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Everything posted by guv

  1. is that different to the sgpc one? thanks for the clarification.
  2. i did not try & equate the two... apologies if it appeared that way. but u did not actually answer the question. i shall ask again so that it is clear i am not linking it to anything else: do u think someone who uses an internet id including terms such as 'sexy' is a lesser sikh? not true. (i assume u are referring to the sgpc maryada)
  3. if u take inder to mean the deity (king of gods), then the name could be 'the protector of the brave king of gods'... which from chandi di var would be chandi!
  4. do u think about someone more if u intensely hate them or intensely love them... or both?
  5. palm, according to my intelligence agencies (voted 3rd worst in the world... after british & american agencies), starting this thread has made the president of the united states issue a "bushwa" against u!! :shock: intelligence suggests that likely chain of events that will follow will be: 1. american intelligence (?) agencies will find a link between u & al qaeda. they have a lot of experience at finding links & have honed this ability to exceptional levels, as shown below. 2. they will then suddenly "discover" that u have wmd... wobbly musical didgeridoos & are a threat to the security of the world as they see it. 3. now that they have overwhelming evidence of your machiavellian plans, they have the last thing they needed before facilitating an attack... a reason. 4. air strikes will proceed to destroy every building within a fifty mile radius... all except the one thing they were aiming for... your house. but don't worry, all the civilians that died were probably in cahoots with u... & if not, oh well... they were collateral damage. when people around the world begin to march & protest at the inhumanity of what happened, a voice of reason is there to calm them all down. 5. bush will claim to have eliminated another threat to the free & democratic world... even though u'll still be alive & hiding in the last place they would think to look... in your mum's house. all information is guaranteed at least 5% correct... but probably less. make future decisions based on this intelligence at your own risk. the git (guv intelligence taskforce) accepts no responsibility for any actions or inactions taken as a result of the information provided. thank you. have a nice day. 8)
  6. middle name: _behaviour_analyst_&_is_intelligent_sexy*_&_talented_whereas_bambookat_is_a_smelly_gorilla_ * is that anti-gurmat? :roll: that's a lot! good luck & god speed with your journey. some people have something called intelligence.
  7. sukh = comfort, peace, ease mani = jewel, gem, (in this context i've also heard it can mean treasury) sukhmani = treasury of comforts/peace. an alternative meaning for u. ------ guv etymology: derived from the ancient sanskrit term guv'nor. originally meaning chief/leader of the tribe, but later used to mean lord of the world, king of kings & the don. hmmm... seems my name suits me very well ... if i may say so myself!
  8. i completely agree with hari... i also do not acknowledge the sgpc as any kind of authority on sikhi, & as such to not accept the modern day rehat maryada as a definitive set of rules & regulations that every sikh has to follow. jassa & sukhsingh... do u think it is right for gurdwarey to accept money from non-keshdharis?
  9. england vs portugal today! home of the hooligans vs land of smelly fish people!
  10. kamalroop singh... do u have any dates for the saroops u have provided pictures of? i'm assuming the second one must be from the early 1700's.
  11. jassa, u said u think that someone who drinks is a lesser sikh.... do u think someone who uses an internet id including terms such as 'sexy' is a lesser sikh? on the topic of the thread... i believe it is every sikhs' duty... & indeed, every humans' duty to lead a truthful (free of hypocrisy) life & then to encourage others to do the same, either through leading by example or education or other means. & this should be done through a desire to help others... not help themselves.
  12. sounds spot on... i think sonia deol did a very good job of putting kiri in her place, & i think all the complaints against sonia were unfortunate & unneeded.
  13. i will write a longer reply to this thread when i have some time... but i just wanted to mention this... that is probably the most disgusting thing i've read, anywhere... ever. it's beyond inhumane... it's demonic! jamuka, from your posts, u seem like an fairly intelligent person, but your last comment was just sick.
  14. can we call u bandar too? ------ welcome sikhphilosophy. any chance u could enlighten us a bit on your thoughts on what is sikh philosophy?
  15. a couple of people have misinterpreted what i wrote... i don't think i made it very clear :?... my bad. when i said "pride (not ego)", i meant pride as in honour or respect... & not as arrogance or self-conceit. looking up pride in the dictionary, i came up with i was referring to the first definition.... i think jassa clicked onto what i was saying. u also made a good point about the difference between taking pride in your appearance & appearing sexy. although should the onus not be on the person with the sexual thoughts rather than on the object of their desires? also, i agree with sexy singh when he says that the definitions of words are constantly changing according to their common usage. sexy is used less as sexually provocative or erotic, but (in the case of men) as suave & handsome. sorry about going off topic, but i just wanted to clear up any misunderstandings about what i said in my last post.
  16. thanks jsb... i suspected it was the same for all scandanavian countries, but wasn't sure. ---- on a side note, i like the name sexy singh.... & i think singhs should be sexy... better than being fussars! & before people start having a go at me, what i mean by that is that singhs should take pride (not ego) & effort in their appearance... after all they are representing guru's roop.
  17. it's an age old way of boosting your immune system. in finland, people go straight from a sauna into the snow. in siberia, they throw ice cold water over themselves even when the ground's covered in snow! there was a study done in germany where a control group had hot showers every day & a test group would have a hot shower followed by a two minute "cold blast". during the course of the 6 months, the test group had half as many minor colds/infections as the control group. cold showers boost levels of growth hormones in the body (as does sleep & anaerobic exercise.) the term growth hormones is actually misleading as they are not actually hormones. amongst other things, growth hormones are believed to boost the immune system, help increase muscle size, mobilise fat.
  18. what narsingha actually said was (as even u quoted!)
  19. kabeer preeth eik sio keeeae aan dhubidhhaa jaae || bhaavai laa(n)bae kaes kar bhaavai gharar muddaae ||25|| Kabeer, when you are in love with the One Lord, duality and alienation depart. You may have long hair, or you may shave your head bald. ||25|| http://www.sikhitothemax.com/Page.asp?Sour...D=4993&Format=2 kawal1977, correct me if i'm wrong... but does that shabad not disagree with the sikh rehat maryada?
  20. interview old babae/bibiyan on how buildings/lifestyles/marayadas etc have changed
  21. OR 2. believe in ghosts... lots & lots of ghosts (do animals have ghosts? :?) 3. believe in aliens & ghosts 4. believe in alien ghosts! 5. drink some desi & forget about the whole thing
  22. the quote i used was lalleshvari's response to u misinterpreting his first post. something which u've done again! please try reading the posts carefully, so that u don't make the same mistake twice. http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/encyclopedia/sikhism/akha.html ------------------- that is the question. i believe hari explained why the cow is sacred to vaishnavs, but is that the same reason for sikhs? or for different reasons?
  23. no. that would be stupidity seeing as i'm the one who often gives u a lift! from the definition, it would seem that most wars could be classified as terrorism. interesting that it says "force or violence". would that "force" have to be physical to be terrorism? or could it be financial... eg trade sanctions etc? (cuba pops into mind)
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