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Iran Accuses Pakistan Over Attack


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Interesting developments. It will be interesting to see how Pakistan responds, and whether Iran will begin to send in their pro-Shia militants into the country.


Iran's president has accused Pakistani agents of involvement in a suicide bombing in south-east of the country targeting a group of the elite Revolutionary Guards force.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on Pakistan to arrest the attackers, who he said had entered Iran from Pakistan.

Forty-two people died in the attack in Sistan-Baluchistan, including six Revolutionary Guards commanders.

Iran has previously accused the US and UK of contributing to the attack.

Pakistani officials condemned the attack, which has been blamed on the Sunni resistance group, Jundullah.

The Pakistani foreign ministry spokesman, Abdul Basit, dismissed Iranian claims that Jundullah's leader was in Pakistan.

'Crushing' response

According to state media, one or more suicide bombers targeted the group of Revolutionary Guards leaders who had arranged to meet tribal leaders in the Pishin district close to the Pakistani border.

Reports said a suicide bomber detonated a belt packed with explosives as the meeting was about to start.

The deputy commander of the Guards' ground force, General Noor Ali Shooshtari, and the Guards' chief provincial commander, Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh, were among at least six officers reported to have been killed.

Dozens of people were injured.

A top Guards officer has also vowed to deliver a "crushing" response to those behind the attack, according to Agence-France Presse.

Mr Ahmadinejad pointed towards Pakistan.

"We were informed that some security agents in Pakistan are co-operating with the main elements of this terrorist incident," he was quoted as saying by the semi-official Fars news agency.

"We regard it as our right to demand these criminals from them," he said, without elaborating.

"We ask the Pakistani government not to delay any longer in the apprehension of the main elements in this terrorist attack."

Iranian authorities summoned a senior Pakistani diplomat in Tehran, claiming that the assailants had arrived in Iran from Pakistan, Iranian state media reported.

The Iranian foreign ministry also "protested against the use of Pakistani territory by the terrorists and rebels against the Islamic Republic of Iran", the Isna news agency reported.

Earlier, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said "US action" contributed to the attack. The US dismissed the accusation.

Banditry and kidnapping

Sistan-Baluchistan is mainly made up of the Baluchi ethnic group, who belong to the Sunni Muslim minority of Shia-ruled Iran.

Jundallah has previously been accused by Iran of terrorist activities in the province.

The province borders both Pakistan and Afghanistan, and has long been affected by smuggling, drug trafficking, banditry and kidnapping.

Jundallah, also known as the Popular Resistance Movement of Iran, says it is fighting against the political and religious oppression of the country's minority Sunni Muslims.

Local media cited officials as saying Jundallah had accepted responsibility for Sunday's bombing, though there was no direct claim from the group.

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Pakistani military or probably the ISI must be pretty hard headed for supporting a Balochi movement against Iran when Pakistan itself is having hard time handling their own Balochi problem. The Pakistanis did this with Afghanistan by creating a Pashtun rising in the form of the Taliban, instead it back fired and ended up creating a Pashtun Taliban problem for Pakistan in the NW frontier province for which they are currently paying for in blood.

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Iranian Gov't were initially blaming US Gov't for some reason.


It's a familiar pattern in the Islamic world. Usually the blame falls on the Jews first, then the Great Satan, the US/UK. There's a saying in the Arab world which is still current: "If two fish collide in the sea, the British (or the Americans) are behind it".


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It's a familiar pattern in the Islamic world. Usually the blame falls on the Jews first, then the Great Satan, the US/UK. There's a saying in the Arab world which is still current: "If two fish collide in the sea, the British (or the Americans) are behind it".


I get your point but don't underplay the fact that "WASPosphere" like to go to such regions and play their "great game". If Sikhs had half the vigilence the Arabs you're referring to have, we wouldn't be getting bitched by outside communities so often and losing all our battles like we have for the last century and a half.

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I get your point but don't underplay the fact that "WASPosphere" like to go to such regions and play their "great game". If Sikhs had half the vigilence the Arabs you're referring to have, we wouldn't be getting bitched by outside communities so often and losing all our battles like we have for the last century and a half.

There's a massive difference between vigilance and the paranoia of the Islamic world which blames the Jews and the Americans for everything from Muslim suicide bombers to the mythical genital retraction syndrome.

See here for the dreaded penis-theft by Zionists: :D



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There's a massive difference between vigilance and the paranoia of the Islamic world which blames the Jews and the Americans for everything from Muslim suicide bombers to the mythical genital retraction syndrome.

See here for the dreaded penis-theft by Zionists: :D



Okay but don't make the WASPS to be blameless in all this. If they could manage to stay in their own backyard a bit more, half of the Islamic crap wouldn't happen.

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