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Geelani, Arundhati To Be Booked Under Sedition Charge


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NEW DELHI: A go-ahead to file a case of sedition against hardline Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani and activist Arundhati Roy has been given to Delhi Police by the Union Home Ministry.

However, it is far from clear now whether the police will proceed with the case although legal advice received by it says that a case has been made out under Section 124 of IPC which applies to cases where disaffection against the State is advocated.

The police is now mulling over possible ramifications of proceeding with the case and is likely to seek political clearance to go ahead.

Delhi Police is said to be having some hesitation on going ahead with filing the case because once registered then arrests would have to be effected of those named in the FIR.

Officials of the Delhi Police met Union Home Ministry officials and had a detailed discussions in this regard earlier in the day, the sources said.

An unfazed Geelani said in Kashmir that there were already 90 cases have been registered against him. "I have 90 FIRs registered against me already, this will be 91st," he said.

The legal opinion of the Home Ministry was received by Delhi Police yesterday giving a go ahead to Delhi Police for registering a case against firebrand separatist leader Geelani and Roy besides others for purportedly giving "hate speeches" at a seminar held here last week.

The legal department had favoured registering a case against them under Section 124-A of Indian Penal Code which states "whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards" the State and can be sentenced to five years of rigorous imprisonment.

The seminar, in which Geelani was also speaking, had triggered sharp comments from the BJP.

BJP leader Arun Jaitley had accused the government of "looking the other way" when a number of separatist groups met at a conference to instigate session and to say that India cannot be one and must be broken.

However, rejecting the BJP leader's charge, home minister P Chidambaram had said Delhi police will take action in accordance with law over the speeches made by Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah and others at a seminar here on October 21.

At the convention on 'Azadi--The Only Way', Geelani shared the stage with writer Roy and pro-Maoist leader Vara Vara Rao among others. Geelani was heckled by the audience with one of them throwing a shoe.

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So Geelani and Roy might have cases registered against them because of which they might go to jail, but what about criminals like Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler or Gujarat CM Modi who are directly responsible for the deaths of so many innocent civilians? This is a political system with such a double standard.

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Shows how wrong Shinda Singh was about the 'new' India on another thread.

Arundhati roy was sitting with mr.Geelani and said that Kashmir wants Azadi from India,now What do you expect India to do.Even farooq abdullah said that "India mein itni azadi hai ki iska bera garak karne waale bhi Indians hi hain" .And this is the same Mr.Geelani who said that asking a muslim to live in non muslim society is like asking Fish to live out of water.BTW no one has arrested yet

BTW I never understand what some sikhs want India to do When dealing with muslims.When they don't do anything then Indians are chickens ,and when India use force then India is brutal

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Arundhati roy was sitting with mr.Geelani and said that Kashmir wants Azadi from India,now What do you expect India to do.Even farooq abdullah said that "India mein itni azadi hai ki iska bera garak karne waale bhi Indians hi hain" .And this is the same Mr.Geelani who said that asking a muslim to live in non muslim society is like asking Fish to live out of water.BTW no one has arrested yet

BTW I never understand what some sikhs want India to do When dealing with muslims.When they don't do anything then Indians are chickens ,and when India use force then India is brutal

kds, I think you have misunderstood what many Sikhs here say. I personally do not have a high opinion about Geelani because he is a fanatical Muslim. But at least he is not using violence, he is using peaceful means to achieve his goals. Roy is a reporter, she uses the pen not the gun to get her point across. On the other hand when Muslims from across the border carry our terrorism against India, all India does is throw a few political speeches and warnings here and there (Bombay incident is a perfect example). Have they ever done surgical strikes like America and Israel have? Never!

On the other hand, they have yet to arrest monsters like Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler and Narinder Modi since they are part of the system.

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kds, I think you have misunderstood what many Sikhs here say. I personally do not have a high opinion about Geelani because he is a fanatical Muslim. But at least he is not using violence, he is using peaceful means to achieve his goals. Roy is a reporter, she uses the pen not the gun to get her point across. On the other hand when Muslims from across the border carry our terrorism against India, all India does is throw a few political speeches and warnings here and there (Bombay incident is a perfect example). Have they ever done surgical strikes like America and Israel have? Never!

Mithar What makes you think that Geelani is using peaceful means? did hurriyat criticises the militants when they were driving pandits out of valley.Did hurriyat ever call pak sponsered terrorism a terrorism.Every Jihadi that dies in valley is called a martyr

So one wing of Kashmiris

is using voilent methods and other is using so called peaceful methods.Geelani is purely like Jinnah Who on hand gave speech that Pakistan a secular country

While on the other hand he allowed voilence to kill hindu and sikhs.I am not going to surprised if Kashmiris ever get the valley the first thing they will do is to drive Sikhs.

On the other hand, they have yet to arrest monsters like Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler and Narinder Modi since they are part of the system.

You are right these should be punished ,but the problem of entire world is that politicians that are in power never get punished.Do You think USA will ever Punish Bush or any other American Politician or top level military officer for

killing thousands in Iraq?

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You can't equate Bush with Sajjan Kumar, Bush went to war in the belief that a tyrant had weapons of mass destruction. The fact that the intelligence proved to be wrong does not make his a criminal like Sajjan Kumar and Tytler. My first point was that India has not changed, it will not allow anyone to ask for freedom by peaceful means. Whether Geelani is a fake is not the point, if he is two faced and playing the peacemaker whilst arming militants then by all means India has to right to prosecute him but if he is not then India has no right to prosecute him just because he wants freedom for the Kashmiris.

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Bush went to war in the belief that a tyrant had weapons of mass destruction.

This is the bit where you make yourself look like a gullible fool. He (and Tony) were being typical white Anglo type pricks and making stuff up to invade Iraq.

You should know this tactic, because it is the very same one whitey used against the Sikh kingdom way back when in their 'annexation'.

Edited by dalsingh101
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kashmir has been one of the richest states, tourism was flourishing, everything was in place, what went wrong ?

4 lakh kashmiri hindus were forced out at gun point. i haev 2 books on kashmir written by well known editors and writers and not of the rss khaaki kachche waale... the atrocities committed are beyond anything humane.

veers i have personally been to the ladakh region of j&k , trust me these guys are filthy rich, the labor comes from bihar, no ladakhi/kashmiri will do labor jobs.

the taxi drivers i befriended were like..i started thinking did they really need ot work? i been to some of the homes, they were palatial 9 room bungalows with land around. 2-3 cars owned by a single family is common. the decor was just magnificient.

my observation is the sulleh can turn any heaven into hell...kashmir was beautiful and they were earning so well from tourism... what did they do ? all the shit about azaadi and mercilessly killed kashmiri hindus and sikhs.

afghanistan..i long to go there..if u see the pictures its so amazing..they had bamiyan which could attract so many tourists..what did they do ? osama , taliban, 9/11

where the f**k do they ever live in peace ? they do such things and make hell the life of humanity all over this planet.

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You can't equate Bush with Sajjan Kumar, Bush went to war in the belief that a tyrant had weapons of mass destruction

May be that comparision is not O.K but my point is that there are many killer politicians in the world that are roaming unpunished.It is nearly impossible to Punish a politician as long he or his party is in the power.

BTW I used to read all your posts with great interests as you used to write very practical and upto the mark points.But this time you are making me laugh by saying that Bush or USA attacked Iraq because they had weapons of mass destructions .even a kid can tell that war was for Oil.Infact USA itself is responsible for allowing Pakistan to make weapons of mass destruction Which could become menace for India,Israel and USA.

My first point was that India has not changed, it will not allow anyone to ask for freedom by peaceful means.

Oh come on recently almost all separatists did a meeting in Delhi With Arundhati roy and India did nothing.Also Please tell me which country in the world allow separatists to speak freely?Did Sri Lanka allowed Tamils to create a homeland of their own

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hindustan kisi de pyo di jaagir nai ke jo marji hoyi te ik tukda vand ke vakhra naa de dita...

ais des te qom di rakhya vaaste khalsa prakat hoya, guru sahibaan te kayi hajaar singhaane shaheedi ditti oh kis vaaste ? koi geelani naa de turak nu delhi de takhat te biraajne vaaste?

Khalsa Panth was pragat for the protection of Hindustan? and Guru Sahib gave Shaheedi for Hindustan? is this a joke?

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May be that comparision is not O.K but my point is that there are many killer politicians in the world that are roaming unpunished.It is nearly impossible to Punish a politician as long he or his party is in the power.

BTW I used to read all your posts with great interests as you used to write very practical and upto the mark points.But this time you are making me laugh by saying that Bush or USA attacked Iraq because they had weapons of mass destructions .even a kid can tell that war was for Oil.Infact USA itself is responsible for allowing Pakistan to make weapons of mass destruction Which could become menace for India,Israel and USA.

Oh come on recently almost all separatists did a meeting in Delhi With Arundhati roy and India did nothing.Also Please tell me which country in the world allow separatists to speak freely?Did Sri Lanka allowed Tamils to create a homeland of their own

If you want to believe the liberal left wing propaganda that the Iraq war was all about oil then that's your lookout. Interesting enough if you bother to read the facts about what took place it was Saddam who did not make public the fact that he had had the WMDs destroyed in the 90s because he wanted to keep his population under fear.

As for your second comment, you need to be consistent you are using the same event that may lead to the prosecution of Roy and Geelani as proof of how much freedom India allows!

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If you want to believe the liberal left wing propaganda that the Iraq war was all about oil then that's your lookout. Interesting enough if you bother to read the facts about what took place it was Saddam who did not make public the fact that he had had the WMDs destroyed in the 90s because he wanted to keep his population under fear.

It is not propaganda, it is common sense.Why USA the world's most powerful country attacked Iraq ,one of the most weak country in 2003.Can any sane person actually believe that Iraq was ever a threat to USA? If that is the case then

Pakistan is much bigger threat as they have stocks of nuclear weapons which could be used against any of the 3 islam's main enemy India,israel or USA ,yet forget about invading USA is giving them billions of $ and truck load of weapons.

As for your second comment, you need to be consistent you are using the same event that may lead to the prosecution of Roy and Geelani as proof of how much freedom India allows!


Roy has made two speeches in New Delhi and Srinagar in the past few days in which she sought independence for Kashmir from India.


It was roy's speech in Kashmir that started whole drama.Earlier Govt was criticised for allowing separatists from all parts of country to have meet in Delhi,later When she gave speech in srinagar then only talks of her arrests started but still it is now 5 days and She and mr geelani are roaming freely

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