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    Premi reacted to GurjantGnostic in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    100. Not only is Anand Karaj the answer, but having the Sangat align, dare one say arrange and trigger the ignorant, align a couple properly, based on certain criteria expressed by the individuals tempered by the wisdom of the Sangat. 
  2. Like
    Premi reacted to GurjantGnostic in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    I'll definitely get back to this in the next few days. Spoiler alert. Anand Karaj is the answer. 
  3. Like
    Premi reacted to GurjantGnostic in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    Mathematically that leaves just one female. I swear half the posts on this matter on ss are females saying the keep rehit and can't find a suitable suitor and all the males saying the exact same thing. Some days I just want to start matching up profile names and give them the good news. Y'all geetin hitched. Wooh eee!
    Looks definitely register lower down on the female priority list than on the men's. 
    Which I think gets men into trouble. 
    My priority list these days is more like. 
    Sharda for the Guru Sahiban and Khalsa Paanth. 
    Work and weapons ethic
    Rightous minded
    Would make a good mother to her children or any child
    Good temperment
    Health consciousness and fitness 
  4. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    You know what, I take the looks thing I said back a bit, I think confidence is even more important and attractive to females. So a good-looking timid guy gets trumped by an average looking confident and strong guy. Personality counts! And even being rich but boring as f**k can hinder you. 
    Look, in terms of panth, we have a lot of variety, from a jutti who doesn't know much about her Sikh heritage and is into bhangra/giddha and make up, to a hardcore bibeki Amritdhari women. I think numerically there are more like the former than latter, obviously someone who isn't into the type of discipline required of Amritdharis, is going to struggle with a partner like that, and it's probably for the better they don't marry. 
  5. Like
    Premi reacted to paapiman in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    And what if you are not that good looking and the family belongs to lower middle class (but everything else is fine), how about that? 
    Also, are there a lot of Sikh ladies, who don't want to marry Amrtidhari guys?
    Bhul chuk maaf
  6. Like
    Premi reacted to paapiman in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    @dalsingh101 - Other thing bro, aren't many Sikhs (especially Amritdharis) having problems in finding a suitable partner nowadays? I know of at least three people (2 females and one male), who are struggling to find a partner for marriage. How is the situation in the UK?
    Bhul chuk maaf
  7. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    Bro you need this knowledge too, to help you raise children in future, whether boys or girls. Or to even help guide other kids that are not your own, like being a chacha or mamaa. 
  8. Like
    Premi reacted to paapiman in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    But, bro Celibate Singhs are told explicitly in a Rehatnama to stay away from women. The language of that line (in the Rehatnama) is a bit hilarious too.
    "Run when you see a woman"....lol.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  9. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    Yes, but also perhaps not being socialised with women healthily from a young age. Not being taught (or naturally understanding) differences in gender psychologies, especially evolutionary psychology. Seeing women as objects and not humans.  
    Also (I think this is a big one), the breaking down of the representation of women as the romantic, innocent, noble, virtuous sex, that had been propagated by movies since they were pretty much first made (which objectified them); and starting to see reality outside of these falsely constructed stereotypes. Really we are talking about humans here, with all their foibles. 
    The fact that we are explicitly told in CP to understand how women think is important. No where is it strongly implied that we avoid women, rather we control ourselves and know what we are dealing with. 
  10. Haha
    Premi reacted to paapiman in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    Daas understands. That's why bro, we should try our best to not get into a situation, where a lady might try to seduce us.
    It is even harder to control oneself, if the lady (along with being beautiful) is also a very nice person (good morals and ethics). Imagine, that lady trying to seduce you. Waheguru.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  11. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    Let just say someone goes through the system straight, without any resits:
    At 16 they get their GCSEs. 
    The 2 years A Levels: 
    So they'll be at uni at 18. 
    Plus I think telling guys to avoid girls (like you seem to be suggesting) does the same thing. The guys become clueless, and don't understand women. Then they look gay.
    You might be able to avoid women in India, but in the west you can't, so it's no solution. Plus CP teaches to be conscious and aware of psychology (including female), you need to have experiences for this. 
    But I think if you closet people, they can still be infantalised at even age 21, 25. People develop differently too. 
  12. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    They are this age or even a bit older. 
    I remember one female lecturer I had telling me about how some people (whites) had hired a male stripper for a female friend's birthday (also white), and had him 'surprise' the birthday girl in a relatively open location (you could do these things back then - I think it might have been the social bar at the uni). The lecturer told me that of all the people, the 'asian' girls (read brown) were noticeably the ones getting the most excited about it. These wouldn't be sulliyan who generally didn't go to the bar but Indian girls of various types.
    I think repression (amongst other things) does play a part.   I think it's like starving a fat kid for some time, which gets them thin, but as soon as they are let out, they stuff their faces even more than they would have otherwise.  
  13. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    On a normal societal level, as in Panjabi society, which most of us come from, this has also caused big problems, especially abroad. You get really innocent, gullible and naïve young people who then meet people from the other gender, and have absolutely no clue about how they are being manipulated. 
    You might be able to avoid other genders and quoms in Panjab itself, but abroad, it's impossible. So when certain females finally get away from their families for a bit (like at uni) they either get manipulated by men, or just go wild. 
  14. Like
    Premi reacted to Xylitol in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    A few points that worked for me when I was younger:
    burn up all your body’s energy. don’t go to bed with lots of energy left in your body. workout, work, do whatever you need, but this excess energy might bother you if you go to bed with too much in your body. Stay busy in simran, sangat, seva, learning, work, studying whatever. just stay busy.  socializing with sangat who are clean is helpful. You’ll know if they are clean b/c you can feel their energy, or at the very least notice if you get increase of wrong thoughts around them working towards a large goal really helps to channel your focus and discipline (as noted above).  avoid eating overly sweet or salty or spicy foods. This is especially important in the late afternoon. Avoid all achar from late afternoon onwards. The increased acidity from these foods irritates the sensitive nerves in the genitals, causing the surti to be pulled down. If the surti is just down there, that’s not such a big deal, but most of us will then start to get kaam thoughts b/c we lack discipline. don’t eat too much, only eat as much as the body needs.  don’t eat from the hands of a vikaari person, their negative energy will mess with the food you eat.   
    Bhagti things that help:
    continual simran, it might be easier if you plant your surti in one of the chakras, as it helps anchor it up high. the key is to prevent it from going to the lower chakra. going low isn’t bad, but just makes it more likely to have kaam thoughts b/c of their association with this area.  imagine the star on Guru Nanak Sahib ji’s holy charan placed at this chakra, it will help raise your surti.  to always have a recording of simran or bani playing helps. When one ear gets tired, switch the mp3 players headphone to the other ear. I used to do this even when watching tv or sleeping.   
  15. Like
    Premi reacted to Lucky in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    Enormous amounts of energy and very little sleep. Other's start worriyng thinking that you have insomnia. Quite often I have sat in simran for several hours from early amrit-vela at 2.00 /2.30 am until about 7.30 am when kids are getting up.
    Not explainable really. But you do realize the amount of spiritual energy that gets drained unknowingly by the ways in which most people live and spend their days, especially when they think they are doing things to relax.
    YES! this is when you can connect to the naam/shabad 24/7.   Hammering and ignoring the 5 dhuts gives you control over maya. All of our maya ties and problems start off in the thought processes of Duality. It's either this or that..  When you have no thoughts and just focus on the EK, the dhoots start to back off a little.
    Good on you boy for kicking kaam in the face!  I'm sure that your gonna reach even greater heights.  There's  a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about kaam and people think that it is necessary to procreate. It's not! 
  16. Like
    Premi reacted to paapiman in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    The below might help too.
    Avoid caffeinated drinks as much as possible. Caffeine affects sleeping patterns, which gives Lust an opportunity to attack. When a person is fully awake, then it is much easier to fight with Lust (and other vikars), as compared to when he is in a semi-awake condition (NREM sleeping stage). Maintain healthy eating habits, so that you avoid having any episodes of diarrhea or constipation. Lust can possibly attack the mind in these conditions too.  
    Bhul chuk maaf
  17. Like
    Premi reacted to HisServant in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    I remember talking to people like @Lucky and @Sat1176 about this issue a few years ago. I am happy to say that with waheguru's kirpa this issue has been long gone. 
    You need to ask yourself what is more important in life? A few minutes of pleasure vs becoming the most badass dude in all of your social groups. 
    There are two main areas of benefit if you give up this habit - I can expand on whichever point appeals to you the most.
    ***These are not googled benefits, these are benefits that I have experienced in my life - I am sure everyone will experience these if they stay away from indulging in kaam***
    1) The benefits in tregun - the physical aspects of your life 
    More energy Better mood More masculine energy, testosterone, etc Which also has manifest as more physical and emotional strength And I believe this has also created a more carefree personality - somewhat like James Bond (very calm, cool and collected) More dominance in social interactions - with men and women Talking less and communicating more with your body language is a very masculine trait - conserving sexual energy has lead to this trait developing on its own. I've noticed that you can communicate with your eyes better than you can with words.  Even when you see a good looking girl it does not affect you after some point - this takes a lot of masculinity - your standards in women go up - you look further than looks - you look to see what can be offered beyond the physcial appearance - Just by observation I've realized the female mind is very pulled in by someone who has this trait/mindset - Girls are very pushed away by guys who give the "desperate vibe" aka the one's who are constantly filled with desires and cannot control their eyes. It feels as if an energy has been created that just pulls in both men and women. You will dominate the entire social world. Everyone will want to be your friend.  Deeper voice  More assertiveness  More ambition Better facial appearance  Fat drops quickly and muscle is gained quickly Better sleep Which also has lead to waking up becomming easier Massive levels of motivation Confidence in every aspect of life becomes booming  Self control  Improved mental performance  Tendency to eat healthier  I could probably go on but you get the point - *** You will become a super hero - every aspect of your life will improve - You will become the manliest of men*** 2) The benefits in the nirgun (formless aspects of your life)
    NO WORDS - Words will never do justice (but I can give it a shot) Sometimes you will just be sitting somewhere (maybe doing school work or just hanging out with people) and you'll feel as if you're just drifting into an infite pool of bliss Thoughts will decrease and be almost non existent somedays That's the most I want to say - the rest needs to be experienced - again... words will never do justice  
    So my advice is to constanly ask yourself what is more important in life. You can either become a superhero or you can continue to mentally/physically exhaust all of your power by being aroused by pixels on a screen. 
    And just an FYI - Don't use age or not being married as an excuse - I am 20 years old - Controlling kaam is possible for everyone
  18. Thanks
    Premi reacted to paapiman in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    Some more tips (from another topic):
    Diet control - Avoid spicy food, Garlic, eating from outside, etc. Before you go to sleep, recite Sri Kirtan Sohela Sahib jee 5 times, instead of one. Do jaap of Rakheya day shabad. This won't take much time Keep playing Gurbani on an audio player, while you are asleep When you wake up, immediately start doing jaap of Mool Mantar or any Shabad you like. Keep the mala/counter nearby. Engage in physical workout, when sexual thoughts attack Wash your hands, feet and face with cold water, when sexual thoughts attack Start listening to Katha and Kirtan, when sexual thoughts attack. For most people, one can concentrate in them, better than Naam Simran/Nitnem. Start playing a game or watching a documentary or engage in any other activity, which can assist you in diverting your mind from sexual thoughts  
    Bhul chuk maaf
  19. Thanks
    Premi reacted to CdnSikhGirl in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    For me it's easy.... I just don't think about it. Here's how I look at everything, and I know you won't like it because you seem to focus so much on gender and trying to prove that males are better / superior etc.

    But when I look at any human being, I look PAST their gender. I don't even allow the thought that they are somehow different than I am enter my mind. I instead resolve to see only the 'divya jot' within them. Since I have resolved to only see this, I actually and truly see light emenating from everyone (not just in my mind... I actually see their auras). And that light is identical in everyone. Thinking and viewing things from that perspective it's impossible to lower myself to base carnal desires. I am more interested in the good in someone as a brother or sister (and that is even a bad comparion because to me there is no 'brother' or 'sister' just 'sibling', how we can work together to better humankind, provide charity, etc. Even though I work surrounded by nearly all males, in a submarine for extended periods of time in that small space where even personal privacy is limited, I see ALL of us as a team... all identical (well everyone have different skill sets but you know what I mean, we are all team members on the same team). When I interact with supervisors, subordinates, etc I don't even think of them as male and me female. I think of us all as simply sailors.

    The only exception to this I will allow is my own husband. And in that case, I still see that jot. Our pairing is not a physical one. I do not even think of our union as a physical one, but instead one that is happening at purely the spiritual level as we are two halves of the same one soul. In fact even the fact that we met at all, seemed impossible unless Waheguru Ji had intervened. So even when I speak to him, I do not even have the thoughts enter my mind that he is male and I am female... I have simply learned to not define people in this way. I instead think of us as two identical halves of one pure light. My whole view of the world has changed to this view... it's liek I now am seeing the level above the physical in all things and in everyone. Back to the two halves of one light...My Husband and I think and act almost identically. We can almost finish each other's sentences. So of course we want to be close in the physical sense, but we don't want to be close to satisfy some carnal sexual urge, but instead to merge our light... to show care, to show mutual respect and same goals, to support each other in our spiritual journey together as one. That is what marriage is actually about. I could care less if we actually were intimate as that's such a small thing.

    So paapiman... you seem to be so obbsessed with lust. And so obsessed with differentiating women and men, and trying to declare males as superior and females as weak and inferior. Maybe if you actually started to see all humans for what we truly are...and resolve to see ONLY that divine light in everyone and basically tell your eyes to not even see the physical shells or judge people based on their physical genders, then maybe you could actually start to learn to control your lust.

    But then.... you'd have to leave this men are better than women attitude behind...
  20. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Jagtar Singh Jaggi Petition   
    Sturgeon urges Raab to assist Scottish Sikh man allegedly tortured in India
    First minister raises ‘deep concerns’ about case of Jagtar Singh Johal, who has been imprisoned for four years awaiting trial

    Jagtar Singh Johal, centre, being escorted to a court in Punjab state in 2017. He is facing the death penalty after allegedly being tortured into confessing involvement in a terrorist conspiracy. Photograph: Shammi Mehra/AFP/Getty Images   Libby Brooks Sun 22 Aug 2021 14.52 BST  
              Nicola Sturgeon has written to the embattled foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, urging him to intervene in the case of a Scottish Sikh man who has been imprisoned in India for nearly four years awaiting trial, and is facing the death penalty after a confession allegedly extracted under torture.
    In Sturgeon’s first formal intervention on the case, seen exclusively by the Guardian, the first minister expresses the Scottish government’s “deep concerns” about Jagtar Singh Johal’s detention without trial – as well as his allegations of torture and mistreatment by Indian authorities while in custody.
    The letter adds further pressure on the UK government after nearly 140 parliamentarians, including the former Brexit secretary David Davis, the former international development secretary Hilary Benn and the SNP leader at Westminster, Ian Blackford, wrote to Raab in February asking him to seek Jagtar’s release.
      Jagtar is being supported by the legal NGO Reprieve, whose deputy director Harriet McCulloch described his situation as “as clear a case of arbitrary detention as we’ve come across”. She said that, despite numerous court appearances, his trial has been repeatedly delayed at the request of the prosecution, with basic information denied to his defence counsel.
    McCulloch said that Jagtar, a Sikh human rights activist from Dumbarton, was violently arrested in Punjab, northern India, in October 2017, after which he was tortured with electricity into confessing his involvement in an alleged terrorist conspiracy.
    It has been alleged he provided £3,000 to a Sikh who was planning to kill members of the extremist nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a charge he denies.
      In the letter, Sturgeon urges Raab to personally meet Jagtar’s family after her own meeting with his brother Gurpreet Singh Johal this month.
    “Gurpreet expressed his disappointment with the support his brother and their family have received from the FCDO [Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office]. He also questioned why the British prime minister did not raise Jagtar’s case with the Indian prime minister in April this year.”
    Boris Johnson has endeavoured to cement economic ties with India as part of the UK government’s wider foreign policy strategy by holding online talks with its prime minister, Narenda Modi, in May and during the G7 summit in Cornwall in June.
    Gurpreet Singh Johal told the Guardian: “I am very grateful for the Scottish government’s support, but my brother really needs the Westminster government to seek his release and bring him home.
    “Our family is devastated that almost four years after he was abducted and tortured, the Foreign Office has still not fulfilled its promise to take ‘extreme action’ on his case. I hope the foreign secretary will meet with me and do everything in his power to save Jaggi’s life.”
  21. Thanks
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Badges of Bondage: The Conquest of the Sikh Mind (1847-1947 C.E.) Guru Fatha Singh Khalsa   
    Extracts to whet your appetites:


  22. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Family's fury over the machete killers jailed for life – then set free: Husband and hitman bombard grieving relatives with death threats from India after being deported from Britain   
    Family's fury over the machete killers jailed for life – then set free: Husband and hitman bombard grieving relatives with death threats from India after being deported from Britain
    Harpreet Aulakh, 43, and Sher Singh, 30, walked out of jail in the city of Amritsar Their freedom let them harass UK-based relatives of the victim Geeta Aulakh, 28 Aulakh threatened murdered wife Geeta's sister Anita Shinh if she came to India The pair were deported to India and were granted early release just months later  
    Two murderers deported from Britain to serve their life sentences in India were released months after their arrival in a staggering breach of the prisoner transfer agreement between the two countries.
    Harpreet Aulakh, 43, and Sher Singh, 30, were able to hold celebratory parties and fire guns soon after walking out of jail in the city of Amritsar.
    Their freedom allowed them to harass the UK-based relatives of their victim by repeatedly phoning them and sending death threats via social media.
    Aulakh threatened his murdered wife Geeta's sister Anita Shinh, saying: 'When you come to India, I will kill you.'
    He was jailed for life and ordered to serve a minimum of 28 years after being found guilty at the Old Bailey of masterminding the murder of Mrs Aulakh, 28, in 2009.

    Harpreet Aulakh (pictured), 43, and Sher Singh, 30, were able to hold celebratory parties and fire guns soon after walking out of jail in the city of Amritsar
    Aulakh paid Singh – who was jailed for life with a minimum of 22 years – £5,000 to kill his wife after she asked him for a divorce.
    Mrs Aulakh, who suffered domestic violence during their ten-year marriage, was butchered in the street with a 14in machete as she went to collect their two sons from a childminder in Greenford, west London.
    After the trial, Judge David Paget said: 'It is difficult to think of a more vicious and brutal way of killing anybody.' 
    Aulakh and Singh, Indian nationals who had entered Britain illegally, started their life sentences in December 2010.
    Eight years later, they were deported to India under a prisoner transfer scheme and were expected to serve the rest of their sentences behind bars.
    Aulakh had 20 years left and Singh 14 before they were eligible for parole.

    Aulak was jailed for life and ordered to serve a minimum of 28 years after being found guilty at the Old Bailey of masterminding the murder of his wife Geeta Aulakh (pictured), 28, in 2009
    But astonishingly, the pair were granted early release months later and celebrated by holding parties with large groups of men.
    They documented their freedom on Facebook, proudly posing with grinning friends. In one video, Aulakh is seen firing two shots from a pistol into the sky at an open-air party. 
    And a photo shows him with his hands on his hips next to a marijuana field.
    Days after his release, he used Facebook to harass his two teenage sons, whom he has been banned from contacting.
    Taunting his victim's sister over his release from jail, Aulakh wrote: 'What about getting life? You know what I mean.'
    Mrs Shinh, a long-haul flight attendant who lives in west London, said: 'He is laughing at me because he has walked free, even though an Old Bailey judge put him in jail for a minimum of 28 years.
    'What was the point in spending all that money on a trial and keeping them in a maximum-security prison in Britain, for them to walk free in India as soon as they arrive?
    'I'll never get my sister back, but knowing that her killers are out many years too early makes it much worse.'
    Mrs Shinh, 41, complained to the Ministry of Justice and after initial scepticism, civil servants were shocked to discover the truth.
    She received a letter from Justice Secretary Robert Buckland apologising for the 'deep distress caused by the early release' of the pair. 
    He said he had raised the matter with Indian government officials and had been assured the pair had been returned

    Aulakh paid Singh (pictured,– who was jailed for life with a minimum of 22 years, £5,000 to kill his wife after she asked him for a divorce
    In the letter, Mr Buckland said steps were being taken to ensure the killers serve the rest of their sentence in full.
    While the pair are understood to have been put back in jail, their experience is likely to be very different from a maximum security prison in the UK.
    Sources told the Mail it was common for criminals to be granted 'weekend furlough' so they could visit friends and relatives.
    And a month after Mr Buckland's letter, more videos and pictures of the pair partying outside jail appeared on social media.
    One showed Singh, 30, posing with what appeared to be an AK-47 assault rifle.
    And last year, a video emerged of a bare-chested Aulakh laughing and drinking beer with Singh at a party. The background clearly shows they are not in a prison.
    Earlier this year Singh, who had been moved to a jail in western Punjab, escaped when staff allegedly 'turned a blind eye'. Three prison officials were suspended for negligence. Singh is still at large.

    Their freedom allowed them to harass UK-based relatives of their victim. Aulakh threatened his wife Geeta's sister Anita Shinh (pictured with her parents Lakhwinder and Nardesh)
    Yesterday Indian officials assured their British counterparts that Aulakh is now in jail.
    But multiple sources told the Mail he only has to sign in at the prison each day before being allowed to move freely in society.
    'Aulakh is well connected in Punjab and has a powerful uncle,' a source said. 'Everyone has a price in India and he will have paid people off to enjoy his freedom.'
    Mrs Shinh said: 'These men are still out. I have the threats to prove it. Do I wait for Aulakh to get a fake passport, come over to England and kill us all off before anyone believes me?
    'He and Singh slipped into Britain illegally the first time round, so there is no reason they couldn't do it again.'
    She added: 'The UK Government is sending back murderers, allowing them to walk free.'
    A source close to the original investigation that brought the killers to justice said: 'It's shameful that it was allowed to happen.
    'I feel disappointed for the family. They expect to see justice served for the full length of the sentences and they haven't got that.'
    A Government spokesman said: 'These reports are extremely concerning and we have raised this as a matter of urgency with the Indian authorities.'
    The Indian justice department did not respond to requests for a comment.
  23. Like
    Premi reacted to GurjantGnostic in Jatana Pind - My ancestral village   
    What a deserving fellow... 
  24. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Jatana Pind - My ancestral village   

    Ajit Poohla, disguised as a Nihang, was responsible for committing heinous crimes and severe human rights abuses in the 80’s and 90’s. He was thought to be part of the ‘black-cats’ of the Punjab police, who were an undisciplined force specially prepared to unlawfully ‘tackle’ the Sikh militant movement. Poohla and his gang have been accused of numerous rapes and sexual offences, they were responsible for the deaths of many young Sikh men and they wreaked havoc among the families of their victims – all in connivance with the Panjab Police. Ajit Poohla’s death was regarded by the larger Sikh community as a just punishment for a high level human rights abuser who enjoyed the impunity granted to him by state patronage.
    In 2008, Ajit Poohla was burnt to death in Amritsar’s Central jail, where he was serving a sentence in a criminal case. The police named 6 people as the accused in this case, including Harchand Singh from the village of Mari Kamboke. In May 2014, an Amritsar court fully acquitted Harchand Singh, but he is currently still serving out a life sentence in connection with another case.
    Jasvinder Singh from Sikh Relief, visited Harchand Singh’s elderly parents, wife and two young children, whose education fees for the coming academic year 2016-17 have been paid in full once again by Sikh Relief with the help of the Sangat. Monthly payments of family support is also given by Sikh Relief regularly into their bank account.
  25. Like
    Premi reacted to dalsingh101 in Jatana Pind - My ancestral village   
    Poohla Nihang Murder Case: Three acquitted for lack of evidence

    AMRITSAR, PUNJAB (KP) – The Amritsar District and Session Judge has acquitted Harchand Singh and Navtej Singh ‘Guggu’ of the criminal charges related the murder case of notorious Police cat turned Ajit Phoola Nihang.
    Session Judge Gurbir Singh announced the acquittal within minutes after both Harchand Singh Marri-Kamboke, and Navtej Singh ‘Guggu’ of Batala made their appearance in the District courthouse.
    Poohla, who was facing trial for rape, murder and other heinous crimes, was set ablaze allegedly by Navtej and Harchand in the high-security Amritsar Central Jail on August 28, 2008.
    Reportedly, the duo obtained the fuel from a nearby generator that was connected to the prison Gurdwara. Around noon time on August 28th, the pair decided to approach Poohla Nihang in ward no. 9 and initiated a quarrel, resulting in the neo-Nihang being set on fire.
    Poohla was immediately taken to the local Civil Hospital but then later transferred over to PGI Chandigarh, due to the seriousness of his burns. He was declared dead the next day.
    The attacker were later identified as Navtej Singh of Batala and Harchand Singh of Marri-Kamboki, Amritsar. Six individuals were originally charged in the conspiracy, three of them had been exonerated earlier by the trial court.
    Poohla: Ruthless Butcher in Garb of a Nihang
    Ajit Poohla, who headed his own faction of Tarna Dal, and a high level undercover police officer, operated his cadre of black cats during the turbulent 1980s and 1990s, and was responsible for numerous heinous crimes against humanity including murder, rape, and torture under state patronage.
    For the past two decades, Poohla was also involved in drug trafficking and illegal occupation of public and private lands. He had illegally seized several Gurdwaras in Punjab and used them as centers of criminal activity.
    In 2005, he was ousted from the Gurdwaras and eventually jailed due to the efforts of Col. HS Sandhu, of the Majha Human Rights Front.
    When the freedom movement was at its peak in the state, Poohla enjoyed a high security cover of 42 official gunmen armed with 77 sophisticated weapons. He was known to flaunt snapshots of him in the company of senior political party leaders, including a former chief minister, and senior IAS and IPS officers.
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