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Rapes (Per Capita) (Most Recent) By Country


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# 1 South Africa: 1.19538 per 1,000 people

# 2 Seychelles: 0.788294 per 1,000 people

# 3 Australia: 0.777999 per 1,000 people

# 4 Montserrat: 0.749384 per 1,000 people

# 5 Canada: 0.733089 per 1,000 people

# 6 Jamaica: 0.476608 per 1,000 people

# 7 Zimbabwe: 0.457775 per 1,000 people

# 8 Dominica: 0.34768 per 1,000 people

# 9 United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people

# 10 Iceland: 0.246009 per 1,000 people

# 11 Papua New Guinea: 0.233544 per 1,000 people

# 12 New Zealand: 0.213383 per 1,000 people

# 13 United Kingdom: 0.142172 per 1,000 people

# 14 Spain: 0.140403 per 1,000 people

# 15 France: 0.139442 per 1,000 people

# 16 Korea, South: 0.12621 per 1,000 people

# 17 Mexico: 0.122981 per 1,000 people

# 18 Norway: 0.120836 per 1,000 people

# 19 Costa Rica: 0.118277 per 1,000 people

# 20 Venezuela: 0.115507 per 1,000 people

# 21 Finland: 0.110856 per 1,000 people

# 22 Netherlands: 0.100445 per 1,000 people

# 23 Denmark: 0.0914948 per 1,000 people

# 24 Germany: 0.0909731 per 1,000 people

# 25 Bulgaria: 0.0795973 per 1,000 people

# 26 Chile: 0.0782179 per 1,000 people

# 27 Thailand: 0.0626305 per 1,000 people

# 28 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0623785 per 1,000 people

# 29 Poland: 0.062218 per 1,000 people

# 30 Sri Lanka: 0.0599053 per 1,000 people

# 31 Hungary: 0.0588588 per 1,000 people

# 32 Estonia: 0.0547637 per 1,000 people

# 33 Ireland: 0.0542829 per 1,000 people

# 34 Switzerland: 0.0539458 per 1,000 people

# 35 Belarus: 0.0514563 per 1,000 people

# 36 Uruguay: 0.0512295 per 1,000 people

# 37 Lithuania: 0.0508757 per 1,000 people

# 38 Malaysia: 0.0505156 per 1,000 people

# 39 Romania: 0.0497089 per 1,000 people

# 40 Czech Republic: 0.0488234 per 1,000 people

# 41 Russia: 0.0486543 per 1,000 people

# 42 Latvia: 0.0454148 per 1,000 people

# 43 Moldova: 0.0448934 per 1,000 people

# 44 Colombia: 0.0433254 per 1,000 people

# 45 Slovenia: 0.0427648 per 1,000 people

# 46 Italy: 0.0402045 per 1,000 people

# 47 Portugal: 0.0364376 per 1,000 people

# 48 Tunisia: 0.0331514 per 1,000 people

# 49 Zambia: 0.0266383 per 1,000 people

# 50 Ukraine: 0.0244909 per 1,000 people

# 51 Slovakia: 0.0237525 per 1,000 people

# 52 Mauritius: 0.0219334 per 1,000 people

# 53 Turkey: 0.0180876 per 1,000 people

# 54 Japan: 0.017737 per 1,000 people

# 55 Hong Kong: 0.0150746 per 1,000 people

# 56 India: 0.0143187 per 1,000 people

# 57 Qatar: 0.0139042 per 1,000 people

# 58 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of: 0.0132029 per 1,000 people

# 59 Greece: 0.0106862 per 1,000 people

# 60 Georgia: 0.0100492 per 1,000 people

# 61 Armenia: 0.00938652 per 1,000 people

# 62 Indonesia: 0.00567003 per 1,000 people

# 63 Yemen: 0.0038597 per 1,000 people

# 64 Azerbaijan: 0.00379171 per 1,000 people

# 65 Saudi Arabia: 0.00329321 per 1,000 people

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I think the data is heavily skewed KDS. A lot of third world countries have a conservative code that frequently means rape victims are stigmatised and blamed afterwards in some way. Especially in brown countries. So the impetus to actual report the offense is diminished and the levels being reported are not any sort of reflection of the actual occurrence of rapes in that society. Think about it. Power differentials play a part too. If you're a poor girl in say India and you get raped by some son of a big shot, police are unlikely to give a shit. Plus your family will be shamed, so you keep it quiet.

In this respect the western nations you mention, who have managed to destigmatise the offense for women have a much higher reported rate. The truth is probably that the real figures of conservative nations are infinitely higher than the western ones. Even the western ones are most likely only a partial representation of the real rate.

Edited by dalsingh101
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Yeah.. The same thing was seen a hundred years ago when in Europe they started to register suicides. As suicide is considered a taboo and sin in Catholicism it was interesting to see the top 20 countries in Europe with the highest suicide rates.. There were apparently no suicides in catholic countries, as all of these were registred by the feamilies as accidents. It was only in protestant countries that there apparently were suicides taking place lol

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It seems that a lot of NRIs who are born and bred in the west and only go to India for visit every few years for 3 weeks have some preconceived ideas and notions about India and Indians which I'm glad to say is not based on reality but more so on their personal bias. This Data is not a surprise for me since I was raised in India and am currently living in the west and can attest to the ground realities in both societies despite what most NRIs think. This Data is a shock however for many NRIs and their notions about India. It's based on rapes per capita and west is far ahead!

Edited by Mithar
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It seems that a lot of NRIs who are born and bred in the west and only go to India for visit every few years for 3 weeks have some preconceived ideas and notions about India and Indians which I'm glad to say is not based on reality but more so on their personal bias. This Data is not a surprise for me since I was raised in India and am currently living in the west and can attest to the ground realities in both societies despite what most NRIs think. This Data is a shock however for many NRIs and their notions about India. It's based on rapes per capita and west is far ahead!

I don't think you've grasped what my last post was saying?

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I think the data is heavily skewed KDS. A lot of third world countries have a conservative code that frequently means rape victims are stigmatised and blamed afterwards in some way. Especially in brown countries. So the impetus to actual report the offense is diminished and the levels being reported are not any sort of reflection of the actual occurrence of rapes in that society. Think about it. Power differentials play a part too. If you're a poor girl in say India and you get raped by some son of a big shot, police are unlikely to give a shit. Plus your family will be shamed, so you keep it quiet.


When I posted this stat I was expecting these type of questions.You are right that rape cases in India are under reported but there is another side of story that there is lot of misuse of rape law in India.From Villages to big cities False rape cases are slapped sometimes to settle family dispute or sometimes on ex lovers to extract money

here is report on that


Now let me just do a simple calculation

The rapes are 1.5 per lakh compared to USA stat of 30.

Now out of 1.5 ,0.5 are fake that put reported rapes at 1 per Lakh Now Just expect only 20% cases are reported so Multiply it by 5 That means 5 rape cases per lakh,much lower than USA cases of 30 per lakh or Australian case of 77 per lakh.

Now despite low Public police ratio ,corruption etc if India has lesser rapes than credit should be given to Indian society

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Another criteria you need to consider is 'what is a rape?'

In most countries a husband cannnot legally/technically rape his wife, esp in Islamic countries where according to sharia scholars a wife must sumbit to her husbands sexual demands.

In the early 90's a case in the UK (Regina v R - I think) the judges stated that it is possible for a husband to rape his wife. So, overnight we had a new sub-category of a rape crime which pushed up the numbers of women considered as rape victims.

I ask you, in India if a husband forces himself on his legal wife, is it a crime or not?

As Dalsingh implied, in India a low caste girl raped by her master is usually not even considered a victim of any form of crime.

Also, as mentioned in the UK/West a lot of work has been done by the Govt/NGO's/charities to help women summon the courage and come forward to report rapes/sexual assualts without feeling shame or that they are somehow to blame for allowing it to happen.

IMO the attitude towards sexual crimes in India can partially be judged by the terms/euphemisms used by the general populace/media. Terms like eve-teasing just make light of a very serious offence. When I first heard of the term I thought it was general flirtation by boys; not the more serious offences that really goes on.

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IMO the attitude towards sexual crimes in India can partially be judged by the terms/euphemisms used by the general populace/media.

I fully agree with you here. Look at the most common euphemism "izaat loot".

So a raped women has been 'robbed of her honour'. We all know how important this whole izzat thing can be with apnay and to say someone has looted this is no small thing. It is natural that people would want to hide such a thing.

Also consider the after effects in terms of marriage prospects for the women in a society that values chastity arguably to extremes. So there is good reasons for an Indian women and her family would hide such an event. No?

In contrast, the culture in the Uk is vehemently against rape. Even in prisons sex offenders usually have to be segregated from the other prisoners because of the real threat of violent attacks on them for their offenses by other inmates.

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I ask you, in India if a husband forces himself on his legal wife, is it a crime or not?

At present It is a crime and more stringent law is in making but don't expect any decent women to use it as most of the pro women laws it is going to another tool in the hand of some greedy women to extract money


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Also consider the after effects in terms of marriage prospects for the women in a society that values chastity arguably to extremes. So there is good reasons for an Indian women and her family would hide such an event. No?

It totally depend on Girl,family and circumstance.For example if a girl is with her B/F and he rapes her either by giving her sedative then there is very good chance that she is not going to report it or not even tell her parents on the other hand if the girl family has slight power and she was harrassed or raped by some boy whose status is lower then the boy may be killed by the family.

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My point is that I personally find the data in this piece to be full of potential flaws for myriad reasons.

I don't think it can be trusted to represent ground level realities myself.

It's just a personal opinion, that's all.

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My point is that I personally find the data in this piece to be full of potential flaws for myriad reasons.

I don't think it can be trusted to represent ground level realities myself.

It's just a personal opinion, that's all.

All the data that is collected on any issue have flaws,but the problem is there is no alternate.Govt policies are framed on the basis of data of poverty,backward communities etc

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