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Far Right And Anti Fascist Protest In Birmingham Turns Into A Mass Brawl


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I know the Daily Mail itself is a bastion of WASP nazism but here it is. I wonder what this will lead to? I see the asians or Muslims (whatever you want to call them), are not scared to openly fight back. Which I think is good.


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Deja vu?

Short documentary about Southall in the late 70s. Young Sikhs/people must realise that this is nothing new.

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Sikhs must be careful before taking sides. Islamists and Nazis are sides of same coin. One group is driven by hate for kafirs and other by hate for colored people.

Don't be sympathetic to Muslims just because they are majority brown and Asian like us. They despise non-Muslims not less than right wingers.

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Although I doubt (or hope!) that it wont come to that. Fact is, in the past racist attacks on asians (organsied and random Paki bashing) caused asians of all backgrounds to unite to combat this. If we have a hard rightward swing and an increase in attacks like that, the same thing may happen again.

I agree with you that white neo nazism and Islamo fundamentalism are both the same thing. They are essentially supremacist movements. That is what they have in common. That is ironically also why they are clashing with each other.

This is not about taking sides but seeing what is happening and making sure we don't get caught in the middle and being able and prepared to defend our own community.

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Although I doubt (or hope!) that it wont come to that. Fact is, in the past racist attacks on asians (organsied and random Paki bashing) caused asians of all backgrounds to unite to combat this. If we have a hard rightward swing and an increase in attacks like that, the same thing may happen again.

I agree with you that white neo nazism and Islamo fundamentalism are both the same thing. They are essentially supremacist movements. That is what they have in common. That is ironically also why they are clashing with each other.

This is not about taking sides but seeing what is happening and making sure we don't get caught in the middle and being able and prepared to defend our own community.


Singh, when the British media say Asian, they mean Muslim. Non-muslim asians do not go around screaming "Allahu Akbar! Hadooken!" while gangs of them pick on some puny little white kid who is on his own and the police do nothing but look on.

Whitey has every right in the world to protest against Muslim terrorism.

You know that most of those arrested were not the protestors the anti-fascist-but-not-anti-islamofascist loons, right?



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Like they give a monkeys about Sikhs. They are just trying to deal with people piecemeal. After the Muslims it will be us. The following article describes an attack on the Sikh mayor during protests by the EDL in Luton. These apparently were the same people in B'ham.

Then he saw the mayor crossing the square, walking high and proud in his robe and chains. He was Asian. So far as Kier was concerned, he was a Muslim too, and it was all his fault. He was the head of the council; the council had given permission for the extremists to make their protest. F*** it, Kier thought. Kier ran up to him and fly-kicked him in the back. Councillor Lakhbir Singh, the mayor of Luton, a Sikh by faith, not in fact a Muslim at all, stumbled and fell forward, putting out his hands to stop himself falling. Kier turned around and, before the police could do anything, he ran through them and was away.


Recently a bunch of bibian and nyanay were racially abused by goray in Luton as well.


People need to realise that racist goray are only using the Islam thing as a cover for deeper racist views. They are not our friends.

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Witness Gary Nichols said: 'It started off with a group of white guys who were chanting, "England, England". I thought they were just football fans, but then a larger group of black and Asian people turned up and it all kicked off. You had people burning the Union flag. People were being kicked, some weren't anything to do with the protests.'

Racism in the 21st century :rolleyes: Birmingham is Pakistan :LOL:

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Like they give a monkeys about Sikhs.

People need to realise that racist goray are only using the Islam thing as a cover for deeper racist views. They are not our friends.

That racist goray are not our friends has never been in question.

The issue is that, though racist goray may be using Islamic fundamentalism as their main issue, it does not mean that everyone who questions the government's inadequate response to the growing tide of Muslim fascism both at home and abroad who is a racist. That is what cunning Muslims are trying to portray under their pet expression of "Islamophobia" which automatically tars those who take issue with Islamic terrorism as racists.

The fact that these people are racist also does not mean that they do not have the right to protest. The spreading hate should always be prevented if possible, but the same rules need to everyone - Muslims should not be allowed to spread racism and hate in the guise of religion, but they seem to have free reign from the government to to do just that.



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Mate the Islam thing can be contained. Why people are making a big deal of it is beyond me. Plus, like invading countries helps. If whitey has a right to complain about Islam "takin ova", then haven't sullah got a right to protest the invasion of their lands, usually for oil?

None of them are coming out of this clean.

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Mate the Islam thing can be contained. Why people are making a big deal of it is beyond me. Plus, like invading countries helps. If whitey has a right to complain about Islam "takin ova", then haven't sullah got a right to protest the invasion of their lands, usually for oil?

None of them are coming out of this clean.


Sure they have a right to protest for peace, but that's not what they are doing. Their stated intention is to convert so that their God can expand his foreskin collection.

How do you explain the jihad in countries that have no oil and the hatred that these people have for whiteys who have not even heard of their countries for the most part.


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I'm no fan of Islam but still. Whitey trying to resurrect their glory empire days and nicking resources by out right lying (WMDs anyone) isn't helping. That is what the idiots end up doing. Mobilising Muslims with their stupid ideas/policies.

As a Sikh you should know just how damaging their interference can be. Look at how they caused a chain of events that led to partition. Prior to their interfering Panjab was a prosperous united place. The sullay were well integrated and even converting to Sikhism.

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I'm no fan of Islam but still. Whitey trying to resurrect their glory empire days and nicking resources by out right lying (WMDs anyone) isn't helping. That is what the idiots end up doing. Mobilising Muslims with their stupid ideas/policies.

As a Sikh you should know just how damaging their interference can be. Look at how they caused a chain of events that led to partition. Prior to their interfering Panjab was a prosperous united place. The sullay were well integrated and even converting to Sikhism.


As a Sikh you should know that Muslims have always been the greatest enemies of Sikhi and cannot be trusted. Our history, and indeed the history of the world, shows us that the only language they understand is force, and they only practice peaceful living when they are ruled (by Sikhs or by whitey) and when they are not a majority.

I'm not a fan of whitey, but my point is simply this: if Muslims can set up organisations in Britain like Hizb ut-Tahrir who want Britain turned into a country of genitally-mutilated males and women dressed like ninjas, why can't whitey protest this? It seems to me that the media says nothing when Muslims do it, but as soon as someone speaks out against Islam and Muslim immigration, the press automatically makes them out to be racists.

I want Britain to stop interfering in foreign affairs, I also want them to stop sending money to Islamic countries so that they fall apart of their own accord and realise that Islam is the reason for their failures and not Whitey, and I want them to prevent immigration of Muslims who believe in the kind of crap that many Muslims in the UK seem to believe.

I recall that no to long ago, in Birmingham again, there were Muslims burning the British flag. Yet the media mentioned it in passing if at all. I also remember sulleh partying on the streets in Birmingham (Acocks Green in particular) and praising Osama when 9/11 happened, yet the media chose to ignore it. Why are these events not worthy of being reported as racism? Why is whitey only capable of being racist?

By the by, I find Unite Against Fascism as racist as the people they are fighting against because they do not seem to believe that us poor ignorant mud people are capable of racism ourselves. When sullay do it, it's just because the colonials are unhappy with the Big White Bossman and not because they are capable of discrimination and prejudice (which is the sole prerogative of whitey). Similarly, Big White Bossman needs to send money to the poor brown people who are obviously too unintelligent to be expected to run a country themselves.



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Fateh Kaljug.

As a Sikh you should know that Muslims have always been the greatest enemies of Sikhi and cannot be trusted.

And goray can be trusted? They destroyed Sikh sovereignity and weakened us. The reason we have been getting kicked about so much over the last 60 years or so is because of this.

I want Britain to stop interfering in foreign affairs, I also want them to stop sending money to Islamic countries so that they fall apart of their own accord and realise that Islam is the reason for their failures and not Whitey, and I want them to prevent immigration of Muslims who believe in the kind of crap that many Muslims in the UK seem to believe.

You know we have to be careful that we don't push all sullay into the arms of Al Qaeda by supporting ill conceived adventerous WASP actions. My point is that they themselves have played a large part in helping the Islamist cause through their own stupidity. They've given sullay a cause through their own immoral actions.

I recall that no to long ago, in Birmingham again, there were Muslims burning the British flag. Yet the media mentioned it in passing if at all. I also remember sulleh partying on the streets in Birmingham (Acocks Green in particular) and praising Osama when 9/11 happened, yet the media chose to ignore it. Why are these events not worthy of being reported as racism? Why is whitey only capable of being racist?

That is a reputation they have given themselves. I grew up in the times when the union flag was a symbol of hatred and racism. I'm not surprised the flag gets it to be honest. Those incidents you are describing are akin to some Sikhs celebrating the assassination of Indira Gandhi in S'hall. Pictures of which were broadcast all over India.

By the by, I find Unite Against Fascism as racist as the people they are fighting against because they do not seem to believe that us poor ignorant mud people are capable of racism ourselves. When sullay do it, it's just because the colonials are unhappy with the Big White Bossman and not because they are capable of discrimination and prejudice (which is the sole prerogative of whitey). Similarly, Big White Bossman needs to send money to the poor brown people who are obviously too unintelligent to be expected to run a country themselves.

Man, you are getting into the whole topic of the global economic system put down by whitey to the detriment of the so-called "third world". Plus how many times have these people interfered with how countries are run by installing their own chumchay as leaders.

They are ones who have disturbed the Islamo nutjob hornets nest. Who is going to put them in check? If a bunch of yobbo goray get done, I don't see why we should care. Given the chance the same jerks would probably come into a Sikh area and take the pishaab.

Anyway that is the thing with white supremacism. They just like to have everything their way. The colonial experience has drummed that into them.

What is sad is that it looks like Muslims are the only ones that can seriously challenge them now.

Anyway, I don't see the point of the last post. It has exactly the same pictures as the link I provided in the first post of this thread?

Be cool.


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You know we have to be careful that we don't push all sullay into the arms of Al Qaeda by supporting ill conceived adventerous WASP actions. My point is that they themselves have played a large part in helping the Islamist cause through their own stupidity. They've given sullay a cause through their own immoral actions.

This is a lie that is spread by Muslims. This Muslim desire to spread their creed by force has existed since the beginning of Islam, they just change the excuse every now and again. I would recommend Andrew G Bostom's The Legacy of Jihad to read which proves this from Islamic religious and historical texts.

Anyway, I don't see the point of the last post. It has exactly the same pictures as the link I provided in teh first post of this thread?

Be cool.

The point was that I need more coffee (I was supposed to post that on SikhSangat.com). :-P

Cool as a cucumber in an Eskimo's fridge freezer,


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The agenda that is behind 'imperialism' and muslim fundamentalism is the enemy that we should unite against. Many muslims because of the atrocities commited against muslim countries have begun to enquire as to what is the power behind the global events. Despite the obnoxious attititude of many muslims they are becoming open to the fact that global events are manipulated by a business or corporate elite that is behind imperialism and all forms of fundamentalism. What they done in Iraq is what they have done all over the world especially in South America. Many flegling South American democracies were destroyed by very vicious military juntas funded as always by the americans, in the cause of peace justice and the spread of civilization. Any threat to the establishment is destroyed ruthlessly and very thoroughly by means of propoganda and very other sinister means. Islam is a threat so must be destroyed. Why I support Islam over them is because Islam retains a link with primordial tradition it is orientated from top down it is vertical. Whereas the forces opposing Islam and the primordial tradition are the forces of secularization or decomposing forces. Islam is not perfect but it contains a germ of hope but the corporate forces utilising the power of big business and money, to further their aims of world domination cannot be called anything except demonic. The enemy of the Sikhs are muslims but to overlook the atrocities commited by the 'pioneers of civilization' just because they are giving the sullah a good kicking is cutting your nose to spite your face, because as Dalsingh has correctly observed only the muslims can oppose them now. because once the muslims are gone then we will be next because in the grand view this is a war against forces that are against the evolution and elevation of the human race.

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The agenda that is behind 'imperialism' and muslim fundamentalism is the enemy that we should unite against. Many muslims because of the atrocities commited against muslim countries have begun to enquire as to what is the power behind the global events. Despite the obnoxious attititude of many muslims they are becoming open to the fact that global events are manipulated by a business or corporate elite that is behind imperialism and all forms of fundamentalism. What they done in Iraq is what they have done all over the world especially in South America. Many flegling South American democracies were destroyed by very vicious military juntas funded as always by the americans, in the cause of peace justice and the spread of civilization. Any threat to the establishment is destroyed ruthlessly and very thoroughly by means of propoganda and very other sinister means. Islam is a threat so must be destroyed. Why I support Islam over them is because Islam retains a link with primordial tradition it is orientated from top down it is vertical. Whereas the forces opposing Islam and the primordial tradition are the forces of secularization or decomposing forces. Islam is not perfect but it contains a germ of hope but the corporate forces utilising the power of big business and money, to further their aims of world domination cannot be called anything except demonic. The enemy of the Sikhs are muslims but to overlook the atrocities commited by the 'pioneers of civilization' just because they are giving the sullah a good kicking is cutting your nose to spite your face, because as Dalsingh has correctly observed only the muslims can oppose them now. because once the muslims are gone then we will be next because in the grand view this is a war against forces that are against the evolution and elevation of the human race.

Yes, that's right, Muslims are not to blame for their acts of barbarity, it is some secret power that forces them to act like overgrown impudent children when they don't get their own way. When are you going to stop making excuses for them?

Islam has always been the enemy of civilisation and always will be. It has been the case since the 7th century, they simply change they excuses they give fpr their violence. First it was the Beni Quraish who committed the unpardonable sin of not taking the words of a schizophrenic megalomaniac as being divine utterances, then it was the Jews of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, then it was the Crusaders (still is in the minds of some Muslims), then it was the State of Israel and the US, the Great Satan, now it is some corporate superentity who directs world events like some machiavellian spider at the centre of his global web.

Islam survives on conspiracy theories to disguise its fascist imperialistic designs. That is why the largest number of people who believe in this mythical idea of a new world order guided by Freemasons and wealthy Jews are found in the Islamic world.

As far I am concerned the Islamic world is getting its karmic comeuppance for the centuries of oppression, death, rape and torture they forced upon the rest of the world. No Sikh should support an Islamic fascist state because some of us are terrified of doing battle with whitey.

The war against evolution and elevation of the human race? Are you joking? Your Muslims friends have been waging war against these things for the last thousand years.

Who is we? Are you a Sikh or a Muslim?


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Post #19

Dude don't get it twisted. Sikhs have suffered horrendous/barbaric attacks from Muslims themselves. You seem to view Islamic history with rose tinted glasses. Believe you me, it doesn't seem too civilised/spiritual when you are on the receiving end of nutjob, rapist, slave trading jihadis. Not that my ancestors didn't kick their butts....but still.

It's like I said before. None of you come out of all of this with clean hands. Islamo fascists or Mr. whitey supremacist. Both different sides of the same coin.

because as Dalsingh has correctly observed only the muslims can oppose them now. because once the muslims are gone then we will be next because in the grand view this is a war against forces that are against the evolution and elevation of the human race.

Conversely if the Islamo nutjobs get the better of whitey. I'm sure we'll be next on their list.

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Most people agree that the world is controlled by corpoarations and elite business interests, whereas some of the freemason stuff is far fetched it contains a grain of truth, i know masons and people who have been invited to lodges and the like it is not fantasy.

I don't agree with all muslims but i live in the present and not in the past, and from being a paki hater i now respect them because they have the potential not to be servants to the system. I believe the present economic system is evil and needs to be opposed whoever opposes it is my brother in arms those who serve it are my enemies i donlt care about Sikh muslims hindu or whatever it has gone beyond that.

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Most people agree that the world is controlled by corpoarations and elite business interests, whereas some of the freemason stuff is far fetched it contains a grain of truth, i know masons and people who have been invited to lodges and the like it is not fantasy.

I don't agree with all muslims but i live in the present and not in the past, and from being a paki hater i now respect them because they have the potential not to be servants to the system. I believe the present economic system is evil and needs to be opposed whoever opposes it is my brother in arms those who serve it are my enemies i donlt care about Sikh muslims hindu or whatever it has gone beyond that.

Mate, when you are done brown nosing your Muslim "brothers in arms" perhaps you should actually take a look at the Islamic world and see that it is the same old story for a thousand years.

How in God's name is supporting a bunch of raving religious lunatics intent on returning us to the dark ages going to change the economy for the better? Perhaps you should look at the economies of Islamic countries and see what shitholes those places are. They are invariably rife with corruption, nepotism, racism and greed.

As to your freemasonry conspiracy theories, you are talking out of your paranoid ass. Freemasons are a bunch of old bored men who get their kicks performing "secret" ceremonies that you can read in a library by picking up Albert Pike's book on Freemasonic ritual. I used to be one for a while until I realised that they were not the gateway to power and countless riches. ;-)

I don't believe you are a Sikh either. No self-respecting Sikh would spend so much time kissing Muslim ass.


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not everything can be learned from books, i don't think you can become a mason by reading a book and following a ritual. In fact many masons dont do rituals they just act as a filter in corpoarations to let people up the ladder and positions of power who follow their ideals of greed and egotism you have to lick arse to be promoted. Have you ever talked to a mason or anyone who has been to a lodge? I work for the government and they wield a lot more power then you think, but this is real life and you seem to have confused reality with what you read in books.

I don't support muslims just those who oppose this current regime we are under because i believe it is evil.

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not everything can be learned from books, i don't think you can become a mason by reading a book and following a ritual. In fact many masons dont do rituals they just act as a filter in corpoarations to let people up the ladder and positions of power who follow their ideals of greed and egotism you have to lick arse to be promoted. Have you ever talked to a mason or anyone who has been to a lodge? I work for the government and they wield a lot more power then you think, but this is real life and you seem to have confused reality with what you read in books.

I don't support muslims just those who oppose this current regime we are under because i believe it is evil.


I just said I was a freemason. About the only benefits I received over the 4 years I was part of the lodge were a couple of free theatre tickets and a bottle of 21 yearl old scotch that I had to give away to an uncle.

Your last sentence is a copout, and you know it. ALL Muslims oppose this current regime because they want to replace it with an Islamic one.

Go practice your taquiyyah someplace else.


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