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All Of You Londoners...


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..help me out!

I'm going to London next month for a few days. I don't have much time in Central London because my friends absolutely want to go to Westminster Abbey on 29th April for the wedding :blink:

I want to buy vegetarian (without eggs) sausages, beefs, cakes, muffins, salami etc. Anything vegetarian that I can bring home. We will be staying in/near Hayes so I need addresses of shops/centres etc. where I can buy these things.

Anything would be appreciated :) Thank you in advance.

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You sad case (for the wedding!)

I thought you was AKJ? Do you know how much Bhai Randhir Singh detested these feringhees! lol

Anyway, vegetarian stuff is commonly available in most large supermarkets here and you'll get a freezer cabinet full of stuff (you lucky lucky girl!)

Any of the larger Sainsburys will have these. Be careful to read the labels to avoid any GM (genetically modified) stuff and stuff with egg (if you don't eat it that is).

Edited by dalsingh101
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Thank you for the replies zulu and Suryadev. Do you know where I can buy "Hale & Hearty" products? They make vegan cake and pancakes mix.

Dal, you nut-case! I'm sure you'll be watching TV all day on Friday 29th April. You love the royal family, just admit it to yourself :)

Me being AKJ? Where did that come from? Don't jump to conclusions. I go to AKJ Smagams and any other Smagam which I can go to, does that make me AKJ, Taksali, Nihang or maybe a SGPC? I do not follow AKJ Rehat Maryada so therefore I am not an AKJ, are you?

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Thank you for the replies zulu and Suryadev. Do you know where I can buy "Hale & Hearty" products? They make vegan cake and pancakes mix.

Dal, you nut-case! I'm sure you'll be watching TV all day on Friday 29th April. You love the royal family, just admit it to yourself :)

Me being AKJ? Where did that come from? Don't jump to conclusions. I go to AKJ Smagams and any other Smagam which I can go to, does that make me AKJ, Taksali, Nihang or maybe a SGPC? I do not follow AKJ Rehat Maryada so therefore I am not an AKJ, are you?

Try big supermarkets such as tesco or morrinsons, they do a 'Free From' section with products such as eggless mayo, and veg cake mix's so try that.

As for the SGPC, one word....urgh.

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Dal, you nut-case! I'm sure you'll be watching TV all day on Friday 29th April. You love the royal family, just admit it to yourself :)

I'd rather watch paint dry. Seriously.

Me being AKJ? Where did that come from? Don't jump to conclusions. I go to AKJ Smagams and any other Smagam which I can go to, does that make me AKJ, Taksali, Nihang or maybe a SGPC? I do not follow AKJ Rehat Maryada so therefore I am not an AKJ, are you?

I got the wrong end of the stick then. No I'm not. I'm a dreaded, detested mona.

Bottom of the barrel of the Sikh community. Considered by some to even be beyond the pale of it! lol

yeah dal , dont you realise only snatanists frequent this site.????

har har mahadev!!!!!

That's not actually strictly accurate now is it.

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Thanks, Zulu, I will try Tesco.

Suryadev, I don't even know what a snatanist is.

Dal, what makes you think I'm an AKJ? I have never posted anything pro-akj maryada ( not that I have something against it) so I don't know where you got that conclusion from?

I didn't know you were a mona, but hey you learn something new everyday, right?

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Thanks, Zulu, I will try Tesco.

It's all about Sainsburys! lol

Suryadev, I don't even know what a snatanist is.

See I told you Surya! he he

Dal, what makes you think I'm an AKJ? I have never posted anything pro-akj maryada ( not that I have something against it) so I don't know where you got that conclusion from?

I think you posted a flyer from an AKJ program oncee and I foolishly made assumptions based on that. Other than that it could be the early effects of dementia?

I didn't know you were a mona, but hey you learn something new everyday, right?

Yep, I hope the revelation isn't too disappointing. I guess I am a sehajdhari Sikh.

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I post flyers of Sikhi events I'm going to, on Sikhi forums and facebook to spread the word. I have posted pictures of most of the events I've been to on my picasaweb gallery (akj, taksal etc.), I even went to Gurdwara Harianbela (Nihang Gurdwara) in 2007, does that make me a nihangnee? Jumping to conclusions has nothing to do with dementia, and you know that ;)

Well it was good that you told us. Now we know what to write on the shaadi.com profile we're making for you. "Mona, Sehajdhari Sikh looking for a jatti based in the UK or US. It has to be a jatti, no other castes will be approved." :D

I'm just kidding :-)

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It's cool, I like exposure to a wide range of interpretations of Sikhi too. Sometimes I like listening to the fast hard fast AKJ style simran (especially in winter!). I love DDT katha from Uncle/Giani Thakur Singh. Even western stuff like Snatam Kaur.

PS - Stop trying to make me blush.....

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Dal, what makes you think I'm an AKJ? I have never posted anything pro-akj maryada ( not that I have something against it) so I don't know where you got that conclusion from?

I too think that you are an AKJ.If I am not wrong you wear dastaar as somewhere you posted on Sikhsangat or I am mistaking you with some other member of Sikhsangat.Plus all your threads about vegan products make me feel that you are an AKJ

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i'm Rastafari LoL

none of that matters !!

there's no end to the possible labelling we could apply..

maybe someone out there is a black norwegian taksali bibeki ramgharia hindu sikh nihangni biggrin.gif

its all good, our Guru's open-minded that way.. everyones welcome :)

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Lol I think it's very funny how people think I'm an AKJ because I'm a vegetarian and posted an AKJ poster on a forum.

No, there are no pictures of me on any Sikh forum so it must be another member you're talking about, kdsingh80.

AKJ is not the only Jatha who promotes lacto vegetarianism, Taksal promotes bibek and lacto vegetarianism too and other Jathe does too.

I've been a vegetarian since I was 15, I didn't know anything about religion back then. I know it's quite boring for you to hear, but in October 1998 I wanted to see for how long I could live without meat. First time it lasted for 14 days, then I ended up at McD eating a McChicken lol.. I became vegetarian a couple of months later. In the beginning it can be hard, because there are so many things you should avoid including gelatine. After a couple of months you get used to it and then you get disgusted by meat!

I started studying biology at uni and when you get a deeper understanding of all the organs, you will stop eating meat! You get disgusted by chicken legs, wings, turkey, beef etc. I went to a Halal slaughterhouse with my Muslim friend recently and there was a menu card with kidneys, livers, tongue etc. I mean how can you eat an animal's kidney? The kidney's produce the urine. How can you eat an organ which produces the urine. YUK!

Sorry to go off-topic, no offence to all those who eat meat, goodnight everyone :)

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You just made me spit out my steak and kidney pie all over the screen. Thanks a lot.

ha ha!

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i'm Rastafari LoL

none of that matters !!

there's no end to the possible labelling we could apply..

maybe someone out there is a black norwegian taksali bibeki ramgharia hindu sikh nihangni biggrin.gif

its all good, our Guru's open-minded that way.. everyones welcome :)

You are not Rastafar-I.

who is rastafari? His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Sellasie I, conquering Lion of the tribe of JUDAHHH!!!

His birth name was Tafari....Ras means duke....hence why many followers of H.I.M say InI follower of RASTAFARI, the duke tafari, he was rab da roop!

InI play special request!!

See my Avatar do you know who that is ;)

Btw I am all for having a laugh etc, just like this but when some so called Sikhs actually start saying things like above what I said and believing its just a piss take, I can count for ages the amount of apneh I have come across who wear tshirts of H.I.M say all the words associated with him such as lion of judah elect of god himself things and give thanks and praise to H.I.M kind of a piss take, put as much effort into your own faith than putting it into a man who never claimed he was incarnation of Jesus and didnt agree with Rastafarians about his divinity.

Just my little rant.

sorry for being off-topic, mods can delete if they wish.


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