spies themselves, trying to distract everyone? Plus, more importantly, juts themselves are spying and infiltrating the panth with their own agenda of destroying it and building some gay jut supremacist biraderi on top of it.
  19. You have to be careful with the nerd power. It's valuable!: knowledge and ability always is, but you can trap corrupt weak ones in prisons or situations they wont escape. Those people you mention (minus the latinos who aren't here in any numbers) are powerful here in the UK.
  20. Pagal zameeni tutta jutta. It was a tarkhan who'd build the damn thing.
  21. One thing you've seemed to have overlooked is how some Sikhs have a LONG tradition of skilled work in various fields. We aren't all peasants. We have transferrable skills and knowledge. So that caricature you're selling above doesn't cut it for some of us.
  22. I think so too. I think that's as much to do with rampant/normalised sociopathy amongst them from constant breeding with cousins myself? Don't underestimate how powerful street level activism and power can be either. Hindus are the most likely (of all brown and black people) to be slaves and not fight back if it gets ugly.
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