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Everything posted by dalsingh101

  1. The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes. Stanley Kubrick.
  2. You know, I was thinking, even if this goes all 'Sarah Lloyd' on a brother, at least he didn't 'convert' like so many idiot apneean do, and so many coconuts do. Good on him.
  3. I noticed they seemed to have changed tack and are now going 'all out' against the Koran and Islam in general.
  4. Interesting Newsnight clip on EDL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo9lvhJAzSY You can see the infamous Amit/Guramit 9.30 onwards....... Are there many apnay in Nottingham?
  5. I think this is it? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/the-astonishing-conversion-of-the-aitken-girls-2201459.html
  6. Typical Daily Mail whites would never be happy with something like this. As one commenter put it, this is many middle class white families worst nightmare. They were probably going to hammer him one way or another. When I briefly saw the actual front page headline on the DM yesterday it seemed to be along the lines of as..."Look at what Aitken's daughter is bringing home to daddy! haw haw haw!" If two white celebrities married in comparable circumstances they would be described as having a 'whirlwind romance...." etc. etc. But here its portrayed as negative, weird, without parental consent. Like many whites ever give a shit about that these days. Plus, notice how it was the DM who covered the story with such prominence, front page no less, I don't think many or possibly any of the other papers even touched it. Personally I see undercurrents of typical snootyness underlying the piece. They are quick to attach 'disgraced' to her father's name and indirectly attach it to Sikhi. Truth is that the DM is a bastion of waspyness and all of the condescending bullshit that carries. No it could be anything. These days a lot of kids feel disconnect with their parents. They don't have to be ex-cons for this. lol
  7. Maybe she has good reasons that she doesn't want to expose publically?
  8. Something about the whole tone of the piece seems skewed, but it is the legendary Daily Mail. Good luck to them. I hope she doesn't do a Liz Hurley on the brother. Personally I think they have a chance if they stay away from the UK with its hounding paparazzi. Some of the posted comments are unnecessarily arsey but do reflect a lot of the arses you meet at work in England.
  9. Is that really reflective of the quality of life differences between Bangladesh and Nepal?
  10. Don't forget, those mountainous areas are frequently well loved by western travelers/holiday makers. I've met a few nostalgic goray talking about their visits to Peshawar over the years.
  11. Your looking at it in contemporary eyes kds. This war or strife wont last last forever. Eventually the sullay Panjabis and Pathan types will probably patch things up, even if that means the Pathans will have to be paid off. You can deal with them two ways it seems, the Avitibile route or paying them off. Western involvement in the region means that they can't go the 'brutal suppression' route, at least not blatantly. The amount of money being pumped in P'stan right now is huge, some people liken it to a 'blank cheque'. Sure, the majority of it is getting pilfered but that still leaves a lot of power in some people's hands. If the nature of the Pakistani community is reflected in their diasporic communities in the Uk, I would say they have infinitely more capacity to close ranks and produce patriots (both religious and nationalistic) than Indians. Plus they do have a lot of guys who aren't afraid to fight, even for dumb shit. Their politicking too seems to be able to influence other nations through some seriously sly two-faced diplomacy, as well via the ISI. Remember these are the guys who propped up the Taliban in the first place. They also had a hand in supplying Khalistanis too apparently. So I don't think the cards have fallen enough to read into the future with them. Here in the west they do the standard media promotion of the liberals there, but I doubt that this reflects common everyday thinking there. If Pakistan crumbles, it will be trouble for everyone given the nuclear capability. It will also effect the new developing 'golden egg laying goose' of the west - India. I think these things alone will motivate the west to do everything it can to try and prevent a destabilised situation. Last thing they need is Taliban running free in Afghani and Paki - stan even more than they do now. That piece you posted is very interesting, this bit especially:
  12. KDS Your point is weak. You should see it as they've got both their own piece of land as well as a strong representation in India. Watch how their power will grow in future in a democratic setup where numbers and mobilisation mean everything.
  13. Because I've seen enough over the years to know that plenty of olders as well as their groomed youngsters have a surreptitious caste agenda. I don't presume everyone in discussions with me is like this, but there are plenty of these people about, infecting the panth slyly. Acting like they aren't that way inclined but then getting back into petty jaat paat mode as soon as they are amongst themselves. I'm tired of people playing down its effects. Maybe where you are, it might not be an issue, but it is in the UK, especially as we need to overcome this crap to face any possible hostile crap from outside that may arise in future. Even without that, it's still an issue that is long overdue to be resolved. And another thing. I'm not going to hold back on those of my generation who push this bullcrap pride thing, because whereas our parents generation were generally genuine semi-literate pendus, and didn't know any better. Their children should - especially after being educated. Who knows, maybe the younger generation might make a break from it? But I personally witnessed how having a lax attitude towards it, only encouraged it. Hence the uncompromising stance. Hope that answers your question.
  14. http://www.familyhealthguide.co.uk/mindfulness-meditation-leads-to-increases-in-brain-gray-matter-density-in-just-8-weeks.html
  15. What the hell! I swear one kids nearly brains the other with a piece of brick towards the end. They seem to be some tough ass kids but this seems to go well beyond play fighting.
  16. I mean how can you describe people already doing well in India leaving to do crap jobs abroad as anything other than dumb?
  17. Thank God! Some non depressing news about Panjabi peasants for a change.... Waheguru!!!! Someone carefully explain the instructions on the cans to them PLEASE!!!!
  18. I think the most accurate statement would be that he never directly ordered an execution himself although he did order (at least) one case of amputation although this was seriously provoked., His subordinates around the outer frontiers of the empire did indeed order executions and were not seriously reprimanded for them by M. Ranjit Singh who was aware of at least some of them. That all being said, no one can deny, executions or not, M. Ranjit Singh was generally a diamond geezer given the nature of most leaders at the time and I would go as far as to say, he is diamond compared to the type of tossers we have around today i.e. Tony Blair and Bush Chacha. Yes he was a bit of a slag, but that's no biggy for me in the broader scope of things.
  19. Need I say more....... Look, he's getting his toorkah on.
  20. They must be really dumb agents if they make themselves stick out like that.
  21. That's not true. General Avitabile was doing lots of executions in NWFP.
  22. You know why G. Kaur because I have no effing caste. Can you grasp that?
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